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Unafraid and Unbroken Ursula Haverbeck departed this world at age 96, defying world jewry until her last breath.

The Renegade Revisionist.

The world's oldest and most viciously persecuted political prisoner, who, back in June, was sentenced to 16 months in prison for "Holocaust denial".

And up until this very moment when breath departed her lungs and her soul departed for Heaven, she didn't give the Jews a millimeter. She denied the Jews' Holocrock - as all free-thinking humans should - and defended National Socialism without anything remotely resembling a trepidation.

She never succumbed.

She never surrendered.

Under the jackboot of full-blown ZOG tyranny she stood firm with all of her eloquence and all of her defiance, that 6 million didn't die; that the version of events about World War II sold to humanity by the Jews and the Allied Powers is an abomination of what actually happened.

Persecuted,harassed, imprisoned... she never doubted, never gave up, never stopped believing, never stopped smiling!
I loved those who resist when everyone gives up, those who refuse when everyone accepts, those who remain faithful when everyone betrays.

Jean Mabire
“Human life is short, but I would like to live forever.”

-Yukio Mishima, leaving a note on the morning of November 25, 1970, a few hours before his Seppuku.
Answer violence with violence. If one of us falls today, five of them must fall tomorrow.

Evita Perón
Per la Siria, Per Assad
It was much easier to love the dead than the living.

Atlantism is the opium of political Europe,Americanism is the morphine that stupefies us and robs us of all personality.

Jean Thiriart

Przemoc nie ma płci – to uniwersalny problem, który dotyka zarówno kobiety, mężczyzn, jak i dzieci. Niestety, w wielu kampaniach społecznych to mężczyźni są często przedstawiani jako główni sprawcy przemocy, co utrwala stereotypy i nie oddaje pełnej prawdy. W rzeczywistości przemoc może być stosowana przez każdego, niezależnie od płci, i wymaga równej uwagi oraz wsparcia dla wszystkich ofiar. Walcząc z przemocą, musimy kierować się rzetelnym obrazem rzeczywistości, a nie uproszczeniami, które wykluczają innych z tej ważnej dyskusji.
Zapraszam na gdzie po nowym roku znajdziecie także wzory projektowane przeze mnie.

Wszystkiego dobrego na nowy rok koledzy i koleżanki
7 January marks another anniversary of the tragic deaths of three young nationalists on the Acca Larentia street in Rome. The events took place during the famous ‘Years of Lead’, during which national-revolutionary forces fought in the streets against the police and communists.
People ask me: ‘You want to deport illegal immigrants. Have you thought about their children?’ Of course I have. Parents and children should not be separated, they should be deported together.

Jean-Marie Le Pen died today
2025/01/12 03:26:16
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