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“It could even be possible that whatever gives value to those good and honorable things has an incriminating link, bond, or tie to the very things that look like their evil opposites; perhaps they are even essentially the same. Perhaps!”
— Nietzsche
Forwarded from Lance's Legion
"Spartan law demanded that the young men stand naked in public for inspection every ten days.
They were commended if their bodies were solid, strong, and well honed by exercise. But if any were soft or had gained fat through sluggishness, they were beaten."
— Aelian, History
Forwarded from Blocco Studentesco Roma
🩸🔗 Combattere è un destino

▶️ CasaPound
Forwarded from Wandering SpΛrtan
Unless one rises above fear and suffering one cannot attain what is called the 'higher self' and live the life one was meant to live.

Suffering is a human condition experienced by those lost in worldly duality. Opening one's spiritual eye means breaking the shackles of fear-based conditioning.

Thus, one comes to rise above 'the world' and sees the 'game' for what it is. Having done so, one becomes 'non-attached' and indifferent to the world circus and tricks and can't help but chuckle at it.
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
"God is day and night. God is winter and summer. God is war and peace. God is fertility and famine. He transforms into many things. Day and night are one. Goodness and badness are one. The beginning and the end of a circle are one."

Yukio Mishima, The Temple of Dawn
Forwarded from EUROPA
Forwarded from Lance's Legion
"One must need to be strong—otherwise one will never become strong."
— Nietzsche
Forwarded from The Golden One

Episode 52. The Cultured Thug is now available on Spotify 🎧

I will henceforth publish the first half of each episode publicly (the full episodes will be available on SubscribeStar and Gumroad as usual).
2025/01/07 20:42:54
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