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Украйна: Между два огъня

Анархисти в региона за надвисналата заплаха от война (02-03-2022)


Как да получиш това, което желаеш?

Какво желаеш най-много на този свят? Повече пари, нов лаптоп, ваканция? Да отслабнеш с 10 килограма, да се прибереш навреме от работа за любимия си сериал? Или е нещо повече от това? Нещо, което е трудно да се определи?

Включи се в съпротивата, почувствай любовта!

Влюбването е основен акт на революцията, на съпротивата срещу днешния досаден, обществено ограничителен, културно свиващ се, безсмислен свят.

Живот и оцеляване: Да си върнем живота в ръце

Каквото и да твърди медицината, съществува разлика между живота и оцеляването. За да си жив не е достатъчно да имаш само сърцебиене и мозъчна активност. Да бъдеш жив, наистина жив, е нещо много по-сложно и великолепно.

Прикриването на смъртта

Опитай се да си представиш момента на твоята смърт—може би след десетилетия далеч в бъдещето, а може би само след няколко години или дори месеци.

Работа в системата: Да ги бием в тяхната игра?


Diventate anarchici o tacete per sempre

Né i tribunali né le leggi saranno sufficienti a fermare la discesa verso l'autocrazia. È necessario che un gran numero di persone intraprenda un'azione diretta di propria iniziativa - in altre parole, che diventi anarchica.

Афинитетни групи

Дори никога да не сте участвали в преки акции, дори и ако това е първия радикален текст, който ви попада в ръцете, напълно е възможно вече да сте част от афинитетна група – най-ефективната доказана структура за всякакъв вид “партизанска” дейност.

Fight where you stand!

“We are anarcho-syndicalists on the shop floor, green anarchists in the woods, social anarchists in our communities, individualists when you catch us alone, anarcho-communists when there’s something to share, insurrectionists when we strike a blow.”
Violences sacrificielles et représailles

Nous explorons les réponses à deux exécutions extrajudiciaires différentes afin de comprendre les différentes formes de violence qui se manifestent actuellement dans notre société. En annexe, nous proposons un tour d’horizon incomplet de diverses réponses à l’assassinat de Brian Thompson, le PDG d’UnitedHealthcare.

In March 1921, an uprising on the island fortress of Kronstadt brought the conflict within the Russian revolution to a head, pitting those who desired to reorganize life via horizontally organized workers’ councils [soviets] against those pursuing a one-party dictatorship.

Want to understand the values and goals of the participants in the Kronstadt revolt? The best place to start is to read the daily paper they produced. We've published all fourteen issues here in translation:
As Donald Trump's tariffs go into effect, imposing gratuitous financial burdens on ordinary people on both sides of the borders, let's remember that the original resistance to neoliberalism came from anti-capitalists who wanted to "make the earth a common treasury for all," not reactionary nationalists trying to return to the Gilded Age.

At the high point of the movement against capitalist globalization, hundreds of thousands of protesters repeatedly shut down global trade summits in order to call for a more equitable distribution of resources and agency. Anarchists were at the forefront of this, calling for the reinvention of the commons.

Neoliberals and neoconservatives cooperated to suppress the so-called "anti-globalization" movement by brute force. As a result, nationalists like Trump were able to pretend to be the only alternative to neoliberalism.

But the nationalists only offer an even worse form of capitalism.
We keep hearing a binary narrative in which criminal oligarchs are undermining the rule of law.

It would be more precise to identify three camps:

—centrists who fetishize the rule of law as a good in and of itself;

—oligarchs aiming to overhaul the current courts and laws to be even more brutal;

—and those who reject both camps in favor of real freedom and equality.
CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective
We keep hearing a binary narrative in which criminal oligarchs are undermining the rule of law. It would be more precise to identify three camps: —centrists who fetishize the rule of law as a good in and of itself; —oligarchs aiming to overhaul the current…
In the first camp, we find those who believe that a certain amount of self-determination is acceptable, as long as it falls neatly within whatever laws happen to be on the books. They are also at ease with a wide range of ruthless self-seeking oppressive activity, provided it complies with the law.

In the second camp, we find those who are determined to consolidate power in their own hands, regardless of what laws happen to be on the books. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and their various capitalist and fascist backers aim to replace the current laws and courts with something even worse.

In the third camp, we find those who believe that regardless of what laws happen to be on the books, no one should be able to dominate anyone else—whether by hoarding access to resources or wielding the instruments of state repression.

There is no excuse for tyranny.
2025/03/13 20:11:13
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