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From the Councels of the Holy Elders of Optina.

"Strive to pay more attention to yourself and not analyze the affairs, actions and appeals made to you by others. If you find no love in them, it is because you yourself have no love within you." - Holy Elder St. Leo
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🍓f a person has not found God or is not looking for Him, he is unhappy, his soul grieves and finds no rest. People often don’t understand what the reason is: “Why can’t I calm down, why am I being drawn from one place to another, and I’m always dissatisfied? I come here and I don’t feel well here, and it seems to me that I’ll feel better there. I went there and didn’t feel well there either, and it seems to me that I’ll feel better here…” Thus, the lack of God’s grace in one’s soul makes one restless. Scripture says: “There is no rest in my bones because of my sin” (Psalm 38:3). In order to find peace, one should join the Source of Peace. This Source is God.
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"Do those things approved by God. For days come wicked and good, not trom their own nature; for a day differs nothing from another day, but from our zeal and sluggishness. If you perform righteousness, then the day becomes good to you; if you perform sin, then it will be evil and full of retribution. If you contemplate these things, and are so disposed, you will consider the whole year favorable, performing prayers and charity every day; but if you are careless of virtue for yourself, and you entrust the contentment of your soul to beginnings of months and numbers ot days, you will be desolate of everything good unto yourself.”

♰ St. John Chrysostom ♰

♰ ♰ ♰

"Let your demeanor, your dress, your walking, your sitting down, the nature of your food, the quality of your being, your house and what it contains, aim at simplicity. And let your speech, your singing, your manner with your neighbor, let these things also be in accord with humility rather than with vanity. In your words let there be no empty pretense, in your singing no excess sweetness, in conversation be not ponderous or overbearing. In everything refrain from seeking to appear important. Be a help to your friends, kind to the ones with whom you live, gentle to your servant, patient with those who are troublesome, loving towards the lowly, comforting those in trouble, visiting those in affliction, never despising anyone, gracious in friendship, cheerful in answering others, courteous, approachable to everyone, never speaking your own praises, nor getting others to speak of them, never taking part in unbecoming conversations, and concealing where you may whatever gifts you possess."

♰ St. Basil the Great ♰
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In times past, God, without body and form, could in no way be represented.  But now, since God has appeared in flesh and lived among men, I can depict that which is visible of God.  I do not venerate the matter, but I venerate the Creator of matter, who became matter for me, who condescended to live in matter, and who, through matter, accomplished my salvation; and I do not cease to respect the matter through which my salvation is accomplished.

+ St. John of Damascus

🎥 Icon painter KrЕstina Andreevna V.
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His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije offered the children an encouraging word on faith in God:
I’m happiest when we gather, especially when we gather in the Church of St. Sava. I’m happiest when I’m with you, because from you I, and all adults, can and should learn what it means to love God and everyone around us, first of all our parents, our brothers, sisters and our friends. We learn love from you, and together with you we all know that God loves us all, and especially you, children. And whenever you’re sad and in a bad mood in any way, when you have the impression that those around you don’t understand you, you know very well that God not only understands you but also truly loves you; and not just any God, but the God Who became a child, Who was born in a cave to assure you that troubles, difficulties, anger, and dissatisfaction are only moments in which we have the opportunity to feel that we are never alone and that God is always with us. God is especially with you and that is why our joy is great, because when we’re with you, we know that through you God is with us adults as well. I wish you all a Merry Christmas. May the Lord bless you all to hear His word and to overcome every trouble with prayer, faith in God, and love. Cheers! May the Lord bless you all! The peace of God—Christ is born!

Belgrade, January 5, 2023
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🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Christ is Born! Let Us Glorify Him in Song! Russian version of Christmas Carols 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Svyatki—Christmastide: History and Folk Traditions What to do during Svyatki The faithful were instructed to sing of the Nativity and glorify God Who sent…
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Christ is Born! Let Us Glorify Him in Song!

Serbian version of the beautiful Christmas song

Along these lines, we sing in the festal hymn:

You appeared to the world today, and Your light, O Lord, has left its mark upon us.

We must share this light with the darkness of the world, working together with the Spirit of God in the redemption of creation through Christ our Lord. This Lord entered our world in the humility of a child born to die—being wrapped as an infant in burial cloths, as depicted in the Nativity icon—by his own death triumphed over death itself.
Ultimately, then, the meaning of both the Nativity of Christ and the entirety of the 12 Days of Christmas is the receiving and giving of Christ, who is truly the gift and the giver, the one who is received and distributed.
In the Eucharistic mystery, we imitate the Mother of God in our sharing Christ with the world. We imitate Stephen in our being a true witness or martyr for Christ, to a world that would seek to be Herod. We imitate a life of true repentance as with David, and a life of simple, prayerful obedience like the elderly Joseph. We imitate the Theophany of Christ with our own manifestation of his light in the darkness. And we reflect the unity of the three Persons of the Trinity with our unity, communion, and mutual love as the Church.
In other words, we receive the uncreated light of the Christ-child on Nativity, and are prepared to share that light with the world by the end of the 12 Days of Christmas.

Fervently celebrate the commemorations and feasts of this glorious time of the year; not only for your own sake, but especially for the sake of the world.
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☦️🌟 There was a question. Roman Catholicism is a late heresy and cut itself off from its own original roots. Listen to the famous hermit, renowned ascetic, who was an RC theologian and became a real Catholic
🌟📿☦️ Prayer beads are very helpful, though in the church better to use the invisible 10-bead ones. It's necessary to use them to increase concentration and to move focus out from the mind, to the heart.
☦️🌟 Some churches are new, some old and need much repair, like the second one in the photo, but in general it's a holy duty of every Christian to support the parish. It's what God commanded many times still in the OT and it hasn't changed.
🌟☦️ 17th century icon being returned after 48 years when it was stolen.
☦️ From the work schedule of the Patriarchal Exarch, in Equatorial Guinea. May the Lord shine the true Light more in that beautiful continent.
☦️🕯️Life is temporary. Only your soul is eternal, and you must take care of it.🕯️☦️

♰ St. Paisios of Mount Athos ♰

The mantles and cassocks worn by bishops, priests, deacons, and monks are symbols of devotion, humility, seriousness and sacrifice. With this garment, sanctified by the deeds of thousands of saints, the devotee shows that he does not conform to the passing fashion and splendor of this world, but that he is clothed in divine grace, as a mediator between God and man.
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☦️ The famous Reformation500 documentary, made by former Protestants.
“Why do the clergy and altar servers wear such unusual clothing?
These distinctive garments are called vestments. Rooted in Old Testament worship (see Exodus 28-29), each item manifests God's grace given to those who hold priestly office or serve at the altar to perform their duties.”
Some are reminiscent of the royal vesture of the kingdoms of history, and some derive their shape and function from Scripture.  The historical origin and development of church vestments is a rather complex matter which has lent itself to two different approaches:
There are two origins:
1) the vestments of the early Christian Church were modeled after those of the Jewish levitical priesthood.,
2) it evolved from the ordinary dress of the Roman citizenry in the first few centuries of the Christian era.
form of dress we see in the Old Testament. Ezek. 44:17-18 . the simplest form was also the dress commonly worn by men and women - the chiton or tunic, a long garment with sleeves, which reached to he ground.
Clothing decorated with crosses was to distinguish them from ordinary garments.  Each colour has symbolic meaning. For example, in Russian church  - Red is the color of Christ’s blood and is also associated with Easter – the Resurrection of Christ.
2025/01/13 02:09:52
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