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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000001 👣

🐱 «Кот Гэндальф» 🐱

This NFT, was the project founders first step towards the charitypop culture that Pёs preaches.

Pёs decided that this is a worthy specimen, in order to take the pedestal of the honorable starting exhibit...

👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀

Данная NFT, была первым шажочком основателей проекта на пути к charitypop культуры, которую проповедует Пёс.

Пёс решил, что это достойный экземпляр, для того, что бы занять пьедестал почетного стартового экспоната
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000002 👣

🫠«Pës’s business card»🫠

😛This NFT business card was created based on an unprocessed photograph of Pës from the «Mokryy nos», who served as the inspiration for the entire project [YellowDogFund] and also became the frontman of the first charity collection from Pës.

🤝So, as a charitable foundation, this business card is in one copy, you can get acquainted with it in more detail in this wallet.
[Pës will be grateful if you like his business card, if you, like him, are touched by Eclair’s story]

🥇P.S. At the moment, Pës is working on getting guardianship over Eclair, and when this happens, we will definitely add to this exhibit.🍽

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😛Данная NFT-визитка была создано на основе не обработанной фотографии Пса из приюта «Мокрый нос», который и послужил вдохновителем для всего проекта [YellowDogFund] а так же, стал фронтмэном первой благотворительной коллекции от Пса.

🤝Так, как фонд благотворительный, данная визитка в одном экземпляре, ознакомится с ней подробнее можно в этом кошельке.
[Пес будет признателен если лайкните его визитку, если вас, так же как и его, тронет история Эклера]

🥇P.S. В данный момент Пёс работает над тем, что бы оформить над Эклером опекунство, и как это случится, мы обязательно дополним этот экспонат.🍽
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000003 👣

🫶«First charity donation»🫶

😉This person was the first to participate in the mini event «Surprise Pës with Donations», which undoubtedly surprised Pës and became the winner and a candidate for the bronze voucher. But at the same time, the man decided to donate his prize back to Pës so that he could continue to use it as a tool in his events.

🥺It gave Pёs hope, at the very moment when he already thought it was all for nothing.....

🤝Pës couldn't help but celebrate such a person and he ended up getting an NFT marker from Pës.

👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀

😉Этот человек, первый поучаствовал в мини ивенте «Удиви Пса Донатом», чем несомненно, удивил Пса и стал победителем и претендентом на бронзовый ваучер. Но при этом, человек решил пожертвовать свой приз обратно Псу, что бы он и дальше, мог использовать его в качестве инструмента в своих ивентах.

🥺Это дало надежду Псу, в тот самый момент, когда он уже думал, что всё зря…

🤝Пёс не мог не отметить такого человека и в итоге он получил NFT-маркер от Пса.
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000004 👣

👨‍💻«First charity donation with comment»👨‍💻

❤️This person, was the first to post a comment, which is extremely important for Pёs and for the history of the whole project. Thank you...

👌Comments like this that are invaluable feedback for Pёs, from sincere and caring people...

😎Every story of attention...

🫡Should go for museum...

👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀

❤️Этот человек, первый написал комментарий, что чрезвычайно важно для Пса и для истории всего проекта. Спасибо…

👌Именно такие комментарии, это бесценный фитбэк для Пса, от искренних и неравнодушных людей…

😎Каждая история внимания…

🫡Должна попасть в музей
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000005 👣

😎«First charity donation [NFT]»😎

😎This person, showed originality and was the first who send NFT to Pёs as a donation.
Thank you...

😇All such donations will be used by Pёs as tools for future charitable activities.

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😎Этот человек, проявил оригинальность и первым отправил Псу в качестве пожертвования NFT.

😇Все такие пожертвования, Пёс будет в дальнейшем использовать, в качестве инструментов для проведения будущих благотворительных активностей.
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000006 👣

🤝«First charity donation with help»🤝

🥰This person, not only sent Donat with an insanely valuable comment, but also addressed to Pёs in a private message with advice, where Pёs could still talk about the event with impunity...
And such support is also very important, even Pёs doesn't know how much and how much you can help Pёs on his hard way...🤫

🫡This is a great example that everyone can help... if they are really willing to help...

🫶Thank you...

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🥰Этот человек, не просто отправил Донат с безумно ценным комментарием, но и еще обратился к Псу в личку с советами, где бы Пёс, мог еще, безнаказанно рассказать о проходящем мероприятии
И такая поддержка тоже, очень важна, даже Пёс не знает на сколько и чем вы можете подсобить Псу на его нелегком пути…🤫

🫡Это отличный пример того, что каждый может помочь… если он реально готов помогать…

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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000007 👣

😤«First man who scamed Pës»😤

😛People, be careful, this guy[@fuweis_man]is a liar🐇

🧐Pës is a charity project whose goal is to help homeless animals as much as possible.

