Noticias del Frente: Las reflexiones de un anarquista ruso en Rojava
Las reflexiones de un anarquista ruso en el noreste de Siria sobre la derrota de Assad, la retirada de las tropas de Putin y la amenaza de Turquía.
Las reflexiones de un anarquista ruso en el noreste de Siria sobre la derrota de Assad, la retirada de las tropas de Putin y la amenaza de Turquía.
Anunciando The Beautiful Idea
Un nuevo podcast
Presentamos un nuevo podcast (sólo en inglés), The Beautiful Idea, que ofrecerá reportajes y análisis de la actualidad.
Un nuevo podcast
Presentamos un nuevo podcast (sólo en inglés), The Beautiful Idea, que ofrecerá reportajes y análisis de la actualidad.
Opór wobec lokalnego autorytaryzmu i wielobiegunowych imperializmów w Gruzji
W setną rocznicę powstania w Gruzji przeciwko sowieckiej aneksji, walka o niezależność od rosyjskich rządów pozostaje główną siłą napędzającą powszechną mobilizację, która narastała w ciągu ostatnich kilku miesięcy. Jednak dzisiejszy ruch wskazuje na horyzont wykraczający poza wybór między Europą a Rosją, dwiema imperialnymi potęgami walczącymi o wpływy w regionie. Wyraża on rosnący społeczny gniew zarówno na lokalny autorytarny reżim, jak i na uchwyt, w jakim zagraniczne potęgi gospodarcze trzymają cały Kaukaz.
W setną rocznicę powstania w Gruzji przeciwko sowieckiej aneksji, walka o niezależność od rosyjskich rządów pozostaje główną siłą napędzającą powszechną mobilizację, która narastała w ciągu ostatnich kilku miesięcy. Jednak dzisiejszy ruch wskazuje na horyzont wykraczający poza wybór między Europą a Rosją, dwiema imperialnymi potęgami walczącymi o wpływy w regionie. Wyraża on rosnący społeczny gniew zarówno na lokalny autorytarny reżim, jak i na uchwyt, w jakim zagraniczne potęgi gospodarcze trzymają cały Kaukaz.
We have published a list of some of the events that have been organized in connection with the "Festivals of Resistance" call to action:
More soon to come.
More soon to come.
Media is too big
This year, the challenge will be to fight as hard as we must while preserving the parts of ourselves that are imaginative, that are tender, that can not only desire a better world but believe it into being.
We can do this.
Happy new year, comrades. 🏴🖤
(Footage from an anarchist demonstration outside a jail on New Year's Eve.)
We can do this.
Happy new year, comrades. 🏴🖤
(Footage from an anarchist demonstration outside a jail on New Year's Eve.)
Violenza sacrificale e vendetta
Esploriamo le reazioni agli omicidi di Jordan Neely e Brian Thompson come modo per comprendere le diverse forme di violenza che si contendono la nostra società oggi.
Esploriamo le reazioni agli omicidi di Jordan Neely e Brian Thompson come modo per comprendere le diverse forme di violenza che si contendono la nostra società oggi.
Notizie dal fronte: Le riflessioni di un anarchico russo in Rojava
Le riflessioni di un anarchico russo nel nord-est della Siria sulla sconfitta di Assad, il ritiro delle truppe di Putin e la minaccia della Turchia.
Le riflessioni di un anarchico russo nel nord-est della Siria sulla sconfitta di Assad, il ritiro delle truppe di Putin e la minaccia della Turchia.
2024: Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire—The Year in Review
It’s time to take stock of the year have just lived through and get oriented for the year ahead. Here, we review the events of 2024, as well as some of our own humble contributions to the fight for a better world.
It’s time to take stock of the year have just lived through and get oriented for the year ahead. Here, we review the events of 2024, as well as some of our own humble contributions to the fight for a better world.
2024: Dalla padella alla brace
Analisi finale dell’anno
Facciamo un bilancio dell'anno appena trascorso e orientiamoci per l'anno che verrà. Rivediamo gli eventi del 2024, compresi i nostri contributi.
Analisi finale dell’anno
Facciamo un bilancio dell'anno appena trascorso e orientiamoci per l'anno che verrà. Rivediamo gli eventi del 2024, compresi i nostri contributi.
Carrying out “the largest deportation operation in American history,” as Trump has pledged to do, will wreck the US economy. It will deliver no material gains to the vast majority of his supporters, who benefit from the underpaid labor of the undocumented and the resulting cheapness of commodities. From a purely economic perspective, exploiting the labor of the undocumented provides more material advantages to Trump’s supporters than deporting them ever could. Deporting a million people in one year will cost eighteen times more than the entire world spends annually on cancer research.
In other words, mass deportations are a costly luxury indulgence that Trump’s supporters see as worth the expense because they experience the need for violence so intensely.
The solution to low wages is worldwide solidarity against the billionaires who exploit and oppress. Deporting people is performative violence intended to channel anger away from those who cause our suffering.
In other words, mass deportations are a costly luxury indulgence that Trump’s supporters see as worth the expense because they experience the need for violence so intensely.
The solution to low wages is worldwide solidarity against the billionaires who exploit and oppress. Deporting people is performative violence intended to channel anger away from those who cause our suffering.
Refleksje rosyjskiego anarchisty w Rożawie
Aby uczłowieczyć przynajmniej jedną z niezliczonych osób, których życie wisi na włosku, przedstawiamy refleksje rosyjskiego anarchisty-wolontariusza w północno-wschodniej Syrii, który od wielu lat uczestniczy w rewolucyjnym eksperymencie w Rożawie.
Aby uczłowieczyć przynajmniej jedną z niezliczonych osób, których życie wisi na włosku, przedstawiamy refleksje rosyjskiego anarchisty-wolontariusza w północno-wschodniej Syrii, który od wielu lat uczestniczy w rewolucyjnym eksperymencie w Rożawie.
Nationalism means bigotry, chauvinism, and ultimately war and ethnic cleansing. It promises self-determination and delivers tyranny.
Internationalism means we regularly publish articles in seven languages, collaborating with comrades all around the world to pursue collective liberation.
Internationalism means we regularly publish articles in seven languages, collaborating with comrades all around the world to pursue collective liberation.
What's striking about the manifesto left by the Trump supporter who shot himself and set his truck on fire outside the Trump hotel in Las Vegas is that the desire to harm others merges with the urge to self-destruction.
Arguably, this characterizes millions of Trump supporters.
It's no coincidence that a man the FBI described as a "heavily decorated combat veteran" would end his life saying "I needed relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took.” Being a killer for hire weighs heavy on the conscience.
These mercenaries are damning themselves to living hell so that billionaires like Trump and Musk can turn a profit.
This tormented anger is common among Trump supporters. On some level, they sense that the climate disasters smashing their communities are caused by the oil profiteers they defend—that they are more to blame for the problems of this society than undocumented people or trans people. Their self-righteousness masks self-hatred.
Their fantasies of civil war conceal a desire to kill themselves.
Arguably, this characterizes millions of Trump supporters.
It's no coincidence that a man the FBI described as a "heavily decorated combat veteran" would end his life saying "I needed relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took.” Being a killer for hire weighs heavy on the conscience.
These mercenaries are damning themselves to living hell so that billionaires like Trump and Musk can turn a profit.
This tormented anger is common among Trump supporters. On some level, they sense that the climate disasters smashing their communities are caused by the oil profiteers they defend—that they are more to blame for the problems of this society than undocumented people or trans people. Their self-righteousness masks self-hatred.
Their fantasies of civil war conceal a desire to kill themselves.