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Forwarded from Christians Posting Coal
Y'know that talmud passage that everyone quotes about Jesus boiling in semen and poop?

They actually get that passage wrong.

In the passage, Jesus is actually elevated above the gentiles (specifically Balaam) even though they consider him a sinner - all because he's Jewish.

Technically, it's only Balaam who's boiling in semen.

Jesus gets the less dishonorable punishment (poop), because he "Sought the Jew's well-being"

Still a gross polemic. But even when mocking him, Jews elevate Jesus above the goyim.

Should tell you what they think of us. 🤔
Forwarded from JesusMindControl
Both Mainstream and Revisionist Historians agree that National Socialists were Anti-Christian
Forwarded from Nathan Damigo
You can't be truly anti-Semitic without being anti-Christ.
Forwarded from Christians Posting Coal
Catholic church installs AI Jesus for confessions.

I guess when talking to yourself isn't convincing enough, having a computer LARP as your imaginary friend is the next best thing.
Yahweh has an offer
Forwarded from Noticer News
Conservative activist Charlie Kirk sparked a furious backlash after saying America would still be America if it was 90% Indian, as long as they were Christians, during a campus debate.

Follow: @NoticerNews
Forwarded from Paganism Explored
Christians on suicide watch
Don't they hate christianity? Isn't it what christians say?
Forwarded from Folkish Awakening
What is significant in our history is the role that the new christian doctrine assigned to women.

Apart from their mistreatment and the thousands of witches burned, popular belief and folk customs suffered a severe shock from the new doctrine, which is the purpose of this article.

If, for example, in popular superstitions that can still be found today, a woman in childbirth is equated with a "witch who brings evil," this does not reflect the Germanic view of the sanctity of women and life...

But rather, the doctrine in the third book of Moses, according to which a woman in childbirth is unclean and must make a sacrifice for sin.

We counter the christian churches claims that deconfessionalization of its customs can not be demanded with the knowledge that every single marriage is of the utmost importance for the future of our entire Volk.

The church has no hesitation in elevating a marriage between a German catholic and a jew baptized as a catholic to the status of a holy sacrament, while it calls a "mixed marriage" between a German catholic and a German protestant an immoral relationship.

One should not think that the church's measures to bring people into line are a thing of the past.

No, they are happening every day.

We young people have one burning desire...

To pass on the heritage of our ancestors in a pure and unadulterated way...

And we also bear the responsibility for making amends for the sins of past centuries.

There must be a clearing up of the names of our festivals so that Fastnacht becomes Fasenacht again, Walpurgis Day becomes Wallburg Festival, St. John's Day becomes the summer solstice, and St. Michael's Day becomes the day of the Michelthing.

And the christmas tree, especially the christmas tree for everyone in the public squares of our towns, no longer needs to be called a christmas tree.

One may be happy to leave the faithful their own calendar with their church saints...

But it is not acceptable to continue to call public markets and folk festivals that include the entire population, which have absolutely nothing to do with the church, "St. Martin's Market" or "Simon's Market" or something similar in the coming decades.

Deep down, people today practice their old customs for exactly the same ideological reasons as they did thousands of years ago.

Today, we are in the midst of a gratifying clarification, revitalization and redesign, and even re-creation of ethnic customs.

When we come together on the nation's greatest festivals, such as National Labor Day or German Farmers' Day, we celebrate as a single, united people of a hundred million, and we draw the customs of these celebrations from the customs of our ancestors, passed down through our blood for thousands of years, and we know neither class nor denominational customs.

Today, we young people shape our community life with our own strength and moved by the values of our blood.

We organize our festivals with the same strength that inevitably finds expression in customs that our Germanic ancestors called their own.

The day will come when, according to the will of the Führer, we must carry the powers of the state in our hands.

All our actions and thoughts today must be to become strong enough to be able to bear this responsibility.

Ideological clarity is the first precondition for this.

Our customs as the best expression of our world view must be pure and clear and must bear the appropriate features.

It should serve and belong to the whole people, and for this purpose, it must be taken away from those who shamefully abuse it for their own supranational goals.

We are happy to allow the different denominations and churches to keep what belongs to them.

But what is of our blood shall again become the property of our entire people without any adulteration.

~Hasso Volker~

Wille und Macht.
Jahrgang 3, Heft 18. Pg 20.
Official NSDAP Publication 1935.
(Compulsory Hitler youth periodical)
2025/03/07 03:11:36
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