А весной дети могли выбрать себе транспортное средство из большого числа разновидностей велосипедов, автомобилей и самокатов «Skippy», многие из которых отличались обтекаемыми формами в духе господствовавшего тогда стримлайн-модерна. Самокаты, появившиеся на улицах США и Европы в 1920-х гг., набирали популярность, и Ван Дорен с Райдаутом спроектировали модель «Skippy-Racer», которую наверняка мечтали заполучить все американские дети, но далеко не все могли себе позволить (в стране бушевала Великая депрессия, а такой самокат стоил по нынешним временам около 115$).
In spring, plenty of Skippy bicycles, carts, and kick scooters were available to American kids to choose from; most of them had sleek aerodynamic bodies inspired by Streamline Moderne, which was in vogue then. Van Doren and Rideout also responded to the growing popularity of kick scooters, which had first hit the streets of the US and Europe in the 1920s, by designing the Skippy-Racer, a top-notch scooter which most likely captured the hearts of all American kids. Sadly, with the US still in the grips of the Great Depression, its price tag of $4.95 (equal to $115 now) was quite hefty and not many families could afford one.
(photos here and above: collections.artsmia.org, diedrica.com, collection.imamuseum.org, Pinterest user Heather Van Doren, onlinebicyclemuseum.co.uk, penccil.com)
In spring, plenty of Skippy bicycles, carts, and kick scooters were available to American kids to choose from; most of them had sleek aerodynamic bodies inspired by Streamline Moderne, which was in vogue then. Van Doren and Rideout also responded to the growing popularity of kick scooters, which had first hit the streets of the US and Europe in the 1920s, by designing the Skippy-Racer, a top-notch scooter which most likely captured the hearts of all American kids. Sadly, with the US still in the grips of the Great Depression, its price tag of $4.95 (equal to $115 now) was quite hefty and not many families could afford one.
(photos here and above: collections.artsmia.org, diedrica.com, collection.imamuseum.org, Pinterest user Heather Van Doren, onlinebicyclemuseum.co.uk, penccil.com)
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А весной дети могли выбрать себе транспортное средство из большого числа разновидностей велосипедов, автомобилей и самокатов «Skippy», многие из которых отличались обтекаемыми формами в духе господствовавшего тогда стримлайн-модерна. Самокаты, появившиеся на улицах США и Европы в 1920-х гг., набирали популярность, и Ван Дорен с Райдаутом спроектировали модель «Skippy-Racer», которую наверняка мечтали заполучить все американские дети, но далеко не все могли себе позволить (в стране бушевала Великая депрессия, а такой самокат стоил по нынешним временам около 115$).
In spring, plenty of Skippy bicycles, carts, and kick scooters were available to American kids to choose from; most of them had sleek aerodynamic bodies inspired by Streamline Moderne, which was in vogue then. Van Doren and Rideout also responded to the growing popularity of kick scooters, which had first hit the streets of the US and Europe in the 1920s, by designing the Skippy-Racer, a top-notch scooter which most likely captured the hearts of all American kids. Sadly, with the US still in the grips of the Great Depression, its price tag of $4.95 (equal to $115 now) was quite hefty and not many families could afford one.
(photos here and above: collections.artsmia.org, diedrica.com, collection.imamuseum.org, Pinterest user Heather Van Doren, onlinebicyclemuseum.co.uk, penccil.com)
In spring, plenty of Skippy bicycles, carts, and kick scooters were available to American kids to choose from; most of them had sleek aerodynamic bodies inspired by Streamline Moderne, which was in vogue then. Van Doren and Rideout also responded to the growing popularity of kick scooters, which had first hit the streets of the US and Europe in the 1920s, by designing the Skippy-Racer, a top-notch scooter which most likely captured the hearts of all American kids. Sadly, with the US still in the grips of the Great Depression, its price tag of $4.95 (equal to $115 now) was quite hefty and not many families could afford one.
(photos here and above: collections.artsmia.org, diedrica.com, collection.imamuseum.org, Pinterest user Heather Van Doren, onlinebicyclemuseum.co.uk, penccil.com)
BY Mid-Century, More Than

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