Last Update:
I am currently at the Optogenetics + 2023 conference in St. Petersburg.
Days 1&2. Lectures
The lectures were devoted to research on creation of the new optogenetics tools for studying and controlling processes in neural cells. Also there were reports and posters about optogenetic approaches to the treatment of epilepsy, which I found to be amazing.
Day 3. School on Modern Methods of Invasive Neural Activity Control
Simultaneously with the Conference, the School on Modern Methods of Non-Invasive Control of Neuronal Activity took place. It included several master classes on the use of modern methods of optogenetics in scientific research.
I chose the first master class. We practiced a fascinating ontogenetic method of surgically injecting a viral vector of fluorescent protein to mark certain neurons for histology or (if this vector was connected with rodopsine vector) for causing de-/hyperpolarization ex vivo.
#conference #confoptogenetics