This is how you upset the Holocaust Controversies fanbase.
Why was Jewish WW2 survivor and Sonderkommando, David Olere, unable to accurately depict the facility where the gas chambers were allegedly located?
Nessie failed to do a gotcha.
(Yes, I like my own tweets.)
(Yes, I like my own tweets.)
Another funny thing about this interaction with Nessie is that they are ceding to the premise that the accusation of 6 million murders was never proven.
Let's see if ol' Nessie can explain why the Holocaust narrative is above the law.
Let's see if ol' Nessie can explain why the Holocaust narrative is above the law.
Nessie refuses to admit that they are making an exception to innocent until proven guilty for the Holocaust narrative. Instead they have decided to make more bad arguments. Nessie really is a Holocaust affirming lolcow.
Nessie refuses to admit that they are making an exception to innocent until proven guilty for the Holocaust narrative. Instead they have decided to make more bad arguments. Nessie really is a Holocaust affirming lolcow.
Mike Peinovich was banned from twitter (again) today, but he just had to jump in on a particularly absurd statement from Nessie.
The lolz keep coming.
Nessie is actually providing me with many teachable moments and fodder for my next article, which will be about what it looks like to defend a lie.
Nessie is actually providing me with many teachable moments and fodder for my next article, which will be about what it looks like to defend a lie.
Forwarded from Mike Peinovich⚡️⚡️🔻
It's highly frustrating to be banned from twitter in the midst of a debate where the opponent is making laughable and specious claims, but can rely on censorship to pull their fat out of the fire. Technically, you are not even allowed to argue the other side of the holocaust on twitter, something that fabulists and frauds dine out on.
At issue this time was an account who asserted that deniers cannot evince an alternative story to the gassing narrative, therefore the gassing narrative must be accepted by default. This is absurd. Not only is this logically just wrong, but there is a readily available alternative narrative and ample evidence.
Limiting things to Auschwitz for the sake of argument, literally all the existing documentary and physical evidence at Auschwitz-Birkenau supports an alternative narrative to the gassing of Jews. The alleged gas chambers were labeled as morgues in the construction documents and blueprints, of which there are many. Gas chambers are not mentioned anywhere. The gas chambers could not have possibly worked as described, and key components of the gassing device, like the holes in the roof and mesh columns, do not exist and there is no evidence they ever did. There is no chemical residue of the poison gas, which would be present if the gas was used in large quantities in these spaces. So the case is proven, they could not have been gas chambers. The book is closed on that.
This means that we simply accept the documents and physical evidence for what they are and do not try to impose secret codes, telepathic commands, conspiracies and disappearing bodies on top of them. There is your alternative narrative staring you in the face. It's just all the evidence that has been lied about and misconstrued for all these years. It simply tells a different story than the bizarre gassing conspiracy.
As far as the question of "where did the jews go then" this is more of a rhetorical strategy than a genuine question. it is meant to switch the burden of proof and put the fabulist in the position of being able to deconstruct speculation. Again, there is ample evidence of Jews being shipped to various camps and many of them left for the USA, USSR and occupied Palestine. There is no need for some complex or elaborate theory. But answering this question must start from the point that there were no gassings, because that tale has been decisively disproven.
At issue this time was an account who asserted that deniers cannot evince an alternative story to the gassing narrative, therefore the gassing narrative must be accepted by default. This is absurd. Not only is this logically just wrong, but there is a readily available alternative narrative and ample evidence.
Limiting things to Auschwitz for the sake of argument, literally all the existing documentary and physical evidence at Auschwitz-Birkenau supports an alternative narrative to the gassing of Jews. The alleged gas chambers were labeled as morgues in the construction documents and blueprints, of which there are many. Gas chambers are not mentioned anywhere. The gas chambers could not have possibly worked as described, and key components of the gassing device, like the holes in the roof and mesh columns, do not exist and there is no evidence they ever did. There is no chemical residue of the poison gas, which would be present if the gas was used in large quantities in these spaces. So the case is proven, they could not have been gas chambers. The book is closed on that.
This means that we simply accept the documents and physical evidence for what they are and do not try to impose secret codes, telepathic commands, conspiracies and disappearing bodies on top of them. There is your alternative narrative staring you in the face. It's just all the evidence that has been lied about and misconstrued for all these years. It simply tells a different story than the bizarre gassing conspiracy.
As far as the question of "where did the jews go then" this is more of a rhetorical strategy than a genuine question. it is meant to switch the burden of proof and put the fabulist in the position of being able to deconstruct speculation. Again, there is ample evidence of Jews being shipped to various camps and many of them left for the USA, USSR and occupied Palestine. There is no need for some complex or elaborate theory. But answering this question must start from the point that there were no gassings, because that tale has been decisively disproven.
Mike Peinovich was banned from twitter (again) today, but he just had to jump in on a particularly absurd statement from Nessie.
Someone on twitter brought up Corrie ten Boom, who was a supposed hero. Corrie was sent to Ravensbruck because her family had been hoarding food ration cards. She claimed to have witnessed a homicidal gas chamber while there. Problem is she was released in 1944 and the chamber was supposedly built in 1945. Whoopsie!
Yankel Wiernik was a key witness to Treblinka and his testimony is used in scholarly Holocaust books.
Here is a story about an evil Nazi nailing Wiernik's ears to the wall and also a picture of Wiernik.
For more of his wacky claims check out:
Here is a story about an evil Nazi nailing Wiernik's ears to the wall and also a picture of Wiernik.
For more of his wacky claims check out:
Henryk Tauber, Jewish WW2 survivor and alleged Sonderkommando, was said to be extremely accurate according to an orthodox Holocaust scholar.
Pictured here is Tauber claiming that bodies used their own fat as fuel during cremation and a blurb about how cremation works in reality.
For more of Tauber's wacky claims check out:
Pictured here is Tauber claiming that bodies used their own fat as fuel during cremation and a blurb about how cremation works in reality.
For more of Tauber's wacky claims check out: