SS Eddy Fitz of The Trve Hellenic Shitpost Empire pinned «I promised and such as it is, Glory to our new born king, I delivered.»
WHAMMO💣🎇... You just got SMACKKED🖐️🏾with a HANDFUL of HUMAN 👳🏾♂️SHIT!!! 💩You have THREE (3) SECONDS ⏰3⃣to type *H1B* or TWENTY (20) 👳🏾♂️💆🏾♂️🙋🏾♂️👨🏾👨🏾🦱POO GUY will appear 🧙🏾🪄behind you to 🥊SMIDDACK 👊🏾🤮 the TOP OF YOUR HEAD 🎩🟫with a HANDFUL 👏🏾🙅🏾💩 of HUMAN SHIT!!! 💩🪰
Forwarded from Hyperborean memes
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Here comes the sun!
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Admins waking up on the Third Day of Christmas
Kill left lane campers. Behead left lane campers. Roundhouse kick a left lane camper into the concrete. Slam dunk a left lane camper baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy left lane campers. Defecate in a left lane campers food. Launch left lane campers into the sun. Stir fry left lane campers in a wok. Toss left lane campers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a left lane campers gas tank. Judo throw left lane campers into a wood chipper. Twist left lane campers heads off. Report left lane campers to the IRS. Karate chop left lane campers in half. Curb stomp pregnant left lane campers.