News from the Front: The Reflections of a Russian Anarchist in Rojava
A Russian anarchist volunteer speaks on the collapse of the Assad regime, the future of Russia, and the looming threat of a Turkish-backed invasion of northeastern Syria.
"I watched with special feeling as the Russian columns passed by me at one of the positions. I peered into the faces of the soldiers, trying to understand whether they realized that all these years, they had been terrorizing the population with bombings, they had surrendered Afrin to the Turkish army, they had kept Assad’s regime alive—and now all this is over. Russian military aid to the Syrian dictatorship has ended. I do not think that those soldiers realized that they were looking into the eyes of a man from the same country as themselves, but who chose the other side of the barricades."
A Russian anarchist volunteer speaks on the collapse of the Assad regime, the future of Russia, and the looming threat of a Turkish-backed invasion of northeastern Syria.
"I watched with special feeling as the Russian columns passed by me at one of the positions. I peered into the faces of the soldiers, trying to understand whether they realized that all these years, they had been terrorizing the population with bombings, they had surrendered Afrin to the Turkish army, they had kept Assad’s regime alive—and now all this is over. Russian military aid to the Syrian dictatorship has ended. I do not think that those soldiers realized that they were looking into the eyes of a man from the same country as themselves, but who chose the other side of the barricades."
Весточка с фронта от российского анархиста в Рожаве
"Не думаю, что эти солдаты поняли, что им в глаза смотрит выходец из той же страны, откуда и они, но выбравший другую сторону баррикад."
"Не думаю, что эти солдаты поняли, что им в глаза смотрит выходец из той же страны, откуда и они, но выбравший другую сторону баррикад."
Media is too big
We invite you to join in organizing festivals of resistance on the weekend of January 18, immediately before Donald Trump takes office.
By organizing ahead of Trump’s inauguration, we can seize the initiative and set our own timeline rather than being caught flat-footed and forced to react. We need to welcome new participants into these struggles and foster a revolutionary perspective that can orient us through the challenges ahead.
By organizing ahead of Trump’s inauguration, we can seize the initiative and set our own timeline rather than being caught flat-footed and forced to react. We need to welcome new participants into these struggles and foster a revolutionary perspective that can orient us through the challenges ahead.
Sacrificial Violence and Retribution
In this analysis, we explore the responses to two very different extrajudicial killings in order to understand the different forms of violence that are coming to the fore in our society today.
In this analysis, we explore the responses to two very different extrajudicial killings in order to understand the different forms of violence that are coming to the fore in our society today.
Notícias do Front: As Reflexões de um Anarquista Russo em Rojava
Um voluntário anarquista russo fala sobre o colapso do regime de Assad, o futuro da Rússia e a ameaça iminente de uma invasão apoiada pela Turquia no nordeste da Síria.
Um voluntário anarquista russo fala sobre o colapso do regime de Assad, o futuro da Rússia e a ameaça iminente de uma invasão apoiada pela Turquia no nordeste da Síria.
In a wide range of different traditions all around the world, people give gifts to celebrate important occasions. This is because gift-giving is more meaningful and more fulfilling than buying and selling. It fosters stronger communities and healthier relationships—both to each other and to material goods.
This is one of the many reasons why we are anti-capitalists. 🏴
This is one of the many reasons why we are anti-capitalists. 🏴
An incomplete roundup of responses to the shooting of Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, and the arrest of Luigi Mangione, the person being charged in connection to it—including graffiti, posters, corporate media interviews, public demonstrations, and more.
Noticias del Frente: Las reflexiones de un anarquista ruso en Rojava
Las reflexiones de un anarquista ruso en el noreste de Siria sobre la derrota de Assad, la retirada de las tropas de Putin y la amenaza de Turquía.
Las reflexiones de un anarquista ruso en el noreste de Siria sobre la derrota de Assad, la retirada de las tropas de Putin y la amenaza de Turquía.
Anunciando The Beautiful Idea
Un nuevo podcast
Presentamos un nuevo podcast (sólo en inglés), The Beautiful Idea, que ofrecerá reportajes y análisis de la actualidad.
Un nuevo podcast
Presentamos un nuevo podcast (sólo en inglés), The Beautiful Idea, que ofrecerá reportajes y análisis de la actualidad.
Opór wobec lokalnego autorytaryzmu i wielobiegunowych imperializmów w Gruzji
W setną rocznicę powstania w Gruzji przeciwko sowieckiej aneksji, walka o niezależność od rosyjskich rządów pozostaje główną siłą napędzającą powszechną mobilizację, która narastała w ciągu ostatnich kilku miesięcy. Jednak dzisiejszy ruch wskazuje na horyzont wykraczający poza wybór między Europą a Rosją, dwiema imperialnymi potęgami walczącymi o wpływy w regionie. Wyraża on rosnący społeczny gniew zarówno na lokalny autorytarny reżim, jak i na uchwyt, w jakim zagraniczne potęgi gospodarcze trzymają cały Kaukaz.
W setną rocznicę powstania w Gruzji przeciwko sowieckiej aneksji, walka o niezależność od rosyjskich rządów pozostaje główną siłą napędzającą powszechną mobilizację, która narastała w ciągu ostatnich kilku miesięcy. Jednak dzisiejszy ruch wskazuje na horyzont wykraczający poza wybór między Europą a Rosją, dwiema imperialnymi potęgami walczącymi o wpływy w regionie. Wyraża on rosnący społeczny gniew zarówno na lokalny autorytarny reżim, jak i na uchwyt, w jakim zagraniczne potęgi gospodarcze trzymają cały Kaukaz.
We have published a list of some of the events that have been organized in connection with the "Festivals of Resistance" call to action:
More soon to come.
More soon to come.