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❗️14 января под председательством главы Коллегии Евразийской экономической комиссии Бакытжана Сагинтаева состоялось первое в 2025 году заседание Коллегии ЕЭК.

Рассмотрены 14 вопросов в сферах:
▫️агропромышленного комплекса,
▫️таможенного сотрудничества,
▫️технического регулирования,

Коллегия расширила возможности применения заявления о выпуске товаров до подачи декларации
ЕЭК утвердила новую редакцию Программы по разработке межгосударственных стандартов к техрегламенту на магистральные трубопроводы
ЕАЭС введет антидемпинговую пошлину на литые алюминиевые колесные диски из Японии, Таиланда, Турции и Малайзии
ЕЭК утвердила новую редакцию Программы по разработке межгосударственных стандартов к техрегламенту на магистральные трубопроводы

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#InMemoriam #HistoryOfDiplomats

💼 Alexander #Griboyedov, an outstanding Russian diplomat and writer, was born on January 15, 1795.

🎓 An exceptional high-achiever, Alexander Griboyedov entered university when he was just 12 years old, which was something unthinkable back then, just as it is today. He spent six years as a university student, during which he obtained three academic degrees. His friend Pushkin, who entered diplomatic service at about the same time, rightly referred to Griboyedov as “one of the smartest persons in Russia.”

In 1818, Griboyedov received an appointment as secretary of Russia’s diplomatic mission to Persia. His effort to return 158 Russian soldiers who served the Persian Shah by risking his life while accompanying them on their way from Persia to Tiflis was one of his career’s highlights.

📜 Alexander Griboyedov contributed to drafting the Treaty of Turkmenchay which ended the 1826−1828 Second Russo-Persian War and marked a major milestone in Russia’s oriental policy. Apart from Russia’s military might, Russian diplomats and their diligent efforts shaped Russia’s relations with the East. In fact, Griboyedov made every effort to improve Russia’s relations with Iran by not only bringing them back to normal but also facilitating the emergence of strong friendly ties between the two countries.

✍️ Alexander Griboyedov is better known to the wider public as the author of Woe and Wit, an immortal masterpiece of 19th century literature which has retained its relevance to this day.
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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺

🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions during a news conference on the outcomes of Russian diplomacy in 2024 (January 14, 2025)

Read in full


💬 FM Sergey #Lavrov: We are living in a historical era or confrontation between those who uphold the fundamental principles of international law <...> which have been formulated, set out and put forth in the most important international document – the UN Charter – and those who are not satisfied with that document, who decided <...> that they could not live in accordance with the wishes of the “political West”, <...> those who oppose multipolarity.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin has repeatedly explained the true root causes of the special military operation in Ukraine. We had to begin to repel an attack, a war waged against us by the collective West with the main goal of suppressing competition when Russia re-emerged as its strong rival on the international arena.

Their main goal was to weaken our country geopolitically, creating direct military threats to us right on our borders, on Russia’s native territories, <...> in an attempt to slash our strategic potential and devalue it as much as possible.

The second reason also has to do with the history of the region, only it was more about the people who have lived on that land for centuries. <...> These people were labelled ‘terrorists’ by the current Ukrainian regime, which came to power through a coup d'etat. And when they refused to accept it, that regime launched an all-out offensive against all things Russian. <...>

There has been a revival in efforts to oppose the Western diktat, with emerging economies and new centres of financial power in China, India, ASEAN, the Arab world, and CELAC. This group also includes a resurgent Russia together with its allies from the EAEU, the CIS, and CSTO. This also includes the SCO and #BRICS.

The United States does not want to have any competitors anywhere, starting with the energy sector. <...> The United States and its allies have placed sanctions policies at the core of what they do on the international stage, including regarding Russia. This demonstrates their refusal to engage in fair economic competition and their commitment to using unfair, aggressive practices for suppressing their opponents.



