Recently there has been a lot of talk concerning Mr. Muck and throwing European Folk under the bus. Some have asked for my response and I have two.
1. This tweet made by Muck was memed a while back for having, beside his toy revolver, a Vajra replica. Some in our sphere thought of this as a good sign, while others in the Folkish sphere didn't. On this channel we have talked at length about the 'right wing multicultural globalism' common among pie perennialist advocates. And it seems based off of recent activity, we were correct in our assessment.
2. We have also talked on this channel about platonism in practice, and how it is a poison. Though Muck isn’t a self admitted platonist, he does believe in "simulation theory," which his interpretation mirrors plato's cave. He holds ideals common in axiality, broadly speaking, that the real world is fake. Lastly that he is the embodiment of the platonic philosopher king, where the nerds rule society, promote noble lies of H1b workers and censors any dissent.
1. This tweet made by Muck was memed a while back for having, beside his toy revolver, a Vajra replica. Some in our sphere thought of this as a good sign, while others in the Folkish sphere didn't. On this channel we have talked at length about the 'right wing multicultural globalism' common among pie perennialist advocates. And it seems based off of recent activity, we were correct in our assessment.
2. We have also talked on this channel about platonism in practice, and how it is a poison. Though Muck isn’t a self admitted platonist, he does believe in "simulation theory," which his interpretation mirrors plato's cave. He holds ideals common in axiality, broadly speaking, that the real world is fake. Lastly that he is the embodiment of the platonic philosopher king, where the nerds rule society, promote noble lies of H1b workers and censors any dissent.
What have the so-called conservatives, conserved? What have the so-called progressives, progressed?
This is why Pagan Revivalism, though a spiritual movement, holds long-term healing & answers problems we face today.
Men & Women are divided, at each other's throats. The environment & working folk of Europa are treated like trash by both sides. Beauty, traditions & uniqueness going out of existence as the goal is to become an amorphus mass.
Pagan Revivalism encourages Men to be maximally masculine, Women maximally feminine, to come together to form Families. Families coming together into Tribes and so on. To support each other in a folkish economy, while also respecting and abiding by nature, the wills of the Gods, Goddesses & local Spirits.
Of the many reasons why Pagan Revivalism is inevitable, one is that our faiths, with our Gods, built civilizations from nothing. They were able to grow a population & culture without exploiting each other & the world around us. It is THE answer.
Gods love you!
This is why Pagan Revivalism, though a spiritual movement, holds long-term healing & answers problems we face today.
Men & Women are divided, at each other's throats. The environment & working folk of Europa are treated like trash by both sides. Beauty, traditions & uniqueness going out of existence as the goal is to become an amorphus mass.
Pagan Revivalism encourages Men to be maximally masculine, Women maximally feminine, to come together to form Families. Families coming together into Tribes and so on. To support each other in a folkish economy, while also respecting and abiding by nature, the wills of the Gods, Goddesses & local Spirits.
Of the many reasons why Pagan Revivalism is inevitable, one is that our faiths, with our Gods, built civilizations from nothing. They were able to grow a population & culture without exploiting each other & the world around us. It is THE answer.
Gods love you!
Forwarded from Pagan Revivalism
Revivalism 115
Paganism & Media
In the very first stanza of the Havamal, Odin says, "At every door-way,
ere one enters,
one should spy round,
one should pry round
for uncertain is the witting
that there be no foeman sitting,
within, before one on the floor."
From this stanza, the application is quite clear, to be cautious and aware of ones surroundings. Thus, being aware of the dangers of the outside world is abiding by Odin's will.
In stanza 23, Odin also says, "The unwise man is awake all night,
and ponders everything over;
when morning comes he is weary in mind,
and all is a burden as ever."
From this stanza, the application is to not be worrisome, which is all too common when one absorbs too much negative media.
Pessimism & nihilism are the unfortunate effects of the modern-media industrial-complex. As Pagan people, we should be aware of the dangers and goings-ons of the world, but not to the point where you worry all the time.
Paganism & Media
In the very first stanza of the Havamal, Odin says, "At every door-way,
ere one enters,
one should spy round,
one should pry round
for uncertain is the witting
that there be no foeman sitting,
within, before one on the floor."
From this stanza, the application is quite clear, to be cautious and aware of ones surroundings. Thus, being aware of the dangers of the outside world is abiding by Odin's will.
In stanza 23, Odin also says, "The unwise man is awake all night,
and ponders everything over;
when morning comes he is weary in mind,
and all is a burden as ever."
From this stanza, the application is to not be worrisome, which is all too common when one absorbs too much negative media.
Pessimism & nihilism are the unfortunate effects of the modern-media industrial-complex. As Pagan people, we should be aware of the dangers and goings-ons of the world, but not to the point where you worry all the time.
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All that's needed to bring wonder, joy and a connection with the Gods, is a little shift in your perspective.
Not knowing it all is okay, because that is where we wonder. That is where the magic is, the magic that gives life it's color.
When you leave room for wonder, you will be surprised how your being heals in response.
Not knowing it all is okay, because that is where we wonder. That is where the magic is, the magic that gives life it's color.
When you leave room for wonder, you will be surprised how your being heals in response.
This is 'Council of the Gods' a ceiling fresco showing the marriage of Cupid and Psyche, by the famous Raphael of the early 16th century.
According to the Web Gallery of Art, "The myth of Cupid and Psyche is depicted on the loggia of Agostino Chigi's villa. Cupid fell in love with the daughter of a king, but had to remain unrecognized by her, and so came to her only at night. After Psyche had undergone many difficult trials, Zeus made her immortal, and allowed her to marry Cupid. The unusual subject seems to be a reference to the much yearned for marriage between Chigi and Francesca Ordeaschi, with whom he already had four children. The ceremony took place on 28 August 1519."
Even in the 1500s, well after christianization, the Pagan past still inspired many, especially the greats. Simply, because the Pagan Faith and Ways are timeless and flow in your veins
According to the Web Gallery of Art, "The myth of Cupid and Psyche is depicted on the loggia of Agostino Chigi's villa. Cupid fell in love with the daughter of a king, but had to remain unrecognized by her, and so came to her only at night. After Psyche had undergone many difficult trials, Zeus made her immortal, and allowed her to marry Cupid. The unusual subject seems to be a reference to the much yearned for marriage between Chigi and Francesca Ordeaschi, with whom he already had four children. The ceremony took place on 28 August 1519."
Even in the 1500s, well after christianization, the Pagan past still inspired many, especially the greats. Simply, because the Pagan Faith and Ways are timeless and flow in your veins
It is not surprising that a great many promoters of "Indo-European" syncretic perennialism have been unusually quiet as of late.
Their idea that our ancient faiths need elements or parts of foreign religions to function or have traditional-grounding / legitimacy was always preposterous. Such a fusion would produce a Frankenstein-faith that never existed historically, insulting the Gods and Ancestors.
This is the same rationale we are seeing with the current H1B debate in the states, "in order to have a functioning nation/business you need to integrate foreigners." Or, "in order to have a functioning pagan faith you need to syncretize with foreign faiths."
Folkishness is not hatred for everything else, it is prioritizing your own, just as every single living being does.
Hopefully this debate about H1B shows the proponents of syncretic perennialism the error of their ways. That faiths and people are distinct from one another, and that's okay. That our revival can move past the last vestages of universalism
Their idea that our ancient faiths need elements or parts of foreign religions to function or have traditional-grounding / legitimacy was always preposterous. Such a fusion would produce a Frankenstein-faith that never existed historically, insulting the Gods and Ancestors.
This is the same rationale we are seeing with the current H1B debate in the states, "in order to have a functioning nation/business you need to integrate foreigners." Or, "in order to have a functioning pagan faith you need to syncretize with foreign faiths."
Folkishness is not hatred for everything else, it is prioritizing your own, just as every single living being does.
Hopefully this debate about H1B shows the proponents of syncretic perennialism the error of their ways. That faiths and people are distinct from one another, and that's okay. That our revival can move past the last vestages of universalism
It is devotion that fuels action:
Devotion to your career makes you a better worker.
Devotion to your significant other makes you a better spouse.
Devotion to your children makes you a better parent.
So too does devotion to your ancestors, Gods and Goddesses makes you better in more ways than one can know. It was devotion and love for our Gods that built and sustained civilizations for many thousands of years. That same devotion that will give rise to beauty and culture, the likes of which haven't been seen in living memory.
Let us have more devotion to that which we love, and we will be unstoppable
Devotion to your career makes you a better worker.
Devotion to your significant other makes you a better spouse.
Devotion to your children makes you a better parent.
So too does devotion to your ancestors, Gods and Goddesses makes you better in more ways than one can know. It was devotion and love for our Gods that built and sustained civilizations for many thousands of years. That same devotion that will give rise to beauty and culture, the likes of which haven't been seen in living memory.
Let us have more devotion to that which we love, and we will be unstoppable
On dark snowy nights we gather. It is here that the warmth and light of the Gods shines brightest. It is where the torch of ancient faith is brought out into the world once more.
Go forth and give light and warmth to your family, friends and folk. Doing so pleases the Gods, your ancestors and theirs. Our revival is at hand
Go forth and give light and warmth to your family, friends and folk. Doing so pleases the Gods, your ancestors and theirs. Our revival is at hand
Revivalism 125
Pius Paganism
What is it to be pious? This concept in Pagan faiths has been debated, but a little etymology can help us out.
Pious in English is, "marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship." No doubt this can be the case, considering the grand temples & sacrifices held in antiquity. But let us go deeper.
The English pious comes from the Latin pius the singular masculine to the neuter, pium. In Latin, pius means "to be dutiful or conscientious."
To be dutiful is, "filled with or motivated by a sense of duty" or "proceeding from or expressive of a sense of duty."
To be conscientious is, "meticulous, careful" or the other definition, "governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience i.e. scrupulous." To be scrupulous is, "having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper."
Thus to be Pius to the Gods can be said, "to mindfully follow your duty, by following the dictates of the Gods, like following a general's orders."
Pius Paganism
What is it to be pious? This concept in Pagan faiths has been debated, but a little etymology can help us out.
Pious in English is, "marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship." No doubt this can be the case, considering the grand temples & sacrifices held in antiquity. But let us go deeper.
The English pious comes from the Latin pius the singular masculine to the neuter, pium. In Latin, pius means "to be dutiful or conscientious."
To be dutiful is, "filled with or motivated by a sense of duty" or "proceeding from or expressive of a sense of duty."
To be conscientious is, "meticulous, careful" or the other definition, "governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience i.e. scrupulous." To be scrupulous is, "having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper."
Thus to be Pius to the Gods can be said, "to mindfully follow your duty, by following the dictates of the Gods, like following a general's orders."
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At the the exact time of the new year, lightning struck the US Capitol building 👀