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🤝We are asking you to support the anti-authoritarian group of international fighters who risk their lives in the fight against russian occupiers. Among them are Jakub from the Czech Republic, Bender, and Loki. They are fighting against the Russian dictatorship, and now they urgently need an SUV to carry out combat missions in eastern Ukraine.

✍️As the guys write:
“We are working in the eastern sector, and our vehicle was recently burned by separatist bastards at night. We are asking you to help us raise funds for a new car so we can continue to fulfill our missions and help in the fight.”

🔥This fundraiser is organized by the Solidarity Collectives and the Czech Anarchist Federation AFED

Stories of the fighters:

🖤Jakub (Czech Republic):
"Hello, my name is Jakub, I am an anarchist, I have a wife and a daughter and recently I went to fight for Ukraine. I made the decision together with my wife, who is from here. From the very beginning we discussed the possibility of active participation, but it was mostly emotions rather than real considerations. The situation changed when the second anniversary of the invasion approached. A shortage of manpower was becoming apparent. So my wife and I decided that we had to take part in the fighting directly. Someone would stay here with our daughter and someone would go and join in the defense of civilians from the fascist occupation. We considered both options, but in the end it turned out that I went. I am now fighting in a mortar unit alongside several other anarchist comrades."

“To the question ‘Why did you come to fight?’, I answer simply: ‘Why shouldn't I have?’ Fighting against dictatorial regimes like Putin's is my path. Actions, protests and punk concerts are forever in my heart. I like Ukraine and its brave people very much, I feel at home here. I could not hold back my tears when I heard about the full-scale invasion on the radio.”

"My call sign is Loki, and I am a mortar gunner. For me, the fight against dictatorship is not a new phenomenon. When it became clear in the 90s that authoritarian regimes could return, I began to realize that we were facing a new round of repression. Unfortunately, this scenario is repeating itself: the Russian regime continues to bring death and repression not only to its own people, but also to neighboring states.
“The Russian imperial machine has not changed: it continues to support far-right organizations and dictatorships around the world. We cannot allow it to spread its influence further. That's why I'm here, as part of an international group of anti-authoritarian fighters, to stop it and defend the freedom that is so hard to achieve. This struggle is not a discussion, but it is the active destruction of the fascist regime.”

“Fascism is not to be debated, it is to be destroyed!” Buenaventura Durruti

The goal is to raise 10,000 euros.

🔗Link to the fundraising jar

💳Bank card number
5375 4112 2244 7760

[email protected]
🇺🇦 Наш товариш, Олексій Макаров, дав інтерв’ю одному з найбільших французьких телеканалів France 24.

🇬🇧 Our friend Alexey Makarov gave an interview to France 24, one of the largest French TV channels.
Анархист:ки из Восточной Европы снова на телевидение. В этот раз наш товарищ Алексей Макаров рассказывает в студии France 24 об участии анархист:ок в защите украинского общества от российского империализма. Язык интервью английский.

Anarchists from Eastern Europe are on television again. This time, our comrade Aleksey Makarov tells in the France 24 studio about the anarchists participation in the defense of the Ukrainian society from Russian imperialism. Language English.
🇺🇦 Друзі й подруги, це фінальний звіт про наш збір на РЕБи для бійців-антиавторитаріїв

Збір, метою якого було захистити наших бійців та бійчинь від ворожих fpv-дронів, відбувався у два етапи.

У січні Колективи Солідарності , GNIP, Radical Aid Force, Анархістська федерація Чехії та Center for Spatial Technologies завершили перший етап спільного збору коштів.

Його друга частина – «Великий весняний збір на Кульбаби» була закрита «Колективами Солідарності» та GNIP на початку травня.

Усього вдалося зібрати 34824 євро

На них ми закупили:

12 детекторів дронів;
10 комплексів РЕБ;
1 набір комплектуючих для виготовлення власної установки РЕБ.

Особливо довго довелося чекати на виготовлення детекторів дронів, черга розтягнулася на декілька місяців. Але, нарешті, все придбане обладнання у біців, а передані РЕБи вже глушать російські дрони.

Ми неймовірно вдячні всім ініціативам та людям, що взяли участь у зборі. А ще більш вдячні бійці, яким придбане з вашою допомогою обладнання щодня рятує життя.
🇬🇧 Dear friends, this is the final report on our fundraising for electronic warfare (EW) devices for anti-authoritarian fighters

The fundraising campaign, which aimed to protect our fighters from enemy FPV drones, was carried out in two stages.

In January, the Solidarity Collectives, GNIP, Radical Aid Force, Anarchist Federation of the Czech Republic and Center for Spatial Technologies completed the first stage of the joint fundraising.

The second part, “Spring Fundraising for ‘Dandelions’”, was concluded by the Solidarity Collectives and GNIP in early May.

In total, we managed to raise 34 824 euros.

With this money, we bought:
12 drone detection radar systems;
10 EW systems;
1 set of components for building our own electronic warfare system.

We had to wait a particularly long time for the manufacturing of the drone detection radars, since the queue stretched for several months. But finally, all the purchased equipment has been delivered, and the EW devices are already jamming Russian drones.

We are incredibly grateful to all the initiatives and people who took part in this fundraising. Our fighters deeply appreciate every donation, as this equipment is saving countless lives every day.
2024/10/15 01:21:23
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