Проси́тє, и҆ да́стсѧ ва́мъ: и҆щи́тє, и҆ ѡ҆брѧ́щєтє: толцы́тє, и҆ ѿвє́рзєтсѧ ва́мъ
всѧ́къ бо просѧ́й прїє́млетъ, и҆ и҆щѧ́й ѡ҆брѣта́єтъ, и҆ толкꙋ́щємꙋ ѿвє́рзєтсѧ
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened
- Matthew 7:7-8
всѧ́къ бо просѧ́й прїє́млетъ, и҆ и҆щѧ́й ѡ҆брѣта́єтъ, и҆ толкꙋ́щємꙋ ѿвє́рзєтсѧ
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened
- Matthew 7:7-8
Christmas Truce - Рождественское Перемиріе
🇷🇺 Русскій переводъ
Я помню ту тишину
Въ холодный зимній день
Послѣ многихъ мѣсяцевъ на полѣ боя
И мы привыкли къ насилію
И потомъ артиллерія умолкла
И выпалъ снѣгъ
Голоса пѣли мнѣ изъ ничейной земли
Мы всѣ, мы всѣ, мы всѣ, мы всѣ друзья
И сегодня мы всѣ братья
Въ эту ночь мы всѣ друзья
Минута мира на войнѣ, которая никогда не закончится
Сегодня мы всѣ братья
Мы пьёмъ и объединяемся
Теперь напступило Рождество, и снѣгъ дѣлаетъ землю бѣлой
Услышьте колядки изъ окоповъ
Мы поёмъ "О Святая ночь"
Наше оружіе лежитъ на снѣжныхъ хлопьяхъ
Рождество въ окопахъ
Рождество на фронтѣ вдали отъ дома
О, я помню печаль
Мы прятали наши слёзы
Въ чужой странѣ, гдѣ мы столкнулись со своими страхами
Мы были солдатами
Несли войну на своихъ плечахъ
Для нашихъ народовъ
И вотъ почему мы хоронимъ нашихъ друзей?
Рождество на передовой
Мы идёмъ среди нашихъ друзей
Мы не думаемъ о завтрашнемъ днѣ
Битва начнётся
Когда мы праздновали Рождество
Мы думали о нашихъ друзьяхъ
Тѣхъ, кто такъ и не вернулся домой
Когда началась битва
🇷🇺 Русскій переводъ
Я помню ту тишину
Въ холодный зимній день
Послѣ многихъ мѣсяцевъ на полѣ боя
И мы привыкли къ насилію
И потомъ артиллерія умолкла
И выпалъ снѣгъ
Голоса пѣли мнѣ изъ ничейной земли
Мы всѣ, мы всѣ, мы всѣ, мы всѣ друзья
И сегодня мы всѣ братья
Въ эту ночь мы всѣ друзья
Минута мира на войнѣ, которая никогда не закончится
Сегодня мы всѣ братья
Мы пьёмъ и объединяемся
Теперь напступило Рождество, и снѣгъ дѣлаетъ землю бѣлой
Услышьте колядки изъ окоповъ
Мы поёмъ "О Святая ночь"
Наше оружіе лежитъ на снѣжныхъ хлопьяхъ
Рождество въ окопахъ
Рождество на фронтѣ вдали отъ дома
О, я помню печаль
Мы прятали наши слёзы
Въ чужой странѣ, гдѣ мы столкнулись со своими страхами
Мы были солдатами
Несли войну на своихъ плечахъ
Для нашихъ народовъ
И вотъ почему мы хоронимъ нашихъ друзей?
Рождество на передовой
Мы идёмъ среди нашихъ друзей
Мы не думаемъ о завтрашнемъ днѣ
Битва начнётся
Когда мы праздновали Рождество
Мы думали о нашихъ друзьяхъ
Тѣхъ, кто такъ и не вернулся домой
Когда началась битва
SABATON - Christmas Truce (Official Lyric Video)
The official lyric video for Christmas Truce by Sabaton, from the new album The War To End All Wars.
