– Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! – шепчет шофер генеральской машины, обращаясь к адьютанту генерала, сидящему с ним рядом. – Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! - шепчет адьютант, повернувшись к генералу, сидящему за ним. – Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! - шепчет генерал генеральше, сидящей рядом с ним. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет генеральша генералу. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет генерал адьютанту. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет адьютант шоферу. . . . . – Вчера холодного пива выпил, – шепчет шофер.
– Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! – шепчет шофер генеральской машины, обращаясь к адьютанту генерала, сидящему с ним рядом. – Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! - шепчет адьютант, повернувшись к генералу, сидящему за ним. – Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! - шепчет генерал генеральше, сидящей рядом с ним. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет генеральша генералу. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет генерал адьютанту. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет адьютант шоферу. . . . . – Вчера холодного пива выпил, – шепчет шофер.
BY Анекдоты категории б: избранное
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Pavel Durov, a billionaire who embraces an all-black wardrobe and is often compared to the character Neo from "the Matrix," funds Telegram through his personal wealth and debt financing. And despite being one of the world's most popular tech companies, Telegram reportedly has only about 30 employees who defer to Durov for most major decisions about the platform. DFR Lab sent the image through Microsoft Azure's Face Verification program and found that it was "highly unlikely" that the person in the second photo was the same as the first woman. The fact-checker Logically AI also found the claim to be false. The woman, Olena Kurilo, was also captured in a video after the airstrike and shown to have the injuries. The channel appears to be part of the broader information war that has developed following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin has paid Russian TikTok influencers to push propaganda, according to a Vice News investigation, while ProPublica found that fake Russian fact check videos had been viewed over a million times on Telegram. Telegram was founded in 2013 by two Russian brothers, Nikolai and Pavel Durov. Telegram has gained a reputation as the “secure” communications app in the post-Soviet states, but whenever you make choices about your digital security, it’s important to start by asking yourself, “What exactly am I securing? And who am I securing it from?” These questions should inform your decisions about whether you are using the right tool or platform for your digital security needs. Telegram is certainly not the most secure messaging app on the market right now. Its security model requires users to place a great deal of trust in Telegram’s ability to protect user data. For some users, this may be good enough for now. For others, it may be wiser to move to a different platform for certain kinds of high-risk communications.
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