Съездили забрали деточек. Три часа по дороге туда пересказывала мужу трилогию Лю Цысиня. Очень устала, но довольна. Я договорила! Сам виноват: я не хотела ехать, а он сказал что одному скучно. ну и вот.
Съездили забрали деточек. Три часа по дороге туда пересказывала мужу трилогию Лю Цысиня. Очень устала, но довольна. Я договорила! Сам виноват: я не хотела ехать, а он сказал что одному скучно. ну и вот.
Under the Sebi Act, the regulator has the power to carry out search and seizure of books, registers, documents including electronics and digital devices from any person associated with the securities market. "We as Ukrainians believe that the truth is on our side, whether it's truth that you're proclaiming about the war and everything else, why would you want to hide it?," he said. Ukrainian forces have since put up a strong resistance to the Russian troops amid the war that has left hundreds of Ukrainian civilians, including children, dead, according to the United Nations. Ukrainian and international officials have accused Russia of targeting civilian populations with shelling and bombardments. Lastly, the web previews of t.me links have been given a new look, adding chat backgrounds and design elements from the fully-features Telegram Web client.
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