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“Only madmen and barbarians may speak the truth and get out alive.” — Samuel Francis
"Despite the man’s obscurity, he continues to cast a shadow over American politics, even though most do not realize they are in his shadow. In fact, few of the newly minted nationalists and populists that the ruling class sees as a threat could tell you anything about Sam Francis, but they owe their politics to the man and his contemporaries who made up the paleoconservative movement."
This channel is dedicated to the political and cultural thoughts of Samuel T. Francis, the Sage of Middle America and Leviathan’s bane.
The Leviathan’s Bane pinned «This channel is dedicated to the political and cultural thoughts of Samuel T. Francis, the Sage of Middle America and Leviathan’s bane.»
“If the United States has a future as anything more than the tax base and recruiting grounds for the transnational elite and its regime, the conflict between a popular nationalism and elite globalism will need to develop even more, as it will in other nations.”

— SF
"Conservatism is the survival and enhancement of a particular people and its institutionalized cultural expressions."

— Samuel T. Francis
“The first thing we have to learn about fighting and winning a cultural war is that we are not fighting to “conserve” something; we are fighting to overthrow something. Obviously, we do want to conserve something—our culture, our way of life, the set of institutions and beliefs that distinguish us as Americans. But we must understand clearly and firmly that the dominant authorities in the United States—in the federal government and often in state and local government as well, in the two major political parties, the major foundations, the media, the schools, the universities, big business, and most of the system of organized culture, including the arts and entertainment—not only do nothing to conserve what most of us regard as our traditional way of life but actually seek its destruction or are indifferent to its survival. If our culture is going to be conserved, then, we need to dethrone the dominant authorities that threaten it.”

Winning the Culture War; 1993
“The myth of the managerial regime that America is merely a philosophical proposition about the equality of all mankind (and therefore includes all mankind) must be replaced by a new myth of the nation as a historically and culturally unique order that commands loyalty, solidarity, and discipline and excludes those who do not or cannot assimilate to its norms and interests."

— SF
“If you reject race, then you reject America as it has really existed throughout its history, and whatever you mean by 'America' has to come from something other than its real past."

— Samuel T. Francis
2025/01/26 02:47:05
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