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🇺🇦 Поговоримо про турнікети

Дешеві китайські та фейкові турнікети — нічний жах військових медиків. Важко уявити, скільки людей вдалося б врятувати, аби з самого початку кожен боєць чи бійчиня були укомплектовані якісними сертифікованими турнікетами. Саме тому ми вже дуже давно передаємо нашим підопічним виключно турнікети CAT7.

Так, це задоволення не з дешевих і нам навряд чи вдалося б з цим впоратись без міжнародної підтримки. Ще наприкінці 2023 року наші друзі з Comité Ukraine–Suisse, UIT–CI та наш товариш Мартін передали нам більше 250 турнікетів CAT7 та іншої тактичної медицини, що дозволило протягом року забезпечувати потреби наших бійців та медиків. А коли ці запаси вичерпалися, Comité Ukraine–Suisse знову прийшли на допомогу.

У жовтні ми з їхньою допомогою закупили 94 турнікети, 56 з яких вже передані військовим.

Дякуємо вам, що робите нашу діяльність можливою. Ваша підтримка рятує життя тих, хто бореться проти авторитаризму!

🇬🇧 Let’s talk about tourniquets

Cheap Chinese and fake tourniquets are the nightmare of military medics. It’s hard to imagine how many people could have been saved if every fighter had been equipped with high-quality certified tourniquets from the very beginning. This is why, for a very long time, we’ve been sending exclusively CAT7 tourniquets to the fighters we take care of.

Yes, it is not a cheap choice, and we’d be unlikely to afford it without international support. Back in late 2023 our friends from Comité Ukraine–Suisse, UIT–CI, and our comrade Martin sent us over 250 CAT7 tourniquets and other tactical medical supplies, which allowed us to provide for the needs of our fighters and medics for a year. And when this stock ran out Comité Ukraine–Suisse came to our aid again.

In October, they helped us buy 94 tourniquets, 56 of which have already been sent to soldiers.

Thank you for making our work possible. Your support saves the lives of those who are fighting against authoritarianism!
Saturday 25th January 11:00-13:00 CET (Berlin time)
ENSU supporters' meeting

🇺🇦 Updates from Ukraine and around Ukraine
📆 Updates about the proposed conferences in Kyiv and Brussels
🛒 Any other business

Use this link to join the meeting:
Forwarded from Tanja Jarosch-Tymoshenko
+++ Bundesweite Demonstration in Jena am Sa. 25.01.2025 14 Uhr +++

Am 20.01.25 haben sich 7 der untergetauchten Antifaschist*innen im Budapest-Komplex selbst gestellt.

Wer sich als junger Mensch für sich und andere einsetzt und sich nicht von dem Verfolgungswahn der deutschen Behörden unterkriegen lässt, hat unseren Respekt verdient. Dass sich jetzt 7 der Antifaschist*innen selbst gestellt haben zeigt ihre Stärke und Solidarität.

Wir stehen solidarisch zu den jetzt Verhafteten, bereits Inhaftierten und weiterhin untergetauchten Antifas, ihren Angehörigen, Freund*innen und Familien!

Kommt deshalb am 25.1.25 um 14 Uhr nach Jena auf den Marktplatz, um gemeinsam unsere Solidarität zu zeigen!

Free All Antifas - Free Nele. Free Luca. Free Paula. Free Clara. Free Zaid. Free Moritz. Free Paul. Free Maja. Free Tobi. Free Gino. Free Hanna. Free Johann. Free Gabri. Solidarität ist unsere Waffe!

Die Demo soll familienfreundlich ablaufen und wir bitten alle Teilnehmer*innen, sich daran zu halten.
Ban russian shadow fleet.
EU, stop buying Russian oil and funding the war

Russia’s shadow fleet is smuggling oil to fund the war in Ukraine and causes catastrophic oil spills in European waters. One of these aging, unsafe secret ships is suspected of cutting a vital power cable in the Baltic Sea.
This secret fleet is critical for Russia’s war machine. Yet, only 1/3 of these ships face sanctions.

