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Sztyletnicy - egzekutorzy powstania styczniowego. Nieśli śmierć konfidentom, zdrajcom, carskim urzędnikom i żandarmom. Pojawiali się nagle, w ciemnej bramie, przed drzwiami mieszkania. Wyrok wykonywali na miejscu.

Terror dla niepodległości.
“Never lose hope, be persistent and stubborn and never give up. There are many cases in history where apparent losers suddenly unexpectedly become winners, so never conclude that all hope is lost.”

- Theodore Kaczynski
The reason why people believe lies so easily is because they don't want to fight for ideology and don't want to suffer for the truth.

Ferenc Szálasi
Każda inna wszystkie białe

Ziarna buntu wciąż wydają plon. powraca!
The marching of thousands of boots, the rhythmic humming that shook the ground itself, the joy that ruled hearts and minds - this is what started on October 28, 1922. On the next day, the King has submitted to a new Cäsar.

Demonstration of power and unmatched strength, supported by the love of the people tired of uncertainty and leftism, grounded in a discipline and unwavering loyalty, made a miracle that day.
Welcome difficult times, because they will bring about the purification of cowards.
On this day in 1936, Spanish nationalist activist and political philosopher Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, founder of the ‘Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista’ (JONS), was executed by a Republican militia at the onset of the Spanish Civil War.

⚔️ In 1934, his movement merged with José Antonio Primo de Riveras’ ‘Falange Española.’ Ledesma Ramos designed the symbol of the newly formed ‘Falange Española de las JONS’: the yoke and arrows.
For us, quality is more important than quantity. A select minority, full of strong faith and aware of their purpose, is more valued by us than the quiet, tolerant flock, obedient to their shepherd and fleeing at the first howl of the wolf.

Już jutro widzimy się w Nacjonalistycznej Kolumnie na Marszu Niepodległości!

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Ojcowie Niepodległości
On 11/11/2007, Josué Estébanez was traveling on the subway when he was surrounded by a mob of antifa. For defending his own life he was sentenced to 26 years in prison.
60lat Ludwika!
2025/01/12 11:48:15
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