Forwarded from Crimes of the US
Every Dictator the US Supported (and Why)
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00:00 Introduction
01:05 The US…
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00:00 Introduction
01:05 The US…
Forwarded from Grouchy Socialists
Liberation School – Revolutionary Marxism for a new generation of fighters
What is to be done? (study guide) – Liberation School
Published in 1902, What is to be done? Burning questions of our movement, is Lenin's argument for a distinct kind of revolutionary organization, and is thus often viewed as the founding text of the Leninist form of the party. Written in response to the particularities…
Forwarded from Grouchy Socialists
Liberation School – Revolutionary Marxism for a new generation of fighters
The communist manifesto (study guide) – Liberation School
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto as “a complete theoretical and practical party program” for the initially German-based, and then international, Communist League. It was written and published during the heat of revolutionary uprisings…
Forwarded from Grouchy Socialists
Liberation School – Revolutionary Marxism for a new generation of fighters
The state and revolution – Liberation School
For revolutionaries worldwide, The State and Revolution became the “new manifesto of the 20th century.” In the 21st century, the topic remains a pivotal one for revolutionaries, providing crucial theoretical weapons in the movement against racism, white supremacy…
Forwarded from Grouchy Socialists
Liberation School – Revolutionary Marxism for a new generation of fighters
PSL Course: Marx’s “Capital” (vol. 1) – Liberation School
Course description: The first volume of Karl Marx's Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, which was originally published in 1867, remains a key resource for understanding the logic of capitalism to this day. Marx wrote the book--which was the only volume…
Forwarded from Grouchy Socialists
Before starting on Capital, Luna Nguyen's translation of The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism may be helpful.
The textbook is extremely thoroughly annotated for audiences that are not familiar with Marxist philosophy.
It can be found here for free (Name your Price available as an option to support her work):
The textbook is extremely thoroughly annotated for audiences that are not familiar with Marxist philosophy.
It can be found here for free (Name your Price available as an option to support her work):
Banyan House
EBOOK: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism - Banyan House
Tens of thousands of people have now downloaded the ebook or purchased the print copy of this groundbreaking textbook on Dialectical Materialist philosophy translated by Luna Nguyen. Fully illustrated and annotated with a comprehensive glossary and index.
Grouchy Socialists
Before starting on Capital, Luna Nguyen's translation of The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism may be helpful. The textbook is extremely thoroughly annotated for audiences that are not familiar with Marxist philosophy. It can be…
Also, Part 2 is releasing early this year! Be sure to re-read Part 1 so you're not lost! I can't wait to find out who stole Strong Bad's Lappy.