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Forwarded from WILL2RISE-SHOP

All short-sleeve T-shirts are just $20 each through the end of the year! Sale ends by Jan 1.

After a seven year legal battle, over 700 days in custody between 4 different countries, Robert Rundo is finally a free man. However this comes with very harsh restrictions. Despite everything he has been through, Rob remains resilient, optimistic, and eager to get on with his life and excited for the future.

A sincere thank you to everyone who has written a letter, purchased a solidarity shirt, posted a sticker, and supported Rob during this lengthy struggle. The warrior spirit is alive and well.

"Pain is Temporary, Glory is Forever!" ~R.Rundo
Forwarded from Active Club Dietsland
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Forwarded from ACTIVE CLUB BOGOTÁ D. C (W2R Bogotá)
Creating a tribe requires the optimal union between its members, in the midst of their ritual of transcendence to a common good, to the mysticism of perpetuating traditions among them, in sustaining a permanent good and an indivisible and fair support, achieving in their support a level of indisputable and sacred superiority
Form a tribe, highlight its customs and traditions; make it strong enough in body and spirit for its total growth
We are not just another group
Get active

Crear una tribu exige la unión óptima entre sus integrantes, en medio de su ritual de trascendencia a un bien común, a la mística de perpetuar tradiciones entre ella, en sostener un bien permanente y un apoyo indivisible y justo, logrando en su apoyo un nivel de superioridad indiscutible y sagrada
Forma una tribu, resalta sus costumbres y tradiciones; hazla lo suficientemente fuerte en cuerpo y espíritu para su crecimiento total
No somos un grupo más
Get active
Forwarded from Great Plains Active Club
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2024 Recap of the Club's main videos

All of this was and continues to be possible through the dedication of our men from the inception of the Club.

- GPAC State Clubs Announcement
- Iowa
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Minnesota

- GPAC Thanksgiving
- End of WBS
- AC's Law and Order Vid
- Anniversary Video

We aren't going anywhere, join us for this coming year.

Who We Are / Join one of Our Clubs
Am Wochenende haben wir die letzte Wandertour für dieses Jahr gestartet und wurden mit schönstem Wetter belohnt.

Unsere Ziele waren das Hermannsdenkmal und die Externsteine.

Forwarded from Active Club Finland
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Aktiivinen 2024! 😯

Active Club Finlandin tarkoitus ja päämäärä on ajaa kulttuurillista muutosta etenkin suomalaisiin nuoriin. Viime vuoden aikana olemme olleet mukana lukuisissa kansallismielisissä kamppailutapahtumissa, kansallisradikaalin musiikin festivaaleilla, perinteisessä katuaktivismissa, sekä myös mielenilmaisuissa, tuoden uutta verta kaikille kansallismielisen toiminnan eri osa-alueille.

Tämä vuosi on ollut meille varsin positiivinen. Lukuisat media-artikkelit, journalistien virkavallalta ruinatut väsyneet kommentit Active Clubin toiminnasta, jotka väkisin kyhättyjen nolla-artikkelien muodossa tuodaan kansan silmien eteen unohtamatta kauhistella äärioikeiston uhkaa, radikalisointia sekä "mahdollisuutta väkivaltaisuuksiin". Ilmeisesti edellä mainitut teemat ovat suomalaisen nuorison mielestä tarpeen, sillä jokaisen artikkelin jälkeen yhteydenottoboksimme täyttyy viesteistä saatesanoilla "luin teistä artikkelin ja kiinnostuin toiminnasta".

Siinä missä meitä kuvaillaan mediassa terveisiin elämäntapoihin, fyysiseen kehitykseen sekä veljeyteen perustuvaksi kollektiiviksi, on vastustajiamme kuvailtu tänäkin vuonna rikosnimikkeillä liittyen muun muassa henkirikoksiin, lapsiin sekaantumisiin sekä päihteiden käyttöön. Tämä kontrasti näkyy kaikille, ja on ruumiillistuma meidän ja vihollistemme välisistä ideologisista eroista. Me palvelemme elämää, he palvovat kuolemaa.

On kuitenkin tärkeää tiedostaa se, että maamme tämänhetkinen tila ei johdu antifasistien ja muiden narkkarikommunistien olemassaolosta, vaan heidän olemassaolo johtuu maamme tilasta. Kansamme, kuten muutkin Euroopan kansat, sairastaa uusliberaalia syöpää, joka saastuttaa heikompimieliset nuoret vihaamaan itseään sekä omaa verenperimäänsä.

Haluamme tänä uudenvuodenaattona osoittaa kunnioitusta jokaista Suomen nuorta kohtaan, joka on ottanut askeleen poliittisen sotilaan polulla ja lähtenyt mukaan Active Clubin toimintaan omassa paikallisklubissaan. Jos et ole näin vielä tehnyt, haastamme sinut tekemään seuraavan uudenvuoden lupauksen: "Lupaan, että tulevana vuonna lakkaan olemasta passiivinen sivustakatsoja, ja osallistun reaalimaailman kansallismieliseen toimintaan kotimaan ja kansan puolesta, jotta vuoden 2025 lopulla olemme taas askeleen lähempänä voittoa!"

Hyvää uutta vuotta! 🇫🇮
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Ein erfolgreiches Jahr verabschiedet sich und der ActiveClub Westerzgebirge wünscht euch allen einen angenehmen Jahreswechsel. Bleibt stabil. 💪🏻

Musik: #NoFaceNate - Thought Criminal

Forwarded from Pennsylvania AC
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💥Happy and Healthy New Year from Pennsylvania Active Club! As we head into the new year with a positive mindset and more goals to achieve, we reflect back on the past year.