This is extremely important! Please sign and share the petition
Forwarded from Politicating/Політикування (Anastasiia FFF UА🇺🇦)
Поширте цей чи оригінальний пост. Світ має знати і ми в першу чергу

🤡 We should thank the Russians for the liberation of Auschwitz!
Or like this.
Of course, the russians are doing terrible things in Ukraine now, but they liberated the prisoners of Auschwitz in 1945. We should be grateful to them for that.

This is something that could be heard in many conversations on January 27, 2025, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and Holocaust Remembrance Day around the world. And if it was not said out loud, it was certainly in the minds of a huge number of people in the West who sincerely think this way.

This narrative is the result of ignorance and Soviet-russian propaganda, which is still at work. It is not only incorrect, but also humiliating to those who actually liberated Auschwitz and to the victims of the Holocaust, whose memory deserves historical accuracy.

Who liberated Auschwitz?
On January 27, 1945, the gates of the concentration camp were opened by soldiers of the 100th Lviv Rifle Division of the 60th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front of the Red Army. This front was multinational, like the entire Red Army, and not “Russian.”

The first to enter the camp were the soldiers of a battalion commanded by Anatolii Shapiro, a Poltava resident of Jewish origin. It was he and his soldiers who opened the gates of hell, saving those who were still alive. Shapiro, who was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine in 2006, recalled: “It was not just a camp. It was a place where humanity ceased to exist.”

The liberation of Auschwitz was part of a large-scale offensive campaign by the Red Army, in which representatives of many peoples of the Soviet Union took part: Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, Georgians, russians, and others. But today we see how russia, using Soviet history, traditionally appropriates this feat, reducing it to “Russians liberated.” And, unfortunately, this narrative finds support in the West.

Where is Ukraine in this story?

At the same time, Ukraine, which has not only the historical truth but also indisputable arguments, is virtually absent.

Russia systematically uses history as a propaganda tool. For years, it's been convincing the world of its own exceptionalism, appropriating the exploits of the multinational Red Army and the achievements of various republics of the Soviet Union. Ukraine, on the other hand, has real historical facts, but does not do enough to convey the truth to the international audience.

We have to use the media to tell the world that Ukrainians were a significant part of the 1st Ukrainian Front! We must talk about Anatoly Shapiro, the man who was the first to open the gates of Auschwitz! We must not allow russia to monopolize history that belongs to many nations!

Why is this important?
Today, in a time of war, when russia is committing new crimes against humanity on the territory of Ukraine, talking about its “heroic past” as a reason for gratitude is not just cynicism. It is an attempt to justify an aggressor trying to build a new empire using old propaganda clichés.

The memory of the Holocaust and the liberation of Auschwitz is not a political tool. It is a reminder of what totalitarianism, chauvinism, and disregard for human rights lead to. And we can honor this memory only when we recognize the historical truth: Auschwitz was liberated not by “Russians,” but by multinational soldiers of the Red Army, among whom Ukrainians played a key role. And it is Ukraine that should tell the world about this in order to restore historical justice.

Please share this post. The world must know the truth
Protest at 6pm tonight in front of Konrad-Adenauer-Haus in response to the CDU's asylum/immigration policy:
Please open Telegram to view this post
Tempelhof Radio Presents: Live Tempo Fundraiser for the psychotherapy mutual aid project Solidarity Minded in Ukraine. They provide free mental health support in community settings and for individuals who need it.

📍Location: @TorHaus, Columbiadamm 10, 12101 Berlin (map)
When: 31st January 2025, 7pm to midnight

In 2025, the High Tempo crew is transforming their concept on THF Radio by showcasing only live acts.
Since the renovation of @Torhaus almost a year ago, the THF Radio community has had the chance to host intimate events, paving the way for the creation of Live Tempo—a unique combination of a radio show and a free event series, which starts on 31st January!

The bar and kitchen will be open, serving soli borsch and an exclusive selection of drinks, with all proceeds going towards Solidarity Minded. See Instagram and here for more about it.

The 100% live lineup
19h: Al Hubard
20h: Hypergeist
21h: Aezron
22h: Helleroid
23h: Valcat

more about the event on Instagram
Forwarded from Yoo rii
Шановні пані та панове!
Завтра (п'ятниця 31.01) запрошуємо на фаундрайзер івент з THF Radio в Torhaus(будівля аеропорту Tempelhof) від наших друзів-вестернів.

