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Yelets clink
Read more about the jail holding political prisoners sentenced for anti-war activism.
The "Yelets clink" is a jail in Lipetsk region, notorious for its famous inmates from among the leaders of the criminal underworld, so-called "thieves-in-law" and "criminal authorities". There is even a saying about the town where the jail is located, that "Yelets is the father of all thieves". People who are persecuted for their religion are sent to the "Yelets clink", and from the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, people convicted for anti-war activism were sent there too. Read on for the history of the jail, the use of torture there, its famous inmates and the political prisoners currently held there.
You can also read our other posts from our series on the "clinks"! We have already covered Yeniseisk Prison, Minusinsk jail, Balashov “clink”, Vladimir Central Prison and Verkhneuralsk Prison.
✉️ Address for letters to inmates of the "Yelets clink":Russia, 399783, Липецкая область, Елец, ул. Пролетарская 1Б, ФКУ Т-2
✍️ Details of the prisoners:
Асриян Максим Игоревич 01.08.1996 г.р.
Asriyan Maxim Igorevich d.o.b. 01.08.1996
Дюмин Павел Николаевич 1991 г.р.
Dyumin Pavel Nikolaevich y.o.b. 1991
Куцев Илья Владимирович 1993 г.р.
Kutsev Ilya Vladimirovich y.o.b. 1993
Лутор Вячеслав Александрович 17.04.1990 г.р.
Lutor Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich d.o.b. 17.04.1990
Макаев Радик Рафикович 11.09.2003 г.р.
Makaev Radik Rafikovich d.o.b. 11.09.2003
Месутов Руслан Аметович 11.09.1965 г.р.
Mesutov Ruslan Ametovich d.o.b. 11.09.1965
Рахманов Булат Забирович 11.04.1990 г.р.
Rakhmanov Bulat Zabirovich d.o.b. 11.04.1990
Сейдаметов Ленур Люманович 11.06.1986 г.р.
Seidametov Lenur Lyumanovich d.o.b. 11.06.1986
Фёдоров Олег Владимирович 04.10.1970 г.р.
Fyodorov Oleg Vladimirovich d.o.b. 04.10.1970
Шабалин Кирилл Львович 10.02.2005 г.р.
Shabalin Kirill Lvovich d.o.b. 10.02.2005
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