➞ SUBSCRIBE for more Sabaton: https://www.youtube.com/c/Sabaton?sub_confirmation=1
➞ MERCHANDISE Official Store: https://sabat.one/ytdshop
Listen to the…
➞ SUBSCRIBE for more Sabaton: https://www.youtube.com/c/Sabaton?sub_confirmation=1
➞ MERCHANDISE Official Store: https://sabat.one/ytdshop
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🇷🇺🇭🇷 Professor Dr. Forbes' brief mention of how Glagolitic was still used in "remote parts of Dalmatia" in the early 20th century. Published in his 1917 "Russian Grammar"
It genuinely makes me sad how little time and energy our Croatian schools dedicate to teaching this important part of our history. Speaking of which, I should probably use more Glagolitic in my posts myself.
ⰱⰻⱅⰻ ⱂⰻⱄⰿⰵⱀⱜ - ⰱⰻⱅⰻ ⱄⰲⱁⰻ
It genuinely makes me sad how little time and energy our Croatian schools dedicate to teaching this important part of our history. Speaking of which, I should probably use more Glagolitic in my posts myself.
ⰱⰻⱅⰻ ⱂⰻⱄⰿⰵⱀⱜ - ⰱⰻⱅⰻ ⱄⰲⱁⰻ
More than a year ago I made a short post asking you guys some questions about Glagolitic. Let's put this information to use! My question to you is: Would you like to learn Glagolitic?
Anonymous Poll
Yes, I'd love to!
No, I'm not interested
I can already read Glagolitic comfortably
Judging from my statistics, most of my readers are Russian native speakers, but to understand how I'll approach this upcoming project I'd love to clarify a few more things:
Do you speak Russian?
Do you speak Russian?
Anonymous Poll
Yes I'm a native speaker
Not a native speaker but fluent
I'm not fluent but can read regular novels and consume russian content quite comfortably
I can get by, but wouldn't consider myself at an intermediate level
I don't speak Russian / I only know a few words
For all of you that joined today, welcome to my little home :) hope you all enjoy your stay!
Forwarded from Τὰ τῶν Γραικῶν
The main types of syllables within Greek quantitative metres.
Light: u
(…C)V̆ — an open syllable with a short vowel in its nucleus: το, ρε
Heavy: —
(…C)V̄ — an open syllable with a long vowel in its nucleus: τω, ρω
(…C)V̆V̯ — an open syllable with a diphthong in its nucleus: τοι, ρευ
(…C)V̆C — a closed syllable with a short vowel in its nucleus and one consonant in its coda: τοτ, ρερ
The extra-heavy subtype:
Extra-heavy syllables is a subtype of heavy syllables which are accounted for just as long syllables within the Greek tradition, but can be contrasted with the plain long syllables in other poetic traditions and are therefore not to be completely ignored.
(…C)V̄V̯ — an open syllable with a long diphthong in its nucleus: τῃ, ρῳ, τᾳ, τηυ, τωυ, τᾱυ
(…C)V̆CC — a closed syllable with a short vowel in its nucleus and two+ consonants in its coda: τοττ, ρερρ
(…C)V̄C — a closed syllable with a long vowel in its nucleus: τωτ, ρηρ
(…C)V̆V̯C — a closed syllable with a diphthong in its nucleus: τοιτ, ρευρ
Anceps: x
A syllable that can be either long or short (most commonly in the end of the line)
Resolvable long syllables: uu
One heavy syllable: — that can be replaced by two short ones: uu
C — a Coɴsoɴᴀɴᴛ: [t] [r] [s] …
V — a Vowᴇʟ irrelevant of its length: [a] [ɔː] [aː] [e] …
V̄ — a long Vowᴇʟ: [ɔː] [aː] [ɛː] …
V̆ — a short Vowᴇʟ: [a] [o] [e] …
V̯ — a Sᴇᴍı-Vowᴇʟ: [w] [j] …
nucleus — the vocal part of the syllable
coda — the consonantal ending of the syllable
Light: u
(…C)V̆ — an open syllable with a short vowel in its nucleus: το, ρε
Heavy: —
(…C)V̄ — an open syllable with a long vowel in its nucleus: τω, ρω
(…C)V̆V̯ — an open syllable with a diphthong in its nucleus: τοι, ρευ
(…C)V̆C — a closed syllable with a short vowel in its nucleus and one consonant in its coda: τοτ, ρερ
The extra-heavy subtype:
Extra-heavy syllables is a subtype of heavy syllables which are accounted for just as long syllables within the Greek tradition, but can be contrasted with the plain long syllables in other poetic traditions and are therefore not to be completely ignored.
