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St. Thomas discusses ties of blood, ‘whiteness’, and kinship
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Fr. Bonaventure provides the Catholic definition of race
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St. Isidore of Seville distinguishes between the ‘nation’ and ‘race’, identifying them as species and genus, respectively
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St. Thomas on the favorability of an ethno-State, that is, a State comprised of only one nation.
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St. Augustine dispels the popular and liberal misunderstanding of Gal. 3:28, offering instead, the Catholic view
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St. Cyprian, in confining common sense, observes that it is a “source of great joy” to have children that look like you
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St. John Chrysostom exhorts his readers on the obligations to our blood-relations, whether family or kin
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In his encyclical on the Church and the German Reich, Pius XI explains proper and improper—in other words condemned—racialism
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Abp. Grober details a right to preserve one’s race and says the home race and and culture should be protected
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Pius XII teaches that the diverse nations can be treated as a “sacred inheritance” and guarded at “all costs”
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Fr. Bonaventure observes that incidental and accidental racial hierarchies do not destroy the unity of mankind
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Fr. Bonaventure says intellectual and moral qualities are determined, in part, by a man’s heredity
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Catholic prelates endorse Italian racial laws
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Cd. Faulhaber remarks on racial research and efforts at preserving racial purity
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Abp. McQuaid unmasks the Jewish conspiracy against the Church
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Abp. McQuaid denounces the infamous ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man’ and its effects
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Rev. Grenier explains how nations have a right to self-preservation and a national language—both being qualities of unity.
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Abp. Verot demonstrates the moral legitimacy of servitude, and denounces the “fanaticism” and errant thinking of abolitionists.
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In his rigorous Catholic defense of slavery, Ab. Verot dispels popular reports of abuse in the Confederate South, and proposes a clear, moral program to define the rights and duties of both masters and servants.
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What to make of ‘Anti-Semitism’, from an Irish Catholic priest, doctor and professor of philosophy, Fr. Denis Fahey (C.S.Sp.).