“No vote for #NATO vassals”
In order to draw attention to the events taking place before the elections, the association Kulturtreff, which operates in #Germany, held two press statements in #Berlin and #Frankfurt. The statements, organized with the slogan “No vote for the NATO vassals” on Sunday, February 16, 2025, at 11:30, were made on behalf of Kulturtreff by #DenizYıldırım in Berlin and #EylemDemirel in Frankfurt.
In order to draw attention to the events taking place before the elections, the association Kulturtreff, which operates in #Germany, held two press statements in #Berlin and #Frankfurt. The statements, organized with the slogan “No vote for the NATO vassals” on Sunday, February 16, 2025, at 11:30, were made on behalf of Kulturtreff by #DenizYıldırım in Berlin and #EylemDemirel in Frankfurt.
United World International
“No vote for NATO vassals”
The Middle East and playing with “Big Guys”
Repercussions of #US President #Trump's statement on #Gaza.
By #MohamedSabreen, #Cairo / #Egypt
Repercussions of #US President #Trump's statement on #Gaza.
By #MohamedSabreen, #Cairo / #Egypt
United World International
The Middle East and playing with “Big Guys”
Why Trump’s “#Gaza plan” is closely related to Türkiye?
We interviewed #ÖzgürAltınbaş, the Foreign News Chief of Aydınlık newspaper of #Türkiye, regarding #Trump’s Eastern Mediterranean policy, its impact on Türkiye, and the current situation in #Ukraine. Altınbaş has been closely monitoring these regions by visiting them firsthand.
We interviewed #ÖzgürAltınbaş, the Foreign News Chief of Aydınlık newspaper of #Türkiye, regarding #Trump’s Eastern Mediterranean policy, its impact on Türkiye, and the current situation in #Ukraine. Altınbaş has been closely monitoring these regions by visiting them firsthand.
United World International
Why Trump’s “Gaza plan” is closely related to Türkiye?
Perché Trump ha deciso di smantellare USAID
La nuova amministrazione Trump ha smantellato l'Agenzia statunitense per lo sviluppo internazionale (USAID). Secondo il Congressional Research Service, l'USAID aveva più di 10.000 dipendenti in tutto il mondo. Due terzi di essi operavano al di fuori degli…
Nationalism as the decisive factor in the #German elections
📌 Atlanticists want war with #Russia, AfD calls for peace
📌 Foreign minister targets #Türkiye
📌 Weidel: We can’t be slave to the #US
By #AliMercan
📌 Atlanticists want war with #Russia, AfD calls for peace
📌 Foreign minister targets #Türkiye
📌 Weidel: We can’t be slave to the #US
By #AliMercan
United World International
Nationalism as the decisive factor in the German elections
Sovereignty and workers of Switzerland: The outcome of the bilateral agreement with the #EU
#TolgaDişçi from “Aydınlık Europe”, the supplement of “Aydınlık” newspaper of #Türkiye, conducted an interview with #AlbertoTogni from the Political Bureau of Communist Party of #Switzerland.
#TolgaDişçi from “Aydınlık Europe”, the supplement of “Aydınlık” newspaper of #Türkiye, conducted an interview with #AlbertoTogni from the Political Bureau of Communist Party of #Switzerland.
United World International
Sovereignty and workers of Switzerland: The outcome of the bilateral agreement with the EU
Demonstrationen mit Forderungen nach Beendigung des Krieges in der #Ukraine und Frieden mit Russland in #Deutschland
freie deutsche Presse
Demonstrationen mit Forderungen nach Beendigung des Krieges in der Ukraine und Frieden mit Russland in Deutschland
Im Hinblick auf die bevorstehenden Wahlen zum Deutschen Bundestag kündigen Parteien und Bewegungen ihre politischen Programme auf den Plätzen deutscher Städte an.Um auf die Ereignisse in der Ukrain…
Manifestations en #Allemagne : arrêt de la guerre en #Ukraine et paix avec la #Russie
Résistance Républicaine
Manifestations en Allemagne : arrêt de la guerre en Ukraine et paix avec la Russie
L’Allemagne traverse actuellement une période de turbulences politiques sans précédent. Après des années de gouvernance de la coalition Ampel dite « progressiste » entre le SPD, les Verts et le FDP, le pays semble au [...]
Will #Trump’s ‘peace through strength’ strategy that has worked in the West succeed in the #MiddleEast?