🫠Pës doesn’t pay money for promotion, because at this stage, it is the same, as taking away money for help…

🙄However, Pës broke this rule to highlight another charity Pës’s event.

😱In the end, Pës was scammed at 8 TON...

🥺There is sincerity in naivety...

👀It's time for people to stop using this bug…

This is the way…
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000008 👣

💲«Pëss first coronation and his sacrifice. Birth of the $PES philosophy»💲

🙃$PËS is a meme token created by Pës, in order to draw attention to the problems of homeless cats and dogs.

🧐$PËS is a social experiment, where Pës is trying to prove that there are a lot of good and caring peopleThey just need to find each other...

👍If you're holding $PËS, you don't give a damn and you know that it's been scientifically proven that Darwen was wrong.

🤘Law of evolution:🤘

🥺The kindest survive...
ask the Bonobo about what does Pës talk about)

😇Pës is trying to prove this to humanity and give them a chance to evolve...

🤔P.S. They told Pës that Twitter is no more?

👨‍💻Someone should tell Elon, that if he really loves dogs and wants to take care of them publicly, then let him buy TON and convert them into $PËS and HOLD!
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000009 👣

🕯«Second Pës’s coronation and deliverance from unbelievers

📊Presentation work scheme of $PËS philosophy...»


$PËS — mor then MEMECOIN
Philosophy of $PËS holders🫡

-☕️ you feel normby a little $PËS and Hold [to have an attention to animals]

-🍸 you feel goodHold $PËS and by more when you can do it

-😳 you fill very very bad(, but you are holder $PËS, sell $PËS!!! Don’t worry about price… Pës and his Pësman will work for better prices…

-😎 if you feel very very good, or if you feel like you're Tony Stark at heart — your buy and hold $PËS as much, as you can give for popular charity.

🫶 [Popcharity]🫶

For those, who can’t help themselves and feel very very bad, to solve they problems faster

-Pës philosophy is based on trust, the institution of reputation, and sincerity😎

This is the only way humanity to evolution… because the true law of evolution is: “the kindest survive
[scientific fact - Darwin was wrong]🧐

- Blockchain remembers everyone who helped Pës, but Pës keep his name and don’t lose that naivety)

There is sincerity in naivety...

This is the way...

it's simple...
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000010 👣

👑«Awaiting the third coronation…»👑




This is the way…🤫
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000011 👣


😉This exhibit is dedicated to the Dogs project.

🥳As you know, this project was started by a story on gasPUMP...

😤When another token creator robbed the community, but then the community rallied and didn’t abandon the project,
and then a true precedent was set in the name of everyone's favorite Dog...

🤫Pёs of course at first upset, because Pës is the same founder, he definitely didn’t intend to shave you.

🧐This is how he planned to develop $PËS, but only he alone, and there is a whole community TON, this is a precedent.

🥰So Pёs decided to be happy for the guys and also support their project, because their case it fits perfectly into the philosophy of Pёs.
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000012 👣

🤘«YPSA Project start»🤘

[YPSANo more headaches]

😎Pёs is growing up, and with it what he's doing.

😱Now into the [YDF] ecosystem enters a service like YPSA.

😵‍💫So far, Pёs is engaged in YPSA in such regions as Moscow and the Moscow suburbs

🤡All who are interested in who will spend a wonderful time with their shaggy friend, as well as to learn about all the conditions and services provided can go to the link and download the service's app.👣

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🤘«Проект УПСА стартовал»🤘

[УПСАБольше не болит голова]

😎Пёс растёт ,а вместе с ним и то чем он занимается.

😱Теперь в экосистему [YDF] входит такой сервис как «у Пса на передержке» или просто УПСА.

😵‍💫Пока что Пёс работает в таких регионах как Москва и Подмосковье.

🤡Всем, кому интересно, с кем будет проводить чудесно время их лохматый друг , а так же узнать о всех условиях и предоставляемых услугах, могут перейти по ссылке и скачать приложение сервиса.👣
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👣 EXHIBIT #0,00000013 👣

🔣«The first, classic charity auction»🔣

🤪It was a very interesting first experience.

🥰It was at least cozy and lampy.😘

🫠Pës tried, it was fun)🥵

This is the way…

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🔣«Первый классический, аукцион благотворительный»🔣

🤪Это был очень интересный первый опыт.

🥰Было как минимум уютно и лампово.😘

🫠Пёс старался, было весело)🥵

Таков путь…
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2024/10/05 12:20:17
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