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Merry Christmas. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
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In papism indulgences still exist, and never went away. Arbitrary false blessings to escape a made up pseudo-hell
“And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding”

Daniel 2
Like the Pope updating Rome’s view of the death penalty as no longer necessary, the papist clergy too think they are more merciful than God regarding damnation
The next time a papist posts a picture of a methodist lesbian priestess saying it represents all prots - post this
“At least 13 child predators”
Evil theology, evil clerics, countless suffering
Christians rightly see the papacy as the antichrist when lining up its doctrinal innovations with 2 Thessalonians
In the 16th century the papists doubled down on how clerics could bind consciences and make decrees on worship and tradition on matters where scripture neither commands nor forbids it

Since then, they continue to reap from giving the clerics such power
2025/01/26 05:37:22
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