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Lee & Nita with Pastor Brett today at Calvary Chapel Palm Harbor, Florida
How necessary to take our eyes off this world, which is passing away, and turn our gaze onto Christ. We are already seated in heavenly places with our Bridegroom. Let us not stare down at the world with its trials and tribulations, and instead keep our eyes on Jesus. And as our perspective changes, the things of the earth lose their vice like grip on us, and the things of Christ become our focus, then the only natural result is an outpouring of rejoicing in our Lord.
Let us heed this final call of our dear brother in Christ to rejoice in the Lord, and again I say rejoice.

Carli • Saved by Grace
Being still in the presence of God is not a sulky silence or hushed murmuring, but is simply resting in Him, trusting in His Word of truth, abiding in His love, and being content to await His timing. It is to possess a purposeful patience and not to display a glum resignation. When we are quietly resting in His presence and secure in the hope that is set before us, the peace of God which passes understanding will flood the heart and soul of all who walk godly in Christ Jesus.
So be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for Him to act.

Carli • Saved by Grace
Day 11 on the road. Busy stretch with 7 engagements, 3 of my own videos, and 2 interviews plus many conversations and meals with believers. Connected with old friends, made new friends in Brethren assemblies and Calvary Chapels.
We are warned against being controlled by anger or wrath, jealousy or envy, and we are also warned against being ruled or governed by an excess of wine. We are not to be drunk with wine, because it leads to much that is dishonouring to the Lord. Rather, we are to be ruled or governed by the Holy Spirit Who brings forth love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self~control.
Let us not be drunk with wine or controlled by any other substance or emotion that discredits our Heavenly Father, but let us go on being filled, day by day, with the Holy Spirit of God so that we may manifest the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit in our lives, today and throughout the rest of our time on earth.

Carli • Saved by Grace
Like the readers of John's epistle, we have the indwelling Holy Spirit. We are positioned in Christ, by faith in Him. We have the mind of Christ. What a privilege to have the unction of the Holy One of God, Who comforts and corrects, teaches and encourages, guides us into all truth, and carries out all the experiential ministries of the Holy Spirit, in the lives of all believers, during this Church age.

Carli • Saved by Grace
Like Abraham, we are all not only called to be saved by faith but also to live by faith, even though we may not understand some of the painful circumstances we are called to undergo. James encourages us to consider the various trials we encounter as a joy, knowing that the testing of our faith produces endurance and develops godly patience which causes us to grow more and more like our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
May we remember the beautiful picture of Abraham's offering of his only begotten son and give thanks to God that He was ready and willing to sacrifice His only begotten Son on the Cross for our redemption.

Carli • Saved by Grace
1 Chron. 12:32, "The sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do."
Forwarded from BubbaNews
Today, the Quds Force Commander, Esmail Qaani made a statement. To the USA 🇺🇸 but especially to ISRAEL 🇮🇱

"Iran's 🇮🇷 steadfastness and perseverance will continue until the ULTIMATE GOAL IS ACHIEVED, which is the LIBERATION of HOLY JERUSALEM."

In other words he wants to free Jerusalem from the Jews and allow the Arabs to take over Jerusalem and everything.

He’s openly saying that IRAN WILL NOT REST until Israel is DESTROYED.

This sure reminds me of Psalm 83:4 They have said, “Come, and let us WIPE THEM OUT AS A NATION, That the name of Israel be remembered no more.

They want to “liberate” Jerusalem. Take over their land. —Psalm 83:12 says “Who said, Let us possess for OURSELVES
The pastures of God.”


“For the LORD has chosen ZION; (Jerusalem)
He has desired it for HIS HABITATION.” — Psalm 132:13

If Iran 🇮🇷 wants to control the capital of Israel and the Temple Mount, then maybe It’s time that Israel dismantles their mosque and their golden dome.
Titus was one of two men to whom Paul wrote personally and into whose hands he entrusted the furtherance of the gospel of Christ as his own departure drew ever closer. May we read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest all we can from this little epistle to Titus so that we may also be equally equipped to share the knowledge of the truth, which is according to godliness, with those that are lost in their sins... and give Christian encouragement to our fellow~bondservants in Christ.

Carli • Saved by Grace
2025/03/28 22:29:14
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