Всі кошти підуть на Solidarity Minded – проект взаємодопомоги, який надає безкоштовну підтримку психічного здоров’я в регіонах, що постраждали від війни. Проект нещодавно створив новий центр у Києві.

В програмі: українська їжа та електронна музика


Вхід: безкоштовно (донат вітається)

❤️Insta події
📌RA івенту
Forwarded from Politicating/Політикування (Anastasiia FFF UА🇺🇦)
"The Occupant" - a film made from the videos found on the phone of a russian POW. This comment best describes it:

"Brilliant portrait of a Russian soldier. The scene of the bike he gifts to his daughter being mirrored when we see a scene with another child's bike at 13:51 being carried by distraught fleeing Ukrainian refugees is beyond poetic, and serves as a powerful metaphor for the innocence lost in this young man.
There are a lot of powerful parallel scenes like this throughout, him being driven around in a luxury car while partying with friends contrasted with the scenes of him being driven around in a tank/APC and stumbling on a destroyed convoy.
Whoever edited this documentary together from just cellphone footage is a very perceptive talented artist showing very much with very little. Posing very important questions about sympathy, guilt, complicity and the human condition/experience in general."

Another powerful scene is when the occupant talks to a Chechenyan grandpa. The grandpa says "leave us alone". He represents so many non-russian russians. The Ukrainian children on the occupied territories are about to enter the meat-grinder in Ukraine as russian occupants. Read more the story of Chechnya on wiki. It is just one of many

rus. with eng subtitles.

Please share this with as many people as possible!
Especially those who believe in BS like "it's all because of NATO" or "the politicians can't divide something and the population suffers"
Новий цикл безкоштовних екскурсій у Етнологічному музеї Гумбольдт-Форуму

02.01 збір о 13:40

Про що екскурсія?
Цього разу поглянете на зали Африки та Океанії з нової перспективи.

🔹 Як формуються стереотипи? Розберуть приклади шкільної освіти і обговорять, як діти з раннього віку вчаться бачити світ через певні образи.

🔹 Чому в Берліні переглядають назви вулиць? Розкажуть більше про колоніальне минуле та його вплив на сучасність.

🔹 Покажуть будинки для церемоній Океанії, поговорять про свята, ритуали та традиції корінних народів. Дізнаєтеся, які символи закладені в архітектурі, а найголовніше - зайдете всередину урядового будинку Республіки Палау і послухаєте справжні казки жителів Палау!

Усе це - в рамках деколоніального погляду на колекції музею та обговорення проблем регіону.

Мова проведення екскурсії - російська. Екскурсоводка - представниця народності кубачі з Даґестану.

Адреса: Humboldt Forum Schloßpl. 1, 10178 Berlin

Запис у групі
Forwarded from Politicating/Політикування (Anastasiia FFF UА🇺🇦)
"The Occupant" - a film made from the videos found on the phone of a russian POW. This comment best describes it:

"Brilliant portrait of a Russian soldier. The scene of the bike he gifts to his daughter being mirrored when we see a scene with another child's bike at 13:51 being carried by distraught fleeing Ukrainian refugees is beyond poetic, and serves as a powerful metaphor for the innocence lost in this young man.
There are a lot of powerful parallel scenes like this throughout, him being driven around in a luxury car while partying with friends contrasted with the scenes of him being driven around in a tank/APC and stumbling on a destroyed convoy.
Whoever edited this documentary together from just cellphone footage is a very perceptive talented artist showing very much with very little. Posing very important questions about sympathy, guilt, complicity and the human condition/experience in general."

Another powerful scene is when the occupant talks to a Chechenyan grandpa. The grandpa says "leave us alone". He represents so many non-russian russians. The Ukrainian children on the occupied territories are about to enter the meat-grinder in Ukraine as russian occupants. Read more the story of Chechnya on wiki. It is just one of many

rus. with eng subtitles.

Please share this with as many people as possible!
Especially those who believe in BS like "it's all because of NATO" or "the politicians can't divide something and the population suffers"
2025/02/02 19:09:09
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