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There are different schools of thought when it comes to the intrigal parts of one's being in Germanic Faith.
Some say there are three, while others say there are nine. From my research, I have been able to discern twelve.
Ọnd: akin to breath/ vitality, one could also say potential or spirit.
Óð: these would be your senses of perception.
Lá: heat from within that keeps you alive.
Lito Góða: goodly-hue or healthy skin color.
Lík: the physical body which remains after death.
Hugr/Minni: thoughts & memories.
Hamr: akin to one's form, shape or blueprints that don't change such as sex, birthmarks etc.
Fylgja: commonly thought of as an animal-spirit of one's self/ family & is typically a guardian of sorts.
Hammingja: this is one's luck which is always present & can be built up or degraded through honor or lack thereof.
Læti: this is often translated as motive force or the actualizing of potential.
Họfðo: this is blood, but also one's genetics which ties to the ancestors & descendants.
Örlög: one's fate.
BY Folkish Odinism
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