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The pious students of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab.
The Wahhabi practice of testing people about aqida is a bid'a characteristic of the Khawarij and a source of enormous fitna.

It is easy to design an aqida test to destroy any Muslim group through fitna, which is exactly what Wahhabis do against every other Muslim.

Consider the following aqida test. Were it applied en masse, it would destroy the Salafi movement.

This is why aqida testing is evil and is 100% contrary to the Sunna.


Do you agree with Ibn Hanbal that Abu Hanifa was a deviant who spread lies about the religion? Or is this view itself deviance?

Do you agree with Ibn Hanbal that it is permissible to call on angels for help instead of Allah (at least if one is lost)? Or is this view deviant?

Do you agree with Ibn Taymiyya that it is permissible to call on jinn for help instead of Allah? Or is this view deviant?

Do you agree with Ibn Taymiyya that the dead (sometimes) do supernaturally offer help to those who request it from them (even if requesting itself is haram)? Or is this view deviant?

Do you agree with Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn al-Qayyim that it is permissible (or correct) to believe that hell is not eternal, and that mushriks who reject Islam will not be punished forever? Or is this view deviant?

Do you agree with Ibn Abd al-Wahhab that Prophet Adam committed shirk? Or is this view deviant?

Do you agree with Ibn Abd al-Wahhab declaring most Muslims to be kafir mushriks and waging jihad against them? Or is this view deviant?

Do you agree with Ibn Abd al-Wahhab that it is permissible to violently rebel against a ruler who does not apply Islamic laws? Or is this view deviant?
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Don't criticize this fashion model.

He is not an ashari or sufi. He has the correct aqida, therefore he is better than the deviant mushrik asharis, maturidis, and ikhwanis.
Daniel Haqiqatjou Official
Don't criticize this fashion model. He is not an ashari or sufi. He has the correct aqida, therefore he is better than the deviant mushrik asharis, maturidis, and ikhwanis.
This is not a joke. This is exactly what the Wahhabis believe.


Islam teaches us not to focus on love for Allah and His Prophet ﷺ, love for the umma, or on pious conduct.

Rather, what is important is reciting and affirming long lists of aqida points that were never mentioned or discussed by the Prophet ﷺ or the Sahaba.

The man in this video is better than every ashari and maturidi scholar and zahid as long as he agrees with everything Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab says about aqida!

As long as he affirms what is in Kitab al-Tawhid and other Wahhabi texts, this man is better than Abu Hanifa, al-Ghazali, al-Nawawi, al-Subki, Ibn Hajar, al-Suyuti - who are all deviants or kafir mushriks.

We should prefer people like this over the likes of al-Ghazali and al-Nawawi. That is the correct manhaj of the salaf.

Do you want proof?

Then look at this famous passage from the (hoaxed) aqida book we attributed to Imam al-Barbahari.

"If you see a man with a corrupt path and conduct—sinful, immoral, a person of disobedience and misguidance—yet he is from Ahl al-Sunnah, then accompany him and sit with him, for his sins will not harm you. But if you see a man who is diligent—even if he appears ascetic and consumed by worship—but he is a person of desires (ahl al-hawa) [i.e., doesnt pass your aqida test], then do not sit with him, do not accompany him, do not listen to his speech, and do not walk with him on the same path. I fear that you may admire his way and perish alongside him."

[١٣٩] وإذا رأيت الرجل رديء الطريق والمذهب، فاسقا فاجرا، صاحب معاص، ضالا، وهو أهل السنة فاصحبه، واجلس معه فإنه ليس [تضرك] معصيته، وإذا رأيت
[الرجل] مجتهدا – وإن بدا متقشفا محترقا بالعبادة - صاحب هوى، فلا تجالسه، ولا تقعد معه، ولا تسمع كلامه ولا [تمش] معه في طريق، فإني لا آمن أن تستحلي طريقته [فتهلك] معه.
I would consider myself an absolute failure if people like Rabbi Faris, the Jewish ADL, Wahhabi sectarians, and ISIS didn't all hate me.
Thread debunking the Wahhabi claim that Ibn Abd al-Wahhab followed Imam Ahmad and Ibn Taymiyya in aqida.
The followers of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab pretend that issues of istighatha and shirk are clear-cut "aqida" matters, when in fact they're matters of ijtihad on which their own scholars vastly differed.

I say this despite holding that istighatha is haram, and in many cases is almost certainly shirk.

Yet because it is a matter of ijtihad, I do not takfir and kill others who hold different views (which is exactly what Ibn Abd al-Wahhab did).

As I have proven, Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Taymiyya believe that it is permissible to seek aid from jinn instead of Allah, and Ibn Hanbal believes it is permissible to do so from angels.

Meanwhile, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab says this is shirk.

This is the same opinion of Bin Baz and Saudi's al-Lajna al-Da'ima.

SEE BELOW for proof that Bin Baz and al-Lajna al-Da'ima condemn requests from jinn as shirk.

Rather than acknowledging that issues of istighatha and shirk are matters of ijtihad on which their own scholars differ, the followers of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab pretend that - in reality - Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, and Bin Baz all have the same opinion.

They have to do this because otherwise their entire takfiri worldview collapses.


As soon as they concede that issues of istighatha and shirk are matters of ijtihad on which scholars differ when it comes to jinn and angels, they will have to concede that the same applies with respect to the dead.

More generally, Wahhabis have a dishonest dawah based on lying to the masses about issues of istighatha and shirk.

They tell the masses that seeking aid is worship and seeking aid from anyone but Allah is worshippong other than Allah and thus clearly shirk.

