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A short explaning the Appchain Thesis
Building an effective decentralized governance tech stack is an important task on the blockchain tech tree and a logical next step to expand crypto communities around the world.

We are glad to have Nomad Capital, No Limit Holdings, UOB Venture - Signum Blockchain Fund, Sky9 Capital, Longling Capital, Interop Ventures, and 9 other renowned institutional investors in this new strategic round.
vota-sf incentivized testnet is loading.
The largest voting round in Crypto/Web3 history happening on Dora Vota MACI.
Today at Devmos Dora Factory gave a comprehensive introduction on how anonymous MACI has been implemented to the interchain dev community, as well as an update on Dora Vota MACI interface, the recent million-voter MACI round following prop #917, and the next steps of privacy preserving decentralized governance tech.
Dora Factory ssv operator's information has been available. We look forward to the DKG ceremony next week. Details:
We will support and attend the Lambda ZK Hack Week during this year's EthCC. Meeting the zk community in Paris to discuss MACI, aMACI, and how we can deliver a scalable, privacy-preserving decentralized governance tech stack.
The MACI Quadratic Voting Round has concluded on Dora Vota.
Vota aMACI operator service test starts today
2025/01/31 01:58:14
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