(…C)V̄V̯ — an open syllable with a long diphthong in its nucleus: τῃ, ρῳ, τᾳ, τηυ, τωυ, τᾱυ
(…C)V̆CC — a closed syllable with a short vowel in its nucleus and two+ consonants in its coda: τοττ, ρερρ
(…C)V̄C — a closed syllable with a long vowel in its nucleus: τωτ, ρηρ
(…C)V̆V̯C — a closed syllable with a diphthong in its nucleus: τοιτ, ρευρ
Anceps: x
A syllable that can be either long or short (most commonly in the end of the line)
Resolvable long syllables: uu
One heavy syllable: — that can be replaced by two short ones: uu
C — a Coɴsoɴᴀɴᴛ: [t] [r] [s] …
V — a Vowᴇʟ irrelevant of its length: [a] [ɔː] [aː] [e] …
V̄ — a long Vowᴇʟ: [ɔː] [aː] [ɛː] …
V̆ — a short Vowᴇʟ: [a] [o] [e] …
V̯ — a Sᴇᴍı-Vowᴇʟ: [w] [j] …
nucleus — the vocal part of the syllable
coda — the consonantal ending of the syllable
🐰⏰ Thank you all very much for taking the time to reply to my 2 polls. You've been loud and clear, so let's embark on our journey to learn the first Slavic alphabet, Glagolitic!
The plan is as follows: over the next few weeks we'll be reading the all time classic "Alice in Wonderland". Every day™ a short excerpt will be quoted, provided in both in Russian (Демурова, 1978) and in the original English (Lewis Carroll, 1865).
Each day one letter will be switched from Cyrillic and Latin to Glagolitic, which, as the days go by, gradually increases the frequency of the Glagolitic symbols. This allows for the gradual memorization and adoption of Glagolitic, instead of overwhelming you with all the new symbols at once. To give a practical example of this, "day 1" will only have switched one Cyrillic and Latin symbol (e.g. "a") to their respective Glagolitic equivalent (in this case ⰰ), while "day 10" will contain 10 such switches.
We'll start tomorrow! Let's learn Glagolitic!
Some more in-depth information for all those who're interested:
- Even though this way of learning Glagolitic has been used in the past to teach people to read Glagolitic (see Mihanović), the effectiveness of this method in comparison to the traditional method is highly debatable, as one is able to spot obvious flaws in its approach.
- Glagolitic is an easy alphabet to learn, especially for us Slavs, as it beautifully represents our sound inventories. To put it into perspective, 2-3 hours of intensive studying will make you "fluent", but this more traditional approach requires dedication, motivation, and some free time. The "switching" method used in this project is more relaxed, but can't be seen a simple shortcut to mastery.
- Even though many of my readers are Russian natives there are still quite a few of you (including myself) who aren't Russian and don't speak it natively. For those readers who don't understand Russian I've decided to add the original English text as well. Glagolitic wasn't created for English though, which forces me to make some creative decisions as to how I'm transcribing the text. In short, all Latin letters will be transcribed literally instead of phonetically, meaning /ɑ/, /ɒ/ and /æ/ will all be transcribed as ⰰ, and "like" will be transcribed as ⰾⰻⰽⰵ instead of ⰾⰰⰻⰽ. It's definitely not perfect, but it'll have to do
- Those of you familiar with Glagolitic will know there are different forms of Glagolitic, the two most known ones being the original "Rounded Glagolitic" and the later "Angular Glagolitic". Depending on the font your phone or computer uses, the Unicode I use to represent Glagolitic might either show up as one or the other. Be wary that there are differences between the two forms. If you're looking for a great overview, Wikipedia lists them both the Rounded and Angular forms. The Glagolitic I'm personally using in this project (and is used in the cover pictures) is the older rounded form, used in early folios like the Kiev Missal.
