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📘 Lesson #1
🖋 I work/He works 🖋
🔹 Doimiy takrorlanuvchi ish harakatlarini ifodalaydi. 🔹
📝 FORM - Present Simple Formulasi
✅ Affirmative (Tasdiq shakli)
🟢 Subject + play/plays
• I eat 🍕 pizza every Friday.
🚫 Negative (Inkor shakli)
🔴 Subject + do/does + not + play
• I don’t often eat pizza.
❓ Interrogative (So‘roq shakli)
🔵 Do/does + Subject + play?
Do I always eat pizza? ❓ WH - Questions (Special Questions)
🔹 Formula: WH + DO/DOES + Subject + V1?
• 🔸 How often do you go to the cinema?
• 🔸 When do they go jogging every day?
• 🔸 Where does she live?
• 🔸 What does she do?
• 🔸 Which bus do you take to go to school?
📍 Gap egasiga savol berish shakli:
💡 WHO/WHAT + does/plays/works/speaks?
💡 Example:
• Who speaks English in your family?
o My brother does.
• What goes around the Sun?
o The Earth does.
• Who works here?
o We do.
🔎 Gap egasiga (Subject) savol berish
Present Simple zamonida gap egasiga savol berish uchun who/what kabi so‘roq so‘zlari ishlatiladi. Bunda yordamchi fe’llar (do/does) ishlatilmaydi va asosiy fe’l doimo birlik shaklda bo‘ladi.
❓ Formula:
Who/What/Which + Verb
1. Who speaks English in your family?
o My brother does. (To‘g‘ri javob)
o My brother speaks. (Noto‘g‘ri, chunki asosiy fe’l o‘rniga do/does ishlatilishi kerak)
2. What goes around the Sun?
o The Earth does.
3. Who works here?
o We do.
4. Whose brothers study at the University?
o Tom’s brothers study at the University.
5. Which bus goes to Fergana?
o Bus number 4.
• A) WHO/WHAT/WHICH gap egasiga savol berishda asosiy fe’l qabul qiladi, do/does yordamchi fe’li ishlatilmaydi.
• B) WHO/WHAT/WHICH bilan savol berishda asosiy fe’l faqat birlik shaklda bo‘ladi.
• C) Qisqa javob qaytarishda esa yordamchi fe’l do/does ishlatiladi
📍 Present Simple bilan ishlatiluvchi ravishlar (Signal so‘zlar)
📅 1. Tez-tez va doimiylikni bildiruvchi ravishlar (Frequency Adverbs)
Ravish Tarjimasi Misol
Always Har doim I always get up early in the morning. ⏰
Usually Odatda She usually goes for a walk after dinner. 🚶♀️
Often Tez-tez They often play tennis on weekends. 🎾
Frequently Tez-tez We frequently visit our grandparents. 🏡
Sometimes Ba’zan He sometimes reads books before sleeping. 📚
Occasionally Kamdan-kam I occasionally go to the cinema. 🎥
Rarely Juda kam They rarely eat junk food. 🍔
Seldom Juda kam He seldom misses his workout sessions. 🏋️♂️
Hardly ever Deyarli hech qachon She hardly ever travels abroad. 🌏
Never Hech qachon I never skip my morning coffee. ☕️
📅 2. Vaqtni bildiruvchi signal so‘zlar (Time Expressions)
Signal so‘z Tarjimasi Misol
Every day Har kuni He goes to the gym every day. 🏋️♂️
Every morning Har ertalab She jogs every morning. 🏃♀️
Every night Har kechasi They read stories every night. 🌙
Every week Har hafta I visit my parents every week. 👨👩👦
Every month Har oy We have a meeting every month. 🗓
On Mondays/Sundays Dushanba/ Yakshanba kunlari He plays football on Sundays. ⚽️
Once a day Kuniga bir marta I have tea once a day. 🍵
Twice a week Haftada ikki marta They practice twice a week. 🏀
Three times a month Oyi uch marta She goes shopping three times a month. 🛒
At night Kechasi I study at night when it’s quiet. 🌌
At weekends Dam olish kunlari They go hiking at weekends. 🏞
From time to time Vaqti-vaqti bilan I meet my old friends from time to time. 👫
Nowadays Hozirgi kunda Nowadays, people prefer online shopping. 💻
Today Bugun Today, we celebrate our victory. 🎉
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🖋 Prepared by: Ahliddin Yunusov
📲 @YourEnglish_teacher
BY Your English Teacher
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