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I'm slowly realizing that some of y'all on here with specific realistic paintings of women as pfp's have some of the worst personalities. πŸ’€

It's very specific.
My priest advised me to take awhile off of social media and to engage in fasting from media in general. He said it might be a few months. Others might post for me though.

I have a difficult time fasting from media because I'm so used to it. Food is easy. But. I'm in a sensitive turning point in my life and I need some prayers to move towards having a better life.
Y'know the conversion process is forever. I want to say thank you to anyone who made Christian content up until now.
"Noooooo, you must spend every waking moment online consuming bullshit"

I had this video autoplay when I was praying the rosary with a youtube video. It must have been through God's Providence that it came into my feed via autoplay because I haven't been watching any youtube videos for a few weeks now. I always have autoplay turned off.

It really struck a chord for me. I love Mother Angelica and I hope this video helps any of you too if you need it.

Mother Angelica is quite comedic without trying to be.
2025/02/01 23:10:00
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