- Even though all my Russian posts are in the дореволюціонная орѳографія, the quoted passages from "Алиса в стране чудес" are not and will be written according to the modern orthographic rules. This is to make it more approachable and easier for the contemporary Russian reader. This means no final ъ (ⱏ) and etymological ѣ (ⱑ) ☹️
-Lastly, I've decided to make some more creative decisions, including but not limited to: using the original ⱏ and ⱐ instead of the Croatian ⱜ, uniting ⰹ, ⰺ and ⰻ into a singular ⰻ, and adding modern capitalization and punctuation.
The plan is as follows: over the next few weeks we'll be reading the all time classic "Alice in Wonderland". Every day™ a short excerpt will be quoted, provided in both in Russian (Демурова, 1978) and in the original English (Lewis Carroll, 1865).
Each day one letter will be switched from Cyrillic and Latin to Glagolitic, which, as the days go by, gradually increases the frequency of the Glagolitic symbols. This allows for the gradual memorization and adoption of Glagolitic, instead of overwhelming you with all the new symbols at once. To give a practical example of this, "day 1" will only have switched one Cyrillic and Latin symbol (e.g. "a") to their respective Glagolitic equivalent (in this case ⰰ), while "day 10" will contain 10 such switches.
We'll start tomorrow! Let's learn Glagolitic!
Some more in-depth information for all those who're interested:
- Even though this way of learning Glagolitic has been used in the past to teach people to read Glagolitic (see Mihanović), the effectiveness of this method in comparison to the traditional method is highly debatable, as one is able to spot obvious flaws in its approach.
- Glagolitic is an easy alphabet to learn, especially for us Slavs, as it beautifully represents our sound inventories. To put it into perspective, 2-3 hours of intensive studying will make you "fluent", but this more traditional approach requires dedication, motivation, and some free time. The "switching" method used in this project is more relaxed, but can't be seen a simple shortcut to mastery.
- Even though many of my readers are Russian natives there are still quite a few of you (including myself) who aren't Russian and don't speak it natively. For those readers who don't understand Russian I've decided to add the original English text as well. Glagolitic wasn't created for English though, which forces me to make some creative decisions as to how I'm transcribing the text. In short, all Latin letters will be transcribed literally instead of phonetically, meaning /ɑ/, /ɒ/ and /æ/ will all be transcribed as ⰰ, and "like" will be transcribed as ⰾⰻⰽⰵ instead of ⰾⰰⰻⰽ. It's definitely not perfect, but it'll have to do
- Those of you familiar with Glagolitic will know there are different forms of Glagolitic, the two most known ones being the original "Rounded Glagolitic" and the later "Angular Glagolitic". Depending on the font your phone or computer uses, the Unicode I use to represent Glagolitic might either show up as one or the other. Be wary that there are differences between the two forms. If you're looking for a great overview, Wikipedia lists them both the Rounded and Angular forms. The Glagolitic I'm personally using in this project (and is used in the cover pictures) is the older rounded form, used in early folios like the Kiev Missal.
- Even though all my Russian posts are in the дореволюціонная орѳографія, the quoted passages from "Алиса в стране чудес" are not and will be written according to the modern orthographic rules. This is to make it more approachable and easier for the contemporary Russian reader. This means no final ъ (ⱏ) and etymological ѣ (ⱑ) ☹️
-Lastly, I've decided to make some more creative decisions, including but not limited to: using the original ⱏ and ⱐ instead of the Croatian ⱜ, uniting ⰹ, ⰺ and ⰻ into a singular ⰻ, and adding modern capitalization and punctuation.
Day 1: a - Ⰰ
🇷🇺 Русский
Ⰰлисе нⰰскучило сидеть с сестрой без делⰰ нⰰ берегу реки; рⰰзок-другой онⰰ зⰰглянулⰰ в книжку, которую читⰰлⰰ сестрⰰ, но тⰰм не было ни кⰰртинок, ни рⰰзговоров.
- Что толку в книжке, - подумⰰлⰰ Ⰰлисⰰ, - если в ней нет ни кⰰртинок, ни рⰰзговоров?
