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Forwarded from Wandering SpΛrtan
"The true man is revealed in difficult times. So when trouble comes, think of yourself as a wrestler whom God, like a trainer, has paired with a tough young buck. For what purpose? To turn you into Olympic-class material. But this is going to take some sweat to accomplish."

― Epictetus 
"The dreadful thing is that beauty is not only terrifying but also mysterious. God and the Devil are fighting there, and their battlefield is the heart of man. But a man’s heart wants to speak only of its own ache."
Mishima, Confessions of a Mask
If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you, then you become something else entirely.
Forwarded from A Knight’s Path
“Beauty awakens the soul to act”

- Dante Alighieri
Forwarded from A Knight’s Path
“The knightly-aristocratic value-judgements presuppose a powerful physicality, a rich, burgeoning, even overflowing health, as well as those things which help to preserve it — war, adventure, hunting, dancing, competitive games and everything which involves strong, free, high-spirited activity.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche
Forwarded from The Golden One
🇩🇪 My condolences to Germany (terror attack in Magdeburg).

I have said everything before:

Good men must get into positions of power; otherwise nothing will change, innocent Europeans will continue to be massacred.

The solution: Remigration. Anyone who is not supportive of this position is complicit in the horrors of the multicultural hell-project.
"Endure, and fight for better days."
Virgil, Aeneid
“In every one of us there are two ruling and directing principles, whose guidance we follow wherever they may lead; the one being an innate desire of pleasure; the other, an acquired judgment which aspires after excellence.”
— Socrates
Forwarded from Lance's Legion
Those who dare to fail miserably will achieve the highest peaks of greatness.
"A samurai is a total human being, whereas a man who is completely absorbed in his technical skill has degenerated into a ‘function’, one cog in a machine."
— Mishima
2025/03/07 02:36:03
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