Bu #AdemKılıç, Political Scientist/Author
https://unitedworldint.com/36342-will-trumps-peace-through-strength-strategy-that-has-worked-in-the-west-succeed-in-the-middle-east/ #US
Bu #AdemKılıç, Political Scientist/Author
https://unitedworldint.com/36342-will-trumps-peace-through-strength-strategy-that-has-worked-in-the-west-succeed-in-the-middle-east/ #US
United World International
Will Trump’s ‘peace through strength’ strategy that has worked in the West succeed in the Middle East?
Il Messico contro Trump: tiepido o intelligente?
Recentemente, i riflettori sono stati puntati sul Messico per due motivi: per la prima volta ha un presidente donna; e questo presidente, Claudia Sheinbaum, deve affrontare la sfida di trattare con un presidente statunitense Donald Trump “ricaricato”, come…
Демонстрације у Немачкој: Прекид рата у Украјини и мир са Русијом
Демонстрације у Немачкој: Прекид рата у Украјини и мир са Русијом
Како се приближавају избори за Савезни парламент Немачке, странке и покрети на трговима немачких градова објављују своје политичке програме. Удружење
#Ukrainian MP #MaksimNevenchanyaniy: The West has lost and will put the blame on #Zelensky
By #ÖzgürAltınbaş
https://unitedworldint.com/36344-ukrainian-mp-maksim-nevenchanyaniy-the-west-has-lost-and-will-put-the-blame-on-zelensky/ #Ukraine #Russia
By #ÖzgürAltınbaş
https://unitedworldint.com/36344-ukrainian-mp-maksim-nevenchanyaniy-the-west-has-lost-and-will-put-the-blame-on-zelensky/ #Ukraine #Russia
United World International
Ukrainian MP Maksim Nevenchanyaniy: The West has lost and will put the blame on Zelensky
Activities Conducted Using USAID Funds Must Be Prevented
How the organization meddled into Turkish politics and what can be done to prevent it.
By #SerdarÜsküplü
https://unitedworldint.com/36348-activities-conducted-using-usaid-funds-must-be-prevented/ #Türkiye
How the organization meddled into Turkish politics and what can be done to prevent it.
By #SerdarÜsküplü
https://unitedworldint.com/36348-activities-conducted-using-usaid-funds-must-be-prevented/ #Türkiye
United World International
Activities Conducted Using USAID Funds Must Be Prevented
A meeting between #Trump and #Putin is approaching. However, #Europe, which has played a leading role alongside the #US in the #Ukraine war, is completely excluded from the process. UWI author, historian and political scientist Associate Professor #MehmetPerinçek evaluated the current situation reveals about #Zelensky and Europe.
United World International
Trump versus Europe?
#Türkiye in the Crosshairs
#US Support for #Israel Undermines #Ankara’s Regional Ambitions
By #CerenCeviz
#US Support for #Israel Undermines #Ankara’s Regional Ambitions
By #CerenCeviz
United World International
Türkiye in the Crosshairs
What will change in #Europe and the #MiddleEast with #Trump?
UWI author and political scientist #OnurSinanGüzaltan answered our questions regarding the rapidly evolving developments.
UWI author and political scientist #OnurSinanGüzaltan answered our questions regarding the rapidly evolving developments.
United World International
What will change in Europe and the Middle East with Trump?
The split within the opposition in #Türkiye and #Erdoğan’s interest
📌 #İmamoğlu or #Yavaş?
📌 Who will the West support?
By #KamranGasanov
📌 #İmamoğlu or #Yavaş?
📌 Who will the West support?
By #KamranGasanov
United World International
The split within the opposition in Türkiye and Erdoğan’s interest
Latin American perspective to #Trump’s arrival to the White House
First steps of the Trump Administration in the Latin American continent and a view from #Mexico, #Brazil, and #Argentina.
By Dr. #FernandoEsteche / #OscarRotundo / #TadeoCatiglione
First steps of the Trump Administration in the Latin American continent and a view from #Mexico, #Brazil, and #Argentina.
By Dr. #FernandoEsteche / #OscarRotundo / #TadeoCatiglione
United World International
Latin American perspective to Trump’s arrival to the White House
Considering #Türkiye’s historical relations with South #Africa and their diplomatic engagement at the G20 Summit
With a focus on #Turkish Foreign Minister #Fidan’s recent visit to #SouthAfrica.
By #HalimGençoğlu
With a focus on #Turkish Foreign Minister #Fidan’s recent visit to #SouthAfrica.
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Considering Türkiye’s historical relations with South Africa and their diplomatic engagement at the G20 Summit