🇺🇸 English
Ⰰlice wⰰs beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bⰰnk, ⰰnd of hⰰving nothing to do; once or twice she hⰰd peeped into the book her sister wⰰs reⰰding, but it hⰰd no pictures or conversⰰtions in it, "ⰰnd whⰰt is the use of ⰰ book," thought Ⰰlice, "without pictures or conversⰰtions?"
Additional information on the project and creative decisions can be found in the pinned messages
🇷🇺 Русский
Ⰰлисе нⰰскучило сидеть с сестрой без делⰰ нⰰ берегу реки; рⰰзок-другой онⰰ зⰰглянулⰰ в книжку, которую читⰰлⰰ сестрⰰ, но тⰰм не было ни кⰰртинок, ни рⰰзговоров.
- Что толку в книжке, - подумⰰлⰰ Ⰰлисⰰ, - если в ней нет ни кⰰртинок, ни рⰰзговоров?
🇺🇸 English
Ⰰlice wⰰs beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bⰰnk, ⰰnd of hⰰving nothing to do; once or twice she hⰰd peeped into the book her sister wⰰs reⰰding, but it hⰰd no pictures or conversⰰtions in it, "ⰰnd whⰰt is the use of ⰰ book," thought Ⰰlice, "without pictures or conversⰰtions?"
Additional information on the project and creative decisions can be found in the pinned messages
Day 2: е - ⰵ
🇷🇺 Русский
Онⰰ сидⰵлⰰ и рⰰзмышлялⰰ, нⰵ встⰰть ли ⰵй и нⰵ нⰰрвⰰть ли цвⰵтов для вⰵнкⰰ; мысли ⰵⰵ тⰵкли мⰵдлⰵнно и нⰵсвязно - от жⰰры ⰵⰵ клонило в сон. Конⰵчно, сплⰵсти вⰵнок было бы очⰵнь приятно, но стоит ли рⰰди ⰵтого подымⰰться?
Вдруг мимо пробⰵжⰰл бⰵлый кролик с крⰰсными глⰰзⰰми..
🇺🇸 Ⰵnglish
So shⰵ wⰰs considⰵring in hⰵr own mind (ⰰs wⰵll ⰰs shⰵ could, for thⰵ hot dⰰy mⰰdⰵ hⰵr fⰵⰵl vⰵry slⰵⰵpy), whⰵther thⰵ plⰵⰰsurⰵ of mⰰking ⰰ dⰰisy-chⰰin would bⰵ worth thⰵ troublⰵ of gⰵtting up ⰰnd picking thⰵ dⰰisiⰵs..
Whⰵn suddⰵnly ⰰ whitⰵ rⰰbbit with pink ⰵyⰵs rⰰn closⰵ by hⰵr..
Additional information on the project and creative decisions can be found in the pinned messages
🇷🇺 Русский
Онⰰ сидⰵлⰰ и рⰰзмышлялⰰ, нⰵ встⰰть ли ⰵй и нⰵ нⰰрвⰰть ли цвⰵтов для вⰵнкⰰ; мысли ⰵⰵ тⰵкли мⰵдлⰵнно и нⰵсвязно - от жⰰры ⰵⰵ клонило в сон. Конⰵчно, сплⰵсти вⰵнок было бы очⰵнь приятно, но стоит ли рⰰди ⰵтого подымⰰться?
Вдруг мимо пробⰵжⰰл бⰵлый кролик с крⰰсными глⰰзⰰми..
🇺🇸 Ⰵnglish
So shⰵ wⰰs considⰵring in hⰵr own mind (ⰰs wⰵll ⰰs shⰵ could, for thⰵ hot dⰰy mⰰdⰵ hⰵr fⰵⰵl vⰵry slⰵⰵpy), whⰵther thⰵ plⰵⰰsurⰵ of mⰰking ⰰ dⰰisy-chⰰin would bⰵ worth thⰵ troublⰵ of gⰵtting up ⰰnd picking thⰵ dⰰisiⰵs..
Whⰵn suddⰵnly ⰰ whitⰵ rⰰbbit with pink ⰵyⰵs rⰰn closⰵ by hⰵr..
Additional information on the project and creative decisions can be found in the pinned messages