The West is intoxicated by its perceived “greatness,” its impunity, and its self-endowed authority to dictate the destinies of peoples worldwide. This reflects arrogance and a disdainful attitude towards the rest of the world. It is yet another brazen assertion that when we speak of “democracy,” it signifies merely one thing – “we do as we please.” <...> It is sheer hypocrisy, dictatorial behaviour, disrespect for the populace.


UN Security Council reform is needed. Not all countries that bear special responsibility in the global economy, finance, politics, and military affairs are represented in the UN Security Council. It has been pointed out repeatedly that countries such as India and Brazil have long earned permanent Security Council membership on all counts, as has Africa.


Russia-China partnership is among the key factors stabilising modern international life and the ongoing processes that are used, among other things, to escalate confrontation and hostility in international affairs, which is what our neighbours from NATO engage in under US guidance.

#USA #Ukraine

As soon as Donald Trump assumes the presidency and articulates his final stance on Ukrainian matters, we will examine it. <...> The increasing reference to the realities “on the ground” is a development likely to be welcomed.


Our relations with Serbia are grounded solely in the interests of the Serbian and Russian peoples, as well as our respective states. Our interests align on the vast majority of issues. These relations are rich with specific agreements and projects, including those in the energy sector, approved by our heads of state, governments, and companies.
📅 18 января 1654 года в городе Переяславе запорожские казаки во главе с гетманом Богданом Хмельницким объявили о своём решении перейти «под высокую руку» московского царя.

С момента образования Речи Посполитой католическая знать проводила в отношении населявших древнерусские земли жителей политику агрессивного ополячивания и латинизации, сопровождавшуюся захватом значительных земельных владений. Под угрозой утраты религиозной и национальной идентичности постепенно начало формироваться освободительное движение православного населения Поднепровья, сложились предпосылки для объединения сторонников выхода из-под гнёта шляхты и воссоединения с Россией.

В 1640-50-е годы центром борьбы против иноземных поработителей стала Запорожская Сечь – своеобразная казацкая вольница, куда стекались беглые люди. В 1648 году здесь началось восстание запорожских казаков под предводительством Богдана Хмельницкого.

Войско Запорожское неоднократно изъявляло желание перейти в русское подданство. В 1653 году гетман Богдан Хмельницкий обратился к государю Алексею Михайловичу с просьбой принять «всю Малороссию его и всё Войско Запорожское в вечное своё твёрдое владение, подданство и покровительство». В мае того же года в Москве прошел Земский собор, на котором было принято однозначное решение в пользу присоединения к Русскому государству.

18 января 1654 года была созвана Переяславская Рада, на которой Богдан Хмельницкий, казацкая старшина и местное население единодушно присягнули на верность России. Там же была зачитана грамота царя Алексея Михайловича «о принятии под высокую царскую руку всего Войска Запорожского с городами и землями».

Последовавшая затяжная война Русского государства с Речью Посполитой носила, по сути, освободительный характер, и завершилась Андрусовским перемирием 1667 года. Окончательные итоги закрепил «Вечный мир» 1686 года. В состав Русского государства вошли город Киев и земли левобережья Днепра, включая Полтавщину, Черниговщину, а также Запорожье. Их жители воссоединились с основной частью русского православного народа. За самой этой областью утвердилось название «Малая Русь» (Малороссия).

❗️Переяславская Рада 1654 года отразила естественный исторический процесс по возвращению древнерусских земель в состав единого Русского государства и воссоединению народа, некогда проживавшего в одном государстве и впоследствии разделённого в результате междоусобицы.


👉 Статья Президента России В.В.Путина «Об историческом единстве русских и украинцев»
Forwarded from FRESH NEWS
លោកបណ្ឌិត ថោង ខុន ជឿជាក់ Angkor Ultra Trail ឆ្នាំក្រោយមានអ្នកចូលរួមកាន់តែច្រើន ដើម្បីចូលរួមអភិវឌ្ឍន៍តំបន់សៀមរាប-អង្គរ ជាមួយរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល 🔗JOIN US
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s response to a media question regarding recently exposed atrocities by neo-Nazis in the Kursk Region

Question: Yesterday, it was revealed that the Russian military had discovered, in a cellar in the village of Russkoye Porechnoye, Kursk Region, bodies of civilians tortured and mercilessly killed by neo-Nazi invaders. Reportedly, those were maimed bodies of seniors who, evidently, were unable to resist. The images released by the media show bruises, bullet wounds, and tied arms and hands. Can this be commented on at all from a human point of view? Do you have any words for this?

