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📆 80 years ago, #OTD in 1945, the #Soviet Vistula-Oder strategic offensive was commenced, one of the major operations against Nazis conducted in the territory of #Poland and Germany.

Due to the rapid pace of the Red Army’s advance (up to 30 kilometres daily) it came down in history as ‘the run to the Oder.’

☝️ Initially, the operation was to be started on 20 January 1945. But in early January, due to the failure of UK and US troops in #Ardennes (read more), #Churchill asked #Stalin for an urgent offensive on the Eastern front in order to divert Nazi forces.

❗️ The results of the offensive surpassed all expectations – Soviet troops advanced westwards by over 500 km and in early February found themselves 60 km from Berlin.

⚔️ Within the 23 days of the operation, 35 Nazi divisions were completely destroyed, other 25 divisions lost 50-70% of their personnel, 150,000 #Nazi soldiers and officers were taken POWs.

🌟 Soviet troops took Krakow and encircled enemy forces in Poznan, liberated prisoners of #Auschwitz concentration camp.
The Red Army secured a foothold on the Oder River bank – to later start the Berlin offensive from there.

#Victory80 #WorldWar2 #WW2
☦️ В г.Мидранде состоялись праздничные мероприятия по случаю Нового года и Рождества Христова

12 января 2025 г. в приходе преп. Сергия Радонежского в ЮАР состоялось мероприятие, посвященное празднованию Нового года и Рождества Христова с участием российских соотечественников, представителей дипломатического корпуса и прихожан собора.

Патриарший экзарх Африки митрополит Зарайский Константин, находящийся в ЮАР с визитом, совершил Божественную литургию.

🎁 После церковной службы в трапезной храма состоялся праздничный концерт с участием Деда Мороза и Снегурочки, подготовленный педагогическим составом и учащимися воскресной школы. В завершение мероприятия юным соотечественникам были вручены новогодние подарки от Посольства России в ЮАР.

Фото: приходской центр Кафедрального собора преп. Сергия Радонежского

#Рождество #Соотечественники #ЮАР

80 years ago, #OTD in 1945 the East Prussian Strategic Offensive of the Red Army started with the purpose to defeat the enemy’s grouping in the East Prussia and the northern Poland. It was carried out by Soviet troops of the 2nd, the 3rd Belorussian and the 1st Baltic fronts, supported by the #Baltic Fleet.

East Prussia for ages had been the bastion of German militarism (this is how ‘The Big Three’ leaders – Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt – referred to it during the Yalta conference). Several defence lines were created there, each consisting of three trenches, also including minefields, barbed wire, pillboxes etc.

⚔️ The #Soviet command intended to breach Nazis’ defence in directions Koenigsberg and Marienburg and cut the Army Group “Centre” from the main Wehrmacht forces, then trap it against the Baltic Sea and defeat in parts.

To withstand the Soviet advance, Nazi command conscripted people of 14-70 years to Volkssturm batallions, bringing the total number of the resisting troops to 800,000.

⚔️ Within the offensive, 6 smaller operations were conducted. As a result of the Red Army’s efforts, #Nazi forces were dissected into 3 isolated parts all of which were liquidated by 25 April 1945. 25 Nazi divisions were eliminated and 12 more depleted. The enemy lost over 480,000 killed and wounded, with some 220,000 taken POWs. Soviet troops also suffered heavy losses.

❗️ Success of the offensive was of a great military and political significance. Having gained East Prussia, the Red Army eliminated the eastern outpost of German militarism and liberated the northern regions of #Poland. The Third Reich lost an economically important region. The enemy’s maritime communications were completely disrupted and supplies to the Courland grouping blocked in the Baltic region stalled.

#Victory80 #WorldWar2 #WW2
🇷🇺🚂 The medical train ‘Saint Panteleimon’ to travel across Russia’s Far East.

Throughout 2025, it is expected to make 15 trips.

The medical train is a mobile clinic where patients can have an X-ray, mammogram, ultrasound, undergo spirometry and stress tests, and get a consultation with a therapist, endocrinologist, urologist, surgeon, and pediatrician.

‘Saint Panteleimon’ was the first in Russia to receive registration as a medical device – a mobile consultative and diagnostic center. It consists of 14 cars, 6 of which are auxiliary. The rest are cars for radiation and functional diagnostics, two therapeutic and one surgical car, laboratory, doctor's office and registration car. The cars are equipped with the most up-to-date equipment.

🎄🎄 Today Russians celebrate an informal holiday known as the ‘Old New Year’ which is basically the New Year Day by the Julian calendar.

The Old New Year is a historical phenomenon, an additional holiday that arose as a result of the change in the calendar. Remember, in 1699 Russia switched to Gregorian calendar, which is 13 days ahead of the Julian one. Due to this discrepancy, Russia and a number of other countries celebrate two "New Years" - according to the old and new styles.

🎉 Thus, the New Year 2025 is here once and for all!

#NewYear #NewYear2025 #RussianTraditions
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❗️ The problem of violation of the rights of Russian citizens and compatriots abroad still has no signs of any improvement so far and, moreover, the negative trends continue due to the efforts of the "collective West."

☝️ There persists and only exacerbates the barbaric discrimination of Russians in a number of countries, especially in #Europe and #NorthAmerica. These large-scale violations of the rights of Russians contribute to other notorious problems that our compatriots have been facing for many years.

⚠️ Those include denial of a wide range of services (educational, medical, banking, etc.), the introduction of measures against Russian business and seizure of property of Russian citizens, suspension of Russians from sports and culture events, forcing them into public repentance and condemnation of the actions of Russian authorities etc.

📖 Read the Russian MFA’s report on violations of the rights of Russian citizens and compatriots in foreign countries

🇷🇺 9-year-old #Russian chess player Roman Shogdzhiev becomes the youngest ever to score the international master norm

At the age of just 9 years old, Roman Shogdzhiev has broken the record to become the youngest player in history to score an international master (IM) norm. He is also one of just three players to cross the 2300 barrier before the age of 10.

The exceptional feat occurred during the RadnickiChess IM tournament in Belgrade, Serbia, in Dec 2024. In a field with two grandmasters and two international masters, Shogdzhiev scored 7/9, losing to only tournament winner GM Suat Atalik in round eight.
It's an impressive result by the Russian youngster, who scored his first IM norm at 9 years, 10 months and 7 days, almost a month younger than IM Faustino Oro (Argentina), the previous record holder.

👏 Sincere congratulations to Roman!

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2025/01/15 08:05:01
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