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Forwarded from Harrowman Ealdham
Goat-Drawn God of Glaring Light,
Banish all trolls of baneful blight,
Fare forward towards the holy fight,
Wield Thy flashing Maul with might,
Shoot all thursar with arrows far from sight,
O Red-Bearded Bowman, Mother Earth’s Delight,
Free us from our own ignorance, Thunderwright,
Strong Thunor, steer us to have righteous sight,
Kindly heed this boon and keep us in healthy sprights.
Who are the Gods of Germania Interview
Who are the Gods of Germania?

This is the full interview between Pagan Revivalism and author/ researcher William P. Reaves, featuring guest appearances from the Norrœna Society: Kyle Davis, Keith Osgood & Mark Puryear.

This interview is broken up into four distinct parts: Introductions, Foundations of Germanic Faith, Deep Epic Analysis, Rapidfire Analysis.

An accompanying table of contents will be posted separately so you can skip to a particular part you are interested in.

We went over deep theology, using sources and methods intrigal to the Rydberg Epic Method, which is used in research into Germanic faith as well as the bedrock for their revived practice of Heathenry today.

Some of the basic and most profound questions of theology are basic questions to anything, such as: who, what, when, where, why & how. Yesterday we covered Who are the Gods of Germania.

You may not agree with some of their conclusions, but this shows our faith is maturing into a highly revived & professional state!

Gods love you
ᛈ᛫ᛊ᛫ᚲ Sónarblót divination
This ends this family Veizla we hope everyone had a good Jol

Sónarblót is important for Sónar means to atone. In the Sedish faith offering the compensation for your transgressions and sending your years troubles to the fire.

Our offerings were left on the Horgr exposed to the air and elements.
Ask and Embla
ᚷ᛫ᛒ᛫ᛊ Þórablót divination

Jólablót divination

Sónarblót divination

Goðþjóð light the way
Forwarded from Hearthfire Radio
NEW EPISODE — The Fyrgen — AMA #4


Dan addresses a fascinating set of listener questions, about Heathenry, identity and relationships.

1) How to begin incorporating Heathenry
2) Early Christian influence
3) Sedianism
4) Composing prayers/mantras
5) Christian Identity/influence
6) Use of pre-Germanic British sites
7) Dan's favourite sites and home setup
8) Which gods for a Scot?
9) Becoming a step-father
10) To stay or go?
Forwarded from ᛉ Sagnamaðr Stark ᛉ
I have a new theory; I think Odinic wolf warrior cults like that of the Harii may have conducted night raids under the light of the full moon, like unto the Comanche, and this may have been reflected in later werewolf folklore.
Painting: Death in the Forest by Peter Dennis. 𐃏

From ancient Europeans

The Veksø Helmets, dating back to the Bronze Age (circa 3,000 ybp), are iconic artifacts discovered in Denmark in 1942. Found near Veksø, these ceremonial helmets are made of bronze and are notable for their intricate design and craftsmanship.

Characterized by their bird-like features, the helmets have extended beaks and large, round eye-holes, resembling a bird's head. The presence of decorative feathers or horns suggests they were likely used for ritualistic purposes rather than for combat. These helmets reflect the sophisticated metalworking skills of the time, showcasing the importance of symbolism and ritual in Nordic Bronze Age societies.

The discovery of the Veksø Helmets offers valuable insights into the cultural and religious practices of ancient Scandinavian peoples. Their intricate designs and the context in which they were found suggest they played a role in ceremonial events, possibly connected to sun worship or shamanistic rituals.

Today, the Veksø Helmets are housed in the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen. They continue to be a subject of fascination and study, shedding light on the rich and complex belief systems of prehistoric Northern Europe. #nordic#denmark #zealand #nordicbronzeage #ancienteuropeans #veksø #denmark
Gera ok Freka seðr gunntamiðr hróðigr Herjafǫðr; en við vín eitt vápngǫfugr Óðinn æ lifir.

"Battle-trained, glorious Herjafǫðr feeds Geri and Freki; but on wine alone weapon-noble Óðinn always lives."

Grímnismál 19
Codex Regius
MS No. 2365 4to

If you have premium on Spotify I suggest giving the saga of the icelanders a listen. It's a very detailed record of how pur ancestors managed their communities
Forwarded from ᛉ Sagnamaðr Stark ᛉ
Firesteel amulets from the Museum of Lund.
In 1880 Johan Alfred Göth wrote that in rural Småland, it was said that sheet lightning was caused by Freyja striking Her firesteel to check on the rye.
Art by D.Narbut
Forwarded from Germanic Faith (Kyle Davis)

For those who haven’t yet delved into The Religion of Our Forefathers by Rasmus B. Anderson, I highly recommend you do. Anderson, the founder of the Norroena Society and the Norroena Library, played a pivotal role in preserving and translating the lore of our ancestors into English. His lifelong dedication to Norse and Germanic studies not only made these texts accessible to a wider audience but also helped shape modern understandings of our ancient traditions. A scholar, historian, and diplomat, Anderson was instrumental in popularizing Norse mythology in America and advocating for the recognition of Leif Erikson as the true European discoverer of North America. We owe him a great debt of gratitude, for without his work, much of our knowledge of the old ways might have remained locked away in untranslated manuscripts, hidden from those who seek to reconnect with their ancestral faith.
Most of my writing efforts are going into the newsletter. But for a monthly substance I will write about the Sedian tenet's

Don't let a cult personality tell you what to do, build your community but also remember your immediate family or Aett is most important.

16. The development of strong, healthy families and communities is the epicenter of our entire belief.
We are currently in the 14th week of
“Black-Frost” soon we will enter the 17th week of winter which is Gói
“Winter” Sunday between Feb. 18-
Forwarded from Pagan Revivalism
Media is too big
Here's a nice and easy Roman recipe, which was used for meals and offerings to the Gods, and pretty delicious too.

We have talked on this channel about part of revival is doing what are ancestors did. Also hearing what they did, because our legends were originally songs. Another part is tasting what our ancestors did. Part of revival and traditionalism is emulation, which is the highest form of veneration to family, ancestors and Gods alike.

So let's make these ancestral foods, it's not only an aspect of tradition and faith, but is far healthier than the processed junk of today.

Gods love you
2025/02/01 23:53:21
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