Notice: file_put_contents(): Write of 1989 bytes failed with errno=28 No space left on device in /var/www/group-telegram/post.php on line 50
Warning: file_put_contents(): Only 8192 of 10181 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in /var/www/group-telegram/post.php on line 50 Nutrivore, paleo, primal | Telegram Webview: nutrivore/6146 -
"Do you know that...? - Old bees don't return to the hive in the evening? They spend the night on flowers, and if they have the chance to see another sunrise, they resume their activity by bringing pollen or nectar to the colony. They do this sensing that the end is near. No bee waits to die in the hive so as not to burden the others. πππ - Bees have cold blood like all insects, yet at the colony level, they are a warm mega-organism. πππ - There are bees that bring pollen and bees that bring nectar, never will a pollen-collectng bee change its task to bring nectar and vice versa. πππ - Although dandelions are yellow, their pollen collected by bees turns orange in the mixing urn with nectar. πππ - The record for keeping a bee colony alive during winter was 356 days without them going out for cleansing flights. πππ - Bees can be useful to humans even after they have died, as they are used in the form of poultices to treat joint pain. πππ - Bees never sleep. Thank you, little bees! πβ€οΈ
"Do you know that...? - Old bees don't return to the hive in the evening? They spend the night on flowers, and if they have the chance to see another sunrise, they resume their activity by bringing pollen or nectar to the colony. They do this sensing that the end is near. No bee waits to die in the hive so as not to burden the others. πππ - Bees have cold blood like all insects, yet at the colony level, they are a warm mega-organism. πππ - There are bees that bring pollen and bees that bring nectar, never will a pollen-collectng bee change its task to bring nectar and vice versa. πππ - Although dandelions are yellow, their pollen collected by bees turns orange in the mixing urn with nectar. πππ - The record for keeping a bee colony alive during winter was 356 days without them going out for cleansing flights. πππ - Bees can be useful to humans even after they have died, as they are used in the form of poultices to treat joint pain. πππ - Bees never sleep. Thank you, little bees! πβ€οΈ