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🇬🇧🇷🇺 Письмо Георга V Николаю II в связи со смертью посла России в Британии графа А.К. Бенкендорфа, 17 января 1917 г.
My dearest Nicky,
As the mission for Russia does not start until the 20th I wish to send you this further line to express my greatest grief & regret at the death of my old friend Count Benckendorff. During the 14 years he was here as your Ambassador he worked incessantly to bring our two Countries together & he certainly succeeded in making himself most popular. He will be greatly missed by his numerous friends in Britain. I suppose you have not decided who is to succeed him, if it was possible for you to select U. de Sazonof it would give me the greatest pleasure & I would know that we had such a real friend who would do everything to maintain and increase the most friendly relation which so happily exists between Russia and England. I hope you do not mind my having suggested him. With best love to Alix, ever dearest Nicky.
Yr. Most devoted cousin & true friend, Georgie
BY Universal Exports Ltd | Z Organisation
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