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We support the demo in Berlin today for an end to Israel's war against Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank. We will be close to the @irishblocberlin who are carrying the Irish flag: 🇮🇪
Forwarded from Solidarity Action for Ukraine. Halle (Anastasiia FFF UА🇺🇦)
Zukufts Forum in Leipzig „Diktatur vs. Demokratie“
11. und 12. Oktober 2024

Was bedeutet es für Menschen, in einer Diktatur zu leben?
Wie können westliche Demokratien der Versuchung der Diktatur widerstehen?
Was sind die Stärken der Demokratie und wie können wir sie in den Vordergrund stellen
Wie können wir die Angriffe autokratischer Systeme auf unsere Informationsräume abwehren?

Anmeldung [email protected]
Forwarded from Vitsche / Віче
❗️We urgently need your voice❗️

👉 Why is this important?

Approximately 200,000 women, the elderly, and children were forcibly deported at gunpoint in cattle cars from their native lands to remote areas of Central Asia and Siberia.

In the first years following the deportation, over 46% of the Crimeans (Crimean Tatars) died from hunger, disease, forced labor, and inhumane living conditions.

Genocide is a crime without a statute of limitations! Today, by signing the petition, you can help us have the 1944 deportation recognized as an act of genocide by the German Bundestag.

Sign the petition 🙏
*Does international solidarity end at the borders of Ukraine?*
a workshop by Resistance Connections UA (@resist_UAde) as part of the Critical Orientation Weeks at the HU.
Hedwig-Dohm-Haus, Ziegelstraße 5, 10117 Berlin
17.10.2024 at 18:00 (6pm)

On 24.02.2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The consequences for the society of Ukraine have been tragic. Millions have become poorer, millions have been displaced, and millions more have left the country, with 70,000 settling in Berlin.

Since then, the lives of many Ukrainian leftists have also changed radically. Whether they fled the war, went to serve in the army or are simply living under the constant threat, leftists in Ukraine continue their work. They are struggling for dignified conditions for hospital staff in Lviv, for student housing in Kyiv, for decent pay for steel workers in Kryvyi Rih, against fascists in Odesa, to aid women among internally displaced people; the list goes on.

Both German media and Ukrainian state media ignore these struggles, giving an impression that Ukraine is a monolith at war. While Ukraine is united in resisting occupation, it is still a society of social classes. The German Left mostly conforms to this ignorance about Ukraine, and therefore we see relatively few words or acts of solidarity with these struggles. The ongoing transformation of Ukraine into a neoliberal laboratory state at the periphery of western capitalism, means that working people are under pressure from cutbacks, blackouts, and corruption - while fighting against Russia for survival. Ukrainians are tired.

The German Left is missing out on providing needed support for its natural allies in Ukraine, and thereby abandoning workers in Ukraine to both Russian atrocities and western capital.

In this workshop we will learn about social struggles in Ukraine. We will hear from activists from key left organisations such as Social Movement, Solidarity Collectives, Direct Action, as well as journalists who have documented developments over the last decade.

Come to share your experiences and thoughts with us!

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🔥 Починаються всесвітні Дні за свободу Оджалана!

Вчора почався перший день Глобальних Днів за звільнення Оджалана, які триватимуть по 10 жовтня. Абдулла Оджалан перебуває в ув'язненні вже понад 25 років, а з 2019 року - в повній ізоляції. Це пов'язано з небезпекою, яку його ідеї, дії та лідерство становлять для Турецької держави та інших імперіалістів. Незважаючи на екстремальні умови, Оджалану вдалося прорвати ізоляцію своїми ідеями через "тюремні записи", які заклали основу для революції в Рожаві та дають надію та шлях мільйонам людей по всьому світу.

Щоб відзначити цей день, ми запрошуємо вас прочитати опублікований нами уривок з його книги "Наполягати на соціалізмі означає наполягати на людяності", написаної в 90-х роках. Ця книга є початком зміни парадигми, яка викристалізується пізніше, а її аналіз політичної ситуації і того, що потрібно робити демократичним силам, щоб досягти успіху, є настільки ж актуальним сьогодні, як і тоді.

➡️Read тут:

Англійською, італійською та німецькою мовами є аудіоверсія тексту, яку можна прослухати.

❗️Окрім цього ініціатори закликають до проведення дій солідарності, звіти про які можна надсилати сюди: [email protected] або на наш бот чи пошту.

Свободу Оджалану!
За демократичне рішення для Курдистану!
За мир на Близькому Сході! За мир та співдружність народів всюди!
Forwarded from GNIP
We stuck in the middle of the fundraising 😞☝️

Please donate, in the third week we didn't get any donations.


IBAN: DE71100708480645289000
Account holder: Anna Barkova
❗️Reference: GNIP

BTC, USDT, Monero:
in comments
Thank you @gnimperialpride for sharing our event on Instagram!

See the pinned message above for information about it.
🇺🇦🇵🇸 Wir haben vor kurzem den berühmten Solidaritätsbrief von @commonscomua zum ersten Mal auf Deutsch in Slides für Instagram aufgearbeitet und dort geteilt.
Deswegen teilen wir den Brief nochmals hier
Does international solidarity end at the borders of Ukraine?

a workshop by Resistance Connections UA (@resist_UAde) as part of the Critical Orientation Weeks at the HU.
Hedwig-Dohm-Haus, Ziegelstraße 5, 10117 Berlin
17.10.2024 at 18:00 (6pm)
On 24.02.2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The consequences for the society of Ukraine have been tragic. Millions have become poorer, millions have been displaced, and millions more have left the country, with 70,000 settling in Berlin.

Since then, the lives of many Ukrainian leftists have also changed radically. Whether they fled the war, went to serve in the army or are simply living under the constant threat, leftists in Ukraine continue their work. They are struggling for dignified conditions for hospital staff in Lviv, for student housing in Kyiv, for decent pay for steel workers in Kryvyi Rih, against fascists in Odesa, to aid women among internally displaced people; the list goes on.

Both German media and Ukrainian state media ignore these struggles, giving an impression that Ukraine is a monolith at war. While Ukraine is united in resisting occupation, it is still a society of social classes. The German Left mostly conforms to this ignorance about Ukraine, and therefore we see relatively few words or acts of solidarity with these struggles. The ongoing transformation of Ukraine into a neoliberal laboratory state at the periphery of western capitalism, means that working people are under pressure from cutbacks, blackouts, and corruption - while fighting against Russia for survival. Ukrainians are tired.

The German Left is missing out on providing needed support for its natural allies in Ukraine, and thereby abandoning workers in Ukraine to both Russian atrocities and western capital.

In this workshop we will learn about social struggles in Ukraine. We will hear from activists from key left organisations such as Social Movement, Solidarity Collectives, Direct Action, as well as journalists who have documented developments over the last decade.

Come to share your experiences and thoughts with us!

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2024/10/15 01:27:17
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