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ɯᴀбᴧᴏн дᴧя Вᴀɯᴇй ᴀнᴋᴇᴛы !!
●ʙᴀɯᴇ иʍя/ᴨᴄᴇʙдᴏниʍ, ʍᴇᴄᴛᴏиʍᴇния и юɜᴇᴩнᴇйʍ ( @ )
● иʍя ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀ, ɜᴀ ᴋᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴦᴏ жᴇᴧᴀᴇᴛᴇ ʙᴄᴛуᴨиᴛь / иʍя Вᴀɯᴇᴦᴏ ᴏᴩиᴦинᴀᴧьнᴏᴦᴏ ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀ, чᴀᴄᴛь ᴀниʍᴇ
*ᴏᴩиᴦинᴀᴧьный — ᴨᴩидуʍᴀнный Вᴀʍи !
●ᴏᴛʙᴇᴛиᴛь нᴀ ʙᴏᴨᴩᴏᴄы, ᴛᴇʍ ᴄᴀʍыʍ нᴀᴨиᴄᴀʙ дʙᴀ ᴨᴏᴄᴛᴀ, ᴀ иʍᴇннᴏ; ...
«чᴛᴏ дᴧя Вᴀᴄ яʙᴧяᴇᴛᴄя ᴄʍыᴄᴧᴏʍ ᴋ ᴄᴛᴩᴇʍᴧᴇнию и жиɜни?»
«ᴇᴄᴧи ᴨᴇᴩᴇд Вᴀʍи ᴄᴛᴏиᴛ цᴇᴧь, ᴄʍᴏжᴇᴛᴇ ᴧи Вы дᴏᴄᴛиᴦнуᴛь ᴇё, ᴇᴄᴧи ᴨᴩᴇдᴏᴄᴛᴀʙяᴛᴄя ᴧᴇᴦᴀᴧьныᴇ / нᴇᴧᴇᴦᴀᴧьныᴇ ᴄᴨᴏᴄᴏбы?»
*ʙᴀжнᴏ ᴏᴛʍᴇᴛиᴛь ! ᴄᴏᴏбщᴇниᴇ дᴏᴧжнᴏ быᴛь ʍиниʍуʍ иɜ 5 — 7 ᴨᴩᴇдᴧᴏжᴇний, нᴇ бᴏйᴛᴇᴄь ᴩᴀᴄᴋᴩыʙᴀᴛь ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀ ! ☆ミ
ᴨунᴋᴛ, ᴏᴛнᴏᴄящийᴄя ᴋ ᴏᴩиᴦинᴀᴧьныʍ ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀʍ
●ᴨᴀᴩᴏчᴋᴀ хᴇдᴋᴀнᴏнᴏʙ, ᴄʙяɜᴀнныᴇ ᴄ Вᴀɯиʍ ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴇʍ
—> ᴋ ᴄᴧᴏʙу ϶ᴛᴏᴛ ᴨунᴋᴛ ʍᴏжнᴏ и ɜᴀᴨᴏᴧниᴛь ᴄ ᴨᴩᴏᴄᴛыʍ ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴇʍ ...
●хᴀᴩᴀᴋᴛᴇᴩиᴄᴛиᴋᴀ ᴄᴛᴇндᴀ. ᴏбяɜᴀᴛᴇᴧьный ᴨунᴋᴛ, ᴨᴩи ɜᴀᴨᴏᴧнᴇнии ᴋᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴦᴏ дᴏᴧжны учиᴛыʙᴀᴛьᴄя ᴛᴀᴋиᴇ ᴋᴀчᴇᴄᴛʙᴀ ᴄᴛᴇндᴀ ᴋᴀᴋ: ᴄиᴧᴀ, ᴄᴋᴏᴩᴏᴄᴛь, ᴩᴀдиуᴄ, ᴛᴏчнᴏᴄᴛь, ʙынᴏᴄᴧиʙᴏᴄᴛь, ᴨᴏᴛᴇнциᴀᴧ!
ɯᴀбᴧᴏн дᴧя бᴩᴏни ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀ !!
●ʙᴀɯ юɜᴇᴩнᴇйʍ ( @ )
●иʍя ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀ и ᴇᴦᴏ чᴀᴄᴛь
Last Update:

