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Shifting to Western Indo-European focus
Over the years, much of my work has been focused on the connections between ancient Indo-Europeans and the modern Vedic faiths along with European Paganism.
This resulted in three 4 books so far. As well as thousands of posts and articles.
However, I plan to broaden my focus.
Plenty has been said regarding the Indo-European connection, but I want to shift focus to broader Eurasian concepts as well as European folk faith. I think during this age of revival, it is the most important fo focus upon my own people and their ancient connections both to the broader Indo-Europeans as well as general Europe folk. I will continue to highlight connections between Vedic faiths as well as Buddhism, being that I am a Vajrayana Lay priest, and it will always be an aspect that I am upfront about. However, I feel the Celto-Germanic and Slavic and general European folk and their ties and connections are to be the focus for this coming year.
That being said, anyone who is interested in general Indo-European Paganism or wants to please check out my books here.
My YouTube here:
And considered supporting me through patreon.
If you are interested in the topic of Indo-Europeans in general, please check out the two videos below from scholars that I respect.
India Migration Theory
I hope you all have a great New Year as the future is bright.
BY Hammer and Vajra

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