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Нейроинтерфейсная компания Precision записала первые ЭКоГ пациентов
Пока что их "Седьмой слой" просто накладывался на кору, а не просовывался под черепные кости. Напомним, основной конек компании Precision Neuroscience -- обещание сделать установку электродов ЭКоГ как можно менее инвазивной: их тонкая ("тоньше волоса") пластина с электродами будет вводиться через узкую порезь, и пациентам якобы даже не надо будет сбривать волосы рядом с нею.
Dr. Peter Konrad, chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute, was the surgeon who physically placed Precision’s system onto the patients’ brains during their procedures.
Konrad said it was a simple process that felt like laying a piece of tissue paper on the brain.
Patients had Precision’s system on their brains for 15 minutes. One of them remained asleep during the procedure, but two patients were woken up so the Layer 7 could capture their brain activity as they spoke.
“I’ve never seen that amount of data, 1,000 channels in real-time, of electrical activity, just washing over the brain as somebody was talking,” Konrad said in an interview with CNBC. “It was literally like you’re watching somebody think. It’s pretty amazing.”.
<....> Rapoport said Precision is hoping to receive full FDA clearance for its first-generation device next year.
Neuralink competitor Precision Neuroscience conducts its first clinical study to map human brain signals
JUN 23 2023
Ashley Capoot
BY Нейроинтерфейсы
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