💬 Maria Zakharova: True, the heart-wrenching images released by the media are hard to comment on from a human point of view. Naturally, it is beyond all logical explanations and understanding.

These atrocities are simply another outrageous manifestation of the terrorist and Nazi nature of the Kiev regime. Driven by its malicious military and political impotence at the front, it once again committed a cannibalistic massacre of civilians.

This is exactly what the countries of the collective West and their politicians, who personally cover and encourage Kiev’s Nazis, expect from the Banderites. They cynically turn a blind eye to their criminal acts, continue to authorise arms supplies to the Kiev regime and block attempts at international investigations of its crimes. In a joint and disciplined manner, they pretend that nothing terrible is happening, although this constitutes a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions.

❗️ All this confirms once again that the extermination of anything Russian is part of the European values that, as the “civilised” sponsors of the Banderites claim, the Kiev regime is defending.

This is why it is obvious that this time again, we will not hear any intelligible reaction to these cruel murders of civilians from such international entities as the OSCE, the United Nations and its specialised agencies. Their secretariats controlled by the West keep their deliberate silence or say meaningless generalities about being “against violence,” while actually covering for the killings of residents of peaceful villages and towns, which makes them accomplices to those atrocities.

We realise that there is no point in calling on those who are tightly stuck in the Western grip and are not going to do anything to establish justice, and to find and punish those responsible.

☝️ We will do it ourselves. The investigative authorities of the Russian Federation will carry out all the necessary actions to identify the perpetrators who will be duly and inevitably held accountable and sentenced to real imprisonment terms, as it happens with many other exposed crimes of the Kiev regime.
🗓 20 января в Крыму отмечается День Республики.

Праздничная дата приурочена к историческому референдуму 1991 года, на котором абсолютное большинство крымчан высказались за восстановление Крымской автономии в составе СССР.

Интересные факты:

🔸 Крым на протяжении веков был связан с Россией. Ещё в 988–989 годах Великий Князь Владимир Святославович принял христианство в Херсонесе Таврическом. Спустя столетия, 19 апреля 1783 года, Императрица Екатерина II подписала манифест о принятии Крыма в состав Российской империи.

🔸 Крымская Автономная Советская Социалистическая Республика в составе РСФСР была создана в 1921 году, в 1945 году была лишена автономного статуса и преобразована в Крымскую область. В 1954 году Крым был включён в состав УССР, при этом первый секретарь Крымского обкома КПСС П.И.Титов выступил против, за что был снят с должности.

🔸 Референдум 20 января 1991 года по вопросу воссоздания Крымской АССР был первым плебисцитом в истории СССР. На всеобщее голосование был вынесен вопрос: «Вы за воссоздание Крымской Автономной Советской Социалистической республики как субъекта Союза ССР и участника Союзного договора?». 93% жителей полуострова проголосовали за автономию. В этом же году был принят закон о восстановлении Крымской АССР.

🔸 Всекрымский референдум 1991 года был первой попыткой определить судьбу Крыма на основании волеизъявлении самих его жителей. Во многом именно плебисцит 1991 года стал отправной точкой воссоединения полуострова с Россией в 2014 году.

🔸 День Республики был установлен в 2009 году, а в 2014 году после воссоединения Крыма с Россией внесён в региональный закон «О праздниках и памятных датах в Республике Крым».

🔸 18 марта 2014 года Президент России В.В.Путин, руководители Крыма и Севастополя подписали Договор о принятии Республики Крым в Российскую Федерацию, по итогам референдума о статусе Крыма, который прошёл 16 марта 2014 года, в ходе которого 96% избирателей проголосовали ЗА возвращение полуострова в состав России.

