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European fairy tales are about European religions and folk lore and are for European peoples.
Thereby white.

An example is King Arthur, who is one of the most unifying figures for Pagans and Christians. It is because he represents European ethnic folklore.

Much like the Norse Sagas, Irish Cycles, and Greek epics, these shaped the West as much or more than the Bible and became the basis of our philosophy, mindset, and aesthetics.
They thereby became popular worldwide via trade or because of the grand scope and themes of the tales.
The majority of the fantasy genre was created by Western man repackaged and retelling these tales in inventive ways.
So, it makes sense that fairy tales and fantasy literature (of the medieval/western style) reflect the people from whom it is derived.
Thereby European stock.
I wouldn't want an Asian myth or fairy tales being full of European representation and more than I would want an African one.

This same concept applies to ethnic religion as much as it does to fairy tales.
An excerpt from Guido Von List's "The Transition from Woutanism to Christanity"

Continued here:
Here is a rather interesting set of breakdowns and reverse engineering from Guido Von List in his "The Transition from Woutanism to Christianity" where he describes various aspects he sees correlated.
It should be noted he was rather Esoteric infleunced and had his own view of history which contained a continual Germanic Paganism called Armanism or Ario-Germanen which was infleunced by Ariosophy to a large degree.
However, given this context and understanding, one can see a lot of granuals of truth within.

This goes to show there has been an understanding of European ethnic connected faith stretching back further than some would want you to believe.
Hammer and Vajra
Something about Catacomb Saints seems rather Pagan.
Having myself visited many crypts, catacombs, and Ossuaries, during my travels around Europe I can say that despite the various doctrinal attempts to explain the Christian elements of such places, their embracing of death in a way that bring peace and connects one to the afterlife but also can help guide and affirm life here and now, the way the dead are seens as revered conduits, how shrines to Mary (almost like Persephone or Hel) have been erected and are revered within these areas, is very much of European folk spirit more than of an Abrahamic one.

When I went to see the Capuchin Crypt in Rome, there was information about each of the famous monks who had served there and their deeds.
While some of these feats were the typical acts of giving, piety, or international alturism, others were openly acts of spiritual esotericism, methods of reaching God through mystical means, and even Occultic adjacent Thaumaturgy.

This mystical view of connecting with the divine isn't something current Christianity embraces.
2025/01/01 16:19:57
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