Forwarded from Science News
A new study, which is the largest of its kind, has found that misogyny not only perpetuates gender inequality but is also linked to a range of negative outcomes, including reduced economic productivity, anti-democratic views, increased violence, and lower healthy lifespan for both genders.
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#MisogynyMatters #GenderEquality #EndViolence #EconomicImpact #HealthyLifespan
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#MisogynyMatters #GenderEquality #EndViolence #EconomicImpact #HealthyLifespan
SAGE Journals
Worse for Women, Bad for All: A 62-Nation Study Confirms and Extends Ambivalent Sexism Principles to Reveal Greater Social Dysfunction…
We retested core ambivalent sexism theory tenets and explored novel correlations with national outcomes in 62 nations. Replicating Glick et al., cross-national ...
Forwarded from Cool Guides
Meta, TikTok, Google: Schweizer Experten empfehlen, Techkonzerne an die Leine zu legen!158606942
Die Eidgenössische Medienkommission will Plattformen stärker regulieren
Die Experten fordern eine umfassende Strategie zur Steuerung der Marktmacht und Einflussnahme von Plattformen auf die öffentliche Meinungsbildung.
Die ÖVP und das Kapital ermöglichen abermals die Faschisten der FPÖ:
Eklatante Prinzipienlosigkeit und Gier: Liberale und Konservative ermöglichen der rechtsextremen FPÖ den Zugriff aufs Kanzleramt.!DXKBKZMJRBVX
Eklatante Prinzipienlosigkeit und Gier: Liberale und Konservative ermöglichen der rechtsextremen FPÖ den Zugriff aufs Kanzleramt.!DXKBKZMJRBVX
Österreichs Orbanisierung: Die zertrümmerte Brandmauer
Eklatante Prinzipienlosigkeit und Gier: Liberale und Konservative ermöglichen der rechtsextremen FPÖ den Zugriff aufs Kanzleramt.
Forwarded from African Stream
On this day (14 January) in 1965, Ghana welcomed the Argentine-born revolutionary Che Guevara (1928-67) during his three-month journey across Africa.
Guevara’s mission was to forge connections between the liberation movements of Africa and those in Latin America. In Ghana, he met Pan-Africanist leader Kwame Nkrumah (1909-72), who, at the time, held the dual roles of president and prime minister. Together, they toured development initiatives, including the Volta Dam, which can power 207,600 homes, and the 19-kilometre Accra-Tema highway.
This visit helped establish Cuba’s commitment to internationalism. The Caribbean island has provided vital personnel, resources and logistical aid to support Africa’s fight against imperialism. Guevara’s impact inspired countless Cuban medical professionals who have dedicated themselves to enhancing health programmes across the continent.
On this day (14 January) in 1965, Ghana welcomed the Argentine-born revolutionary Che Guevara (1928-67) during his three-month journey across Africa.
Guevara’s mission was to forge connections between the liberation movements of Africa and those in Latin America. In Ghana, he met Pan-Africanist leader Kwame Nkrumah (1909-72), who, at the time, held the dual roles of president and prime minister. Together, they toured development initiatives, including the Volta Dam, which can power 207,600 homes, and the 19-kilometre Accra-Tema highway.
This visit helped establish Cuba’s commitment to internationalism. The Caribbean island has provided vital personnel, resources and logistical aid to support Africa’s fight against imperialism. Guevara’s impact inspired countless Cuban medical professionals who have dedicated themselves to enhancing health programmes across the continent.
Welche Partei würdest du bei den kommenden Bundestagswahlen in Deutschland wählen? What party would you vote for in the coming German elections?
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BSW/Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht
Forwarded from African Stream
Mali has seized 3 tonnes of gold from the Loulo-Gounkoto mines, owned by Canadian company Barrick Gold, amidst a legal dispute over revenue owed to the state. A recent court ruling stated that Barrick needs to pay Mali $5.5 billion - far exceeding earlier estimates.
In December 2024, Mali issued an arrest warrant for Barrick CEO Mark Bristow on charges of money laundering and financial violations.
In December 2024, Mali issued an arrest warrant for Barrick CEO Mark Bristow on charges of money laundering and financial violations.