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Resurrection of the Hero (1).pdf
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Resurrection of the Hero.pdf
illustrations by vadim kadzhaev and anders kvåle rue

shall love fall from view
🐴☀️Вышивка по мотивам украшений викингов. Брошь в виде коня, VI век н.э. Бирка, Швеция

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🐴☀️Embroidery based on the motifs of Viking jewelry. Brooch in the form of a horse, VI century A.D. Birka, Sweden.

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Thank you! 🖤
john bauer, sagoflickan

were diu werlt alle min
von dem mere unze an den Rin,
des wolt ih mih darben
daz diu chünegin von Engellant
lege an minen armen.

if all the world were mine
from the sea down to the Rhine,
i would surrender it all if the queen of England would lie in my arms.
2025/01/07 17:38:02
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