ɯᴀбᴧᴏн дᴧя Вᴀɯᴇй ᴀнᴋᴇᴛы !!
●ʙᴀɯᴇ иʍя/ᴨᴄᴇʙдᴏниʍ, ʍᴇᴄᴛᴏиʍᴇния и юɜᴇᴩнᴇйʍ ( @ )
● иʍя ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀ, ɜᴀ ᴋᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴦᴏ жᴇᴧᴀᴇᴛᴇ ʙᴄᴛуᴨиᴛь / иʍя Вᴀɯᴇᴦᴏ ᴏᴩиᴦинᴀᴧьнᴏᴦᴏ ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀ, чᴀᴄᴛь ᴀниʍᴇ
*ᴏᴩиᴦинᴀᴧьный — ᴨᴩидуʍᴀнный Вᴀʍи !
●ᴏᴛʙᴇᴛиᴛь нᴀ ʙᴏᴨᴩᴏᴄы, ᴛᴇʍ ᴄᴀʍыʍ нᴀᴨиᴄᴀʙ дʙᴀ ᴨᴏᴄᴛᴀ, ᴀ иʍᴇннᴏ; ...
«чᴛᴏ дᴧя Вᴀᴄ яʙᴧяᴇᴛᴄя ᴄʍыᴄᴧᴏʍ ᴋ ᴄᴛᴩᴇʍᴧᴇнию и жиɜни?»
«ᴇᴄᴧи ᴨᴇᴩᴇд Вᴀʍи ᴄᴛᴏиᴛ цᴇᴧь, ᴄʍᴏжᴇᴛᴇ ᴧи Вы дᴏᴄᴛиᴦнуᴛь ᴇё, ᴇᴄᴧи ᴨᴩᴇдᴏᴄᴛᴀʙяᴛᴄя ᴧᴇᴦᴀᴧьныᴇ / нᴇᴧᴇᴦᴀᴧьныᴇ ᴄᴨᴏᴄᴏбы?»
*ʙᴀжнᴏ ᴏᴛʍᴇᴛиᴛь ! ᴄᴏᴏбщᴇниᴇ дᴏᴧжнᴏ быᴛь ʍиниʍуʍ иɜ 5 — 7 ᴨᴩᴇдᴧᴏжᴇний, нᴇ бᴏйᴛᴇᴄь ᴩᴀᴄᴋᴩыʙᴀᴛь ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀ ! ☆ミ
ᴨунᴋᴛ, ᴏᴛнᴏᴄящийᴄя ᴋ ᴏᴩиᴦинᴀᴧьныʍ ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀʍ
●ᴨᴀᴩᴏчᴋᴀ хᴇдᴋᴀнᴏнᴏʙ, ᴄʙяɜᴀнныᴇ ᴄ Вᴀɯиʍ ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴇʍ
—> ᴋ ᴄᴧᴏʙу ϶ᴛᴏᴛ ᴨунᴋᴛ ʍᴏжнᴏ и ɜᴀᴨᴏᴧниᴛь ᴄ ᴨᴩᴏᴄᴛыʍ ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴇʍ ...
●хᴀᴩᴀᴋᴛᴇᴩиᴄᴛиᴋᴀ ᴄᴛᴇндᴀ. ᴏбяɜᴀᴛᴇᴧьный ᴨунᴋᴛ, ᴨᴩи ɜᴀᴨᴏᴧнᴇнии ᴋᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴦᴏ дᴏᴧжны учиᴛыʙᴀᴛьᴄя ᴛᴀᴋиᴇ ᴋᴀчᴇᴄᴛʙᴀ ᴄᴛᴇндᴀ ᴋᴀᴋ: ᴄиᴧᴀ, ᴄᴋᴏᴩᴏᴄᴛь, ᴩᴀдиуᴄ, ᴛᴏчнᴏᴄᴛь, ʙынᴏᴄᴧиʙᴏᴄᴛь, ᴨᴏᴛᴇнциᴀᴧ!
ɯᴀбᴧᴏн дᴧя бᴩᴏни ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀ !!
●ʙᴀɯ юɜᴇᴩнᴇйʍ ( @ )
●иʍя ᴨᴇᴩᴄᴏнᴀжᴀ и ᴇᴦᴏ чᴀᴄᴛь

BY 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬 // ᴄᴇᴛᴋᴀ ᴨᴏ jjʙᴀ

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Emerson Brooking, a disinformation expert at the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab, said: "Back in the Wild West period of content moderation, like 2014 or 2015, maybe they could have gotten away with it, but it stands in marked contrast with how other companies run themselves today." "We're seeing really dramatic moves, and it's all really tied to Ukraine right now, and in a secondary way, in terms of interest rates," Octavio Marenzi, CEO of Opimas, told Yahoo Finance Live on Thursday. "This war in Ukraine is going to give the Fed the ammunition, the cover that it needs, to not raise interest rates too quickly. And I think Jay Powell is a very tepid sort of inflation fighter and he's not going to do as much as he needs to do to get that under control. And this seems like an excuse to kick the can further down the road still and not do too much too soon." Meanwhile, a completely redesigned attachment menu appears when sending multiple photos or vides. Users can tap "X selected" (X being the number of items) at the top of the panel to preview how the album will look in the chat when it's sent, as well as rearrange or remove selected media. "Russians are really disconnected from the reality of what happening to their country," Andrey said. "So Telegram has become essential for understanding what's going on to the Russian-speaking world." The S&P 500 fell 1.3% to 4,204.36, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 0.7% to 32,943.33. The Dow posted a fifth straight weekly loss — its longest losing streak since 2019. The Nasdaq Composite tumbled 2.2% to 12,843.81. Though all three indexes opened in the green, stocks took a turn after a new report showed U.S. consumer sentiment deteriorated more than expected in early March as consumers' inflation expectations soared to the highest since 1981.
from ca

Telegram 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬 // ᴄᴇᴛᴋᴀ ᴨᴏ jjʙᴀ
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