Then, when a person of knowledge confronts them and tells them that their position implies Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Taymiyya endorse shirk, they quietly concede the point and pretend they never held a different view.

This is also why they refuse to engage in public debate.

Instead they limit themselves to raising constant irrelevant low iq points in anonymous social media posts.

Here is the fatwa where it says in the most clear terms: SEEKING HELP FROM ANGELS AND JINN IS SHIRK


Some people, when they want to pray against a person, say, “O jinn, seize him, O ‘ifreet seize him; may seven (jinn) seize you, may they break your back and suck your blood.” What is the ruling on such words?

Praise be to Allah.

This is shirk, and is a type of seeking the help of the jinn. Some people do this because they have fear of the jinn in their hearts and they are afraid of their power, and because their hearts are devoid of sincere faith and trust in Allaah. So they are content with these illusions and they seek the help of created beings which are not able to bring benefit or ward off harm for themselves, let alone for anyone else.

When Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about this matter, he said:

“This is even more abhorrent than associating others in worship with Allaah. We must not do this, we must beware of it, we must advise others not to do it and we must denounce those who do it. If a person is known to commit such actions of shirk, it is not permissible to let him marry a Muslim woman, to eat meat slaughtered by him, to pray over him [the funeral prayer] or to pray behind him, until he announces his repentance to Allaah, which includes devoting his du’aa’ and worship sincerely and purely to Allaah alone.”

(Iqaamat al-Baraaheen ‘ala Hukm man istaghaatha bi ghayr Allaah, p. 30)

The Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas has issued a fatwa stating that:

“seeking the help of the jinn and turning to them to meet one’s needs by harming someone or benefitting him is shirk, because it is a kind of worship directed to someone other than Allaah. It is a kind of benefitting from the jinn to fulfil one’s needs, in return for which the jinn benefits by having the human’s veneration and trust, and being called upon by him to fulfil his desires. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

‘And on the Day when He will gather them (all) together (and say): “O you assembly of jinn! Many did you mislead of men,” and their Awliyaa’ (friends and helpers) amongst men will say: “Our Lord! We benefited one from the other, but now we have reached our appointed term which You did appoint for us.” He will say: “The Fire be your dwelling place, you will dwell therein forever, except as Allaah may will. Certainly your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing.”

And thus We do make the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers) Awliyaa’ (supporters and helpers) of one another (in committing crimes), because of that which they used to earn’ [al-An’aam 6:128-129]

And Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

‘And verily, there were men among mankind who took shelter with the males among the jinn, but they (jinn) increased them (mankind) in sin and transgression’ [al-Jinn 72:6]

When a human seeks the help of the jinn, to cause harm to another or to protect him from the evil of one whose evil he fears, all of this is shirk, and whoever is in this state, his prayer and fasting mean nothing. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“If you join others in worship with Allaah, (then) surely, (all) your deeds will be in vain, and you will certainly be among the losers” [al-Zumar 39:65]

Whoever is known to do such things, cannot be prayed over if he dies, his funeral cannot be attended, and he cannot be buried in the Muslim graveyard.”

(Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 1/407-408)

The jaahili (ignorant) nature of their seeking the help of the jinn and putting their trust in them is highlighted in the words of shirk that they utter, such as:

“By the help of Allaah and you; I am under Allaah’s care and yours; I have no one except Allaah and you; I am Allaah’s slave and yours; I put my trust in Allaah and in you; this is from Allaah and from you; I have Allaah in heaven and you on earth,” etc.

Undoubtedly these phrases are expressions of shirk, because they make a created being the rival of the Creator. Exalted be our Lord far above that.
They even call upon Jibreel (peace be upon him) and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) instead of Allaah, by uttering words of ignorance such as, “O Jibreel, help me,” and “O Muhammad, intercede for me.” And Allaah is the One Whose help we seek.
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Here is a famous individual who has been influenced by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's teachings.

He clearly indicates that Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Taymiiyya mistakenly endorsed a type shirk by believing in the permissibility of requesting things from angels and jinn.

My aim is not to condemn this person.

It is simply to point out that Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's teachings on istighatha and shirk are very different from Ibn Hanbal's and Ibn Taymiyya's.

For those influenced by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Taymiyya did not fully understand shirk and tawhid like Ibn Abd al-Wahhab.

Only dishonest people deny these facts.
Remember how all this started: All the Wahhabis (Madkhalis, ISIS fangirls, Salafi sectarians, and postal workers) united to takfir me and call me a deviant.


Because I wouldn't denounce Asharis and Maturidis as outside of Ahl al-Sunna.

They said that this means I am a deviant myself and even a kafir because Asharis and Maturidis do not consider istighatha shirk akbar and this is a matter of AQIDA. Therefore, there can be no ikhtilaf, there can be no difference of opinion because it is AQIDA. And the fact that Daniel is saying this is a matter of ikhtilaf means Daniel does not value AQIDA and, in fact, he is calling to shirk!

In response, I've made a very simple argument. If istighatha is truly a matter of clear-cut aqida and there can be no legitimate ikhtilaf, then why do their own scholars disagree with each other?

Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Taymiyya say istighatha to angels and jinn is permissible and NOT SHIRK.

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Bin Baz, et al., say istighatha to angels and jinn is haram and IS SHIRK.

This is as clear of an ikhtilaf as there can be, which means this cannot be considered by them to be a clear-cut matter of aqida, which means there can be difference of opinion all within the circle of Ahl al-Sunna.

2025/01/27 04:36:47
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