👋🏻 Today let's break down the differences between "later," "latter" and "letter," which are common sources of confusion.
🔹 LATER refers to time after a certain point
I’ll call you later.
Я позвоню тебе позже.
🔹 LATTER refers to the second of two things that have been mentioned
I’ve got a moped and a bicycle, I ride the latter more often.
У меня есть мопед и велосипед, я чаще езжу на последнем (= велосипеде).
🔹 LETTER refers to a written message or a symbol in an alphabet
I got a letter yesterday.
Я получил письмо вчера.
I don’t understand the letters on the board.
Я не понимаю буквы на доске.
Get ten 🔥 for the quiz about later/latter/letter
🔹 LATER refers to time after a certain point
I’ll call you later.
Я позвоню тебе позже.
🔹 LATTER refers to the second of two things that have been mentioned
I’ve got a moped and a bicycle, I ride the latter more often.
У меня есть мопед и велосипед, я чаще езжу на последнем (= велосипеде).
🔹 LETTER refers to a written message or a symbol in an alphabet
I got a letter yesterday.
Я получил письмо вчера.
I don’t understand the letters on the board.
Я не понимаю буквы на доске.
Get ten 🔥 for the quiz about later/latter/letter
Do you know that the news is a fantastic source of useful up-to-date vocabulary?
Definitely, yes 😊
Remember two new phrases👇🏻
💡TELL smth FROM smth – отличить одно от другого
She cannot tell a spanner from a screwdriver.
Она не может отличить гаечный ключ от отвертки.
💡SPELL THE END – привести к концу
It may spell the end of a country of DIY lovers.
Это может положить конец эпохе любителей делать всё своими руками.
Carry on learning new vocab with me in 😎 #charge_your_vocabulary
Definitely, yes 😊
Remember two new phrases👇🏻
💡TELL smth FROM smth – отличить одно от другого
She cannot tell a spanner from a screwdriver.
💡SPELL THE END – привести к концу
It may spell the end of a country of DIY lovers.
Carry on learning new vocab with me in 😎 #charge_your_vocabulary
She offered me a promotion or a raise, and I chose the ______ option.
Anonymous Quiz
I’ve got a golden ticket🥳!!!
If you have seen “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”🍫 by Tim Burton with Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka, you understand that it’s a lucky chance, one in a million.
On 10th January I should have gone on a guided tour to the most magical and delicious factory in the world. But it’s completely imaginary,as this was my daughter, who had made such an amazing ticket 😊 Unfortunately, she hasn’t got a chocolate factory yet 😋. However, I have got some cool idioms about LUCK for you.
Read on 👇🏻
If you have seen “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”🍫 by Tim Burton with Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka, you understand that it’s a lucky chance, one in a million.
On 10th January I should have gone on a guided tour to the most magical and delicious factory in the world. But it’s completely imaginary,
Read on 👇🏻
🍀 one in a million – один на миллион
🍀 get a lucky break – испытать удачу
🍀 happy-go-lucky – жизнерадостный
🍀 thank one's lucky stars – благодарить судьбу
🍀 trust to luck – полагаться на удачу, на "авось"
🍀 out of luck — не повезло
🍀 be down on one’s luck – быть в трудной ситуации
🍀 get a lucky break – испытать удачу
🍀 happy-go-lucky – жизнерадостный
🍀 thank one's lucky stars – благодарить судьбу
🍀 trust to luck – полагаться на удачу, на "авось"
🍀 out of luck — не повезло
🍀 be down on one’s luck – быть в трудной ситуации
Trying to be on the same wavelength with my students 🤓, I’m certainly aware of their desire to enlarge vocabulary, especially with idioms and collocations. Here’s a set of commonly used expressions with “WAVE”
🌊 be on the same wavelength – быть на одной волне
🌊 make waves – «гнать волну», создавать суматоху/неприятности
🌊 on the crest of a wave – на вершине славы
🌊 wave goodbye to smb/smth – распрощаться с кем-либо/чем-либо
🌊wave away/aside – не принять какое-либо предложение
🌊 ride the wave – быть успешным
🌊 a heat wave – жара
🌊 a crime wave – взлет уровня преступности
🌊 be on the same wavelength – быть на одной волне
🌊 make waves – «гнать волну», создавать суматоху/неприятности
🌊 on the crest of a wave – на вершине славы
🌊 wave goodbye to smb/smth – распрощаться с кем-либо/чем-либо
🌊wave away/aside – не принять какое-либо предложение
🌊 ride the wave – быть успешным
🌊 a heat wave – жара
🌊 a crime wave – взлет уровня преступности
Eager to do a WAVE quiz today?
Anonymous Poll
🌊 Yep! Ready to ride the wave))
🌊 Nope, relaxing tonight.
🌊 What does “eager” mean?
🌊 The company managed to _____ of social media marketing to boost their brand recognition.
Anonymous Quiz
wave away
ride the wave
be on the same wave
🌊 A ______ makes it unbearable to be outside.
Anonymous Quiz
same wavelength
crest of the wave
heat wave
🌊 After working there for ten years, she finally had to ______ to her old job.
Anonymous Quiz
make waves
wave goodbye
ride the wave
🌊 The local police have been working hard to reduce ______ that has hit the neighborhood recently.
Anonymous Quiz
a heat wave
a wavelength
a crime wave
🌊 The band was ______ after their latest album went platinum.
Anonymous Quiz
on the same wavelength
on a heat wave
on the crest of a wave