💥2024 was a year of success and growth for all active clubs. We've seen active clubs gain public attention from being the focal point of a Law and Order episode and dozens of articles tried to make the 3.0 lifestyle look like a bad thing and failed. More and more White men are getting together, forming their own clubs, and building each other up.

💥For PAxAC we've grown a lot in the past year. In the spring, members traveled to Europe for the first time and met with some of the best people from Club 451 and Légió Hungária. During the summer, we attended Frontier in Southern California forging new bonds and connections. We've expanded into Pittsburgh and have some really dedicated and loyal guys there.

💥And with every year, we will continue to remember and honor our heroes, martyrs, and political prisoners. Without them we wouldn't be where we are today.
And most importantly from 2024 - Rundo is Free!

Athletics, Activism, Identity

#PMA #BeActive #OldIdeals #NewYear #PAxAC

☺️ @PAxActiveClub
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Forwarded from Lacagoule85
Happy New Year to all white brothers, let's wish the worst for the traitors ✋🏻🏴‍☠️
Forwarded from WB Stockholm
Gott nytt år önskar WB!
Forwarded from Lone Star Active Club
⚔️🥂 Midnight Mass 2025 🥂⚔️

2.5 hours of relentless rolls and boxing rounds until the clock struck midnight- followed by a champagne toast and celebration

Ringing in the New Year with brotherhood, sweat, power and combat.

Whole spectrum of skill levels from brand new guys who put on a gi for the first time last night, to black belts.
'While others are laying down wasted, we lay waste.'

How does this compare to how you spent your NYE? Are you a Nationalist that would like a bunch of cool friends to do rad stuff with?
Reach out. Train with us.
Forwarded from SoCal Active Club
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2024 was a very productive year for the Active Clubs & the 3.0 scene all together. Through all the peaks and valleys I find gratitude and wouldn't forfeit this lifestyle for all the material wealth in the world!
Jan ‘24 - SAC planted their flag and took that next step by securing our own private gym, a symbol of the success we can all accomplish should we be disciplined and stay the course.
February '24 - Rundos day off, though his freedom was short lived it was empowering to see him in great health, spirit and completely unbroken.
March '24 - Patriot Front hosted the epic “American Muscle” combat sporting event in Texas.
3 members of SAC were blessed with the gift of coming children.
April '24 - Members of SAC worked with Patriot Front in a flawless demonstration, just feet away from our southern border in an effort to bring awareness to the border crisis.
July '24 - Patriot Front successfully held their annual Independence Day march in Nashville, Tennessee.
August '24 - SoCal Active club hosted W2R 4, “Frontier '24” for the 3rd year in a row, a massive success! Not only for SAC, but the 3.0 agenda as a whole!
September '24 - Members of SAC traveled to Europe to network, train & build comradery with our brothers across the pond. They helped M2R document nationalist events and give us some insight into their way of life.
👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻 ✊🏻🇺🇲🥁
October '24 - SoCal Active club was blessed with 3 healthy, perfect babies. We grew by 3, but the greater network in SoCal was blessed with 6 babies throughout 2024.
Patriot Front held a tremendous and impressive march in Denver Colorado, with numbers and organization unmatched by any!
November '24 - Our boys who traveled to Europe finished their Euro trip by marching in the Polish Independence Day March. They marched in solidarity, gained a truly unique and powerful experience while also representing our club, very proud!✊🏻
In the states, SAC, along with other local folk hosted a beautiful evening and a feast for Friendsgiving. Heartwarming family friendly fun, including a bounce house and playground for the children, excellent food and company, with a whopping 60 people in attendance.

Patriot Front hosted many Friendsgiving (Frontsgiving) events across the country and provided our good people with the community and love they deserve, during the somewhat fractured holiday of Thanksgiving! From coast to coast our people had a place to celebrate with their like-minded folk and family thanks to Patriot Fronts dedication to carry on American tradition.
🆓 🕊️🕊️✌🏻
December 24' - To top off an already positive and productive year, Robert Rundo was FINALLY released from the tyrannical system, despite their bitter efforts to take even more of his life from him, he’s finally free and still unbroken. He’s looking and feeling great, healthy & still has a hell of a right hook. (Maybe a little pale 😁)
But overall, I’d say he's stronger and wiser than ever before. His freedom is a testimate that the system can't break you if you simply refuse to let them. Much respect to him and his undying dedication and resolve! I hope his story and sacrifice is a lesson but more-so an encouraging tale that you don't have to back down! This encourages all nationalists that the system doesn't have to defeat you, do not be intimidated by their desperate efforts. Stand strong and we will stand with you and get through it as a community. All we have is each other so we need to be willing to love and support our people through these injustices. Going forward, hopefully we all understand that and try harder to genuinely and full heartedly support each other when the system tries to destroy ONE, they are doing so to hurt and intimidate all of us.
What a year. Gratitude is what I'm walking away with, hopefully we all are.
I'm tremendously proud to be a part of this, not for glory but because it's our duty as men to give all of ourselves in this effort!
United we stand, divided we fall!
Hail Victory!
Erste Sporteinheit für dieses Jahr.

Bis ans Limit👌🏻

Forwarded from ACTIVE CLUB BOGOTÁ D. C (W2R Bogotá)
Important events are coming!
This year is made for decision, action and the execution of many purposes
Be very attentive
Get active

Se vienen eventos importantes!
Este año está hecho para la decisión, la acción y la ejecución de muchos propósitos
Estar muy atentos
Get active
2025/01/06 10:57:06
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