This is one for the history books. I literally cummed in my pants from excitement seeing this image. Do you guys think we can get a cute trad foid if he wins? frens that'd be so epic. Remember that they took the japanese mcdonald's ad away from us, they took joker and buttraped him, they took our traps and made them trannies. we have to go back. we can NEVER let that foid win I'd kill myself or trans out, because at that point they'd try to make the male population go extinct. They're already putting estrogen in our waters what else can we do???
anyone know what this is and how do i correct it?
crocs I am talking about the crops so when you see that when the Arch of your feet below the feet so they are like bending the crocs in the centre towards the centre is not like entire food is resting on the body weight but is like right resting in the centre of the food and the crops which bending on that so how do I correct that
crocs I am talking about the crops so when you see that when the Arch of your feet below the feet so they are like bending the crocs in the centre towards the centre is not like entire food is resting on the body weight but is like right resting in the centre of the food and the crops which bending on that so how do I correct that
Got a stiffy from picrel when I was browsing /m/ earlier and feeling a bit freaked out about it tbh. What does it mean, anons? I'm straight and have a healthy sex drive, been limiting my faps to once or twice daily since January as part of my 2025 resolution, maybe I should do a 3D porn cleanse where I only look at 2D for the next month? I don't want to feel like a faggot