👉 Крым в истории России
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Forwarded from Russian Mission to ASEAN
🗓 On January 20, delegation of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation 🇷🇺 took part in the 4th Meeting of ASEAN-Russia Tourism Ministers held in Johor, Malaysia 🇲🇾. It was preceded by the 15th ASEAN-Russia Tourism Consultation Meeting on 17 January 2025.

🔹️Participants acknowledged the increasing importance of ASEAN-Russia tourism collaboration as a platform to strengthen cultural exchanges, deepen people-to-people ties, and foster economic growth.

🔹️Both sides agreed to explore joint actions to promote sustainable practices, as well as share knowledge on relevant tourism projects, including under the ASEAN-Russian Federation Tourism Work Plan 2022-2025.

🔹️The Meeting welcomed the successful implementation of the project “Expanding Business Contacts between Russia and ASEAN Countries’ Tourism Enterprises through Russian Language Training and Experience Exchange,” which had enhanced the professional skills of tourism personnel and strengthened cooperation among tourism enterprises.

🔹️Participants identified potential collaborations in nature, adventure tourism and cultural tourism, which align with the growing global interest in experiential and niche travel. In this context, the Meeting expressed support for the project proposal currently being developed and led by Brunei Darussalam 🇧🇳 to highlight less-explored destinations in both ASEAN and Russia.
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🏆🏃‍♂️នាថ្ងៃទី១៨ ខែមករា ឆ្នាំ២០២៥ នៅខេត្តសៀមរាប លោក Evgenii Bloshenko តំណាងស្ថានទូតរុស្ស៊ីប្រចាំកម្ពុជា បានឈ្នះក្នុងព្រឹត្តិការណ៍រត់ប្រណាំងឆ្លងកាត់ឧបសគ្គចម្ងាយឆ្ងាយ (Angkor Ultra Trail) ដោយបានបំបែកកំណត់ត្រា រត់ចម្ងាយ ១០១.១ គីឡូម៉ែត្រ ក្នុងរយៈពេល៩ ម៉ោង ២៣នាទី។

ក្នុងពិធីប្រគល់ពានរង្វាន់នោះ ឯកឧត្តមបណ្ឌិត ថោង ខុន ទេសរដ្ឋមន្រ្តី និងជាប្រធានគណៈកម្មាធិការជាតិអូឡាំពិកកម្ពុជា បានមានប្រសាសន៍ថា ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍នោះរៀបចំឡើង ក្នុងគោលបំណងជំរុញការផ្សព្វផ្សាយចលនាកីឡា ជំរុញ និងបង្កើនការអភិវឌ្ឍសេដ្ឋកិច្ចក្រៅប្រព័ន្ធ លើកកម្ពស់បរិស្ថានតំបន់បេតិកភណ្ឌ ជំរុញទាក់ទាញភ្ញៀវទេសចរ និងគាំទ្រគម្រោងមនុស្សធម៌ ដែលវាជាព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ដ៏កម្រ និងអស្ចារ្យ ដោយអ្នកចូលរួមត្រូវរត់កាត់តាមព្រៃព្រឹក្សា តំបន់ជនបទ ភូមិឋានប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ និងរត់ឆ្លងកាត់តាមប្រាសាទបុរាណជាច្រើននៅតំបន់ឧទ្យានអង្គរ ដែលជាសម្បត្តិបេតិកភណ្ឌវប្បធម៌រូបីដ៏អស្ចារ្យ និងល្បីល្បាញបំផុតលើពិភពលោក ។

🎉យើងសូមអបអរសាទរ អត្តពលិក Evgenii ដែលបានសម្រេចសមិទ្ធិផលដ៏គួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ ហើយសូមជូនពរឱ្យទទួលបានជោគជ័យថ្មីៗបន្ថែមទៀត!

📷 @freshnewsasia
2025/01/25 01:06:43
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