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A good comment that shows how Wahhabis negatively impact the Iman of Muslims around the world.

Imagine, your whole country, all the scholars are Ashari and have been for centuries. Then some Wahabbitard on youtube says Asharis are deviants who promote shirk. What impact does that have?

This is why scholars like Sh Dido and, before him, Ibn Taymiyya, and before him, the Salaf said, do not target the public with these aqida debates.

Those of us who know better, whether we're Salafi, Ashari, Deobandi, have a duty to stamp out this Wahhabi fitna.
Why so much hate for football players?
Wahhabi says the quiet part out loud:

Asharis and Maturidis are more deviant than ISIS and the khawarij. 🤮

Indeed, he implies that Asharis and Maturidis, as the alleged descendents of the Jahmis, are all kafir.

BTW, this fool leaves out the part that the "Salaf" he is referring to also made takfir of Imams Bukhari and Muslim, who were also accused of being Jahmi.
We are currently between Stage 4 and 5.

In the English-speaking Muslim community, I have seen this cycle play out about every 7-10 years. Pay attention to Stage 6. Wahhabism is basically a liberal-Muslim generator.
Wahhabi cat says following Asharism because they are the majority is like Abu Lahab following the majority of mushriks.
Try your best to fast at least some days during this month to observe the Sunnah.
What is their culture based on?
The scholars that Wahhabis follow all had major differences in aqida.

Example: Ibn Taymiyya believed that the Hell-Fire will come to an end and/or it is acceptable to believe this.

I don't cite this to disrespect Ibn Taymiyya, but to point how Wahhabis takfir and tabdi Asharis for far less than this.

In response, ignorant Wahhabis have said, "No no no! Ibn Taymiyya made a mistake! But his usul (methodology) is sound, therefore he is not a deviant for mistakes!"

But of course, Wahhabis just speak without knowledge and make things up as they go along.

Consider what Ibn Taymiyya says in Majmu' Fatawa:

Ibn Taymiyya was asked about saying La Ilaha illAllah 70,000 times and gifting it to the dead.

He responded: “If he does it like this 70,000 times, or more, or less, and gifts it, Allah will benefit them with it. And this has no [basis] in neither authentic nor weak Hadīth."

Wait, so where did Ibn Taymiyya get this ruling? He says it has no basis in hadith, yet it is still acceptable. What usul is this?
So many atheists are closeted antisemites.
This Zionist Jew says he has two possible solutions for Palestinians. Here are two solutions for Israel.

1. De-Talmudification of Israeli society under international supervision. Israelis need to learn that they are not God's chosen people, that Gentile are not cattle, that genociding Gentiles is not acceptable, and that raping prisoners is not a divine right given to Jews.

2. Encouraging the return of Israelis to their historical places of origin, whether Europe or other parts of the Middle East.
Many Muslims complain about the state of the Ummah, but they don't know how to change things.

Worse still, these complainers don't know what it takes to change things.

Any kind of change *requires* conflict. The bigger the change required, the bigger and fiercer the conflict is going to be, simply because the people benefitting from the status quo are not going to easily give that up.

Yet, many of the complainers have another characteristic: they are averse to conflict!

They are averse to conflict, not only in the sense that they don't like to go against the status quo, but also because they don't like others to go against the status quo either. They are not themselves engaged in conflict but merely seeing others engaged in conflict makes them feel uncomfortable and they don't like it. So they urge those engaged in the conflict to just settle, just make amends, just speak in private, etc. They say this to the people who are actually on the front lines trying to change things in ways that they themselves support!

Four or five years ago, I was constantly told by Muslims to just settle things with the Dawah Mafia and their liberal feminist LGBT agenda. Just let it go. It's not a good look. You'll lose your supporters. You can do great work on other topics, etc.

The irony was, these were Muslims who also recognized the damage of liberalism, feminism, and LGBT! But not only did they do nothing to change the situation, they also were deeply uncomfortable with me doing something, because that created conflict and they were uncomfortable with any conflict.

This is a spiritual problem that Allah mentions repeatedly in the Quran.

Quran 9:38-39 - O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that, when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily to the earth?1 Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little. If you do not go forth, He will punish you with a painful punishment and will replace you with another people, and you will not harm Him at all. And Allah is over all things competent.

This is the condition of many: they are heavy, stagnant, clinging to the status quo, even when they recognize that the status quo is bad. They remain complacent and when others try to change something, they feel uncomfortable and prefer things to revert back to a state of quiet.

So, if you do believe that constant sectarianism and bullying from Wahhabis is major problem for the Ummah, especially after you saw their reaction to the Palestine War and how they turned on Muslims and created conflict and infighting, etc., then...

What are you going to do about it?

Do you really want to see change? If yes, then are you prepared for bitter conflict? Or are you a conflict averse, estrogen-filled little girl who wants everyone to sit together and hold hands, i.e., perpetuation of the rotten status quo?

What is so funny to me are those proponents of Khilafa who apparently don't understand that the biggest opponents BY FAR to khilafa within the Ummah are the Wahhabis. As long as Wahhabis can continue to claim that they represent orthodoxy, they are going to wield that against not only khilafa but also any type of pan-Islamic unity. This should be obvious to anyone who isn't sleeping.

Nowadays, many Muslims are glad that there has been a shift and the most problematic aspects of LGBT and feminism don't have the same foothold in the Western Muslim community as much as they did 10 years ago. But these same people who express relief today were whining back then about conflict and adab and "is this wisdom?" and "is this the right tone?" and a million other excuses that were just a facade covering the real truth: they are uncomfortable with conflict and they whine about it like little girls.

Just admit that that's your real problem. If it's not, then don't complain about the status quo. You clearly don't know what is required to change things for the better.
Wahhabis fundamentally misunderstand Islam.

An individual enters into Islam with the shahada.

The shahada has two parts.

The first part affirms tawhid, indicating that there is only one true God.

The second part affirms belief in Muhammad ﷺ as the Messenger of Allah.

These two parts of the shahada are the two most basic components of faith (iman).

However, Wahhabis act as if Islam exclusively centers on tawhid.

For this reason, they literally claim that Muslims with flaws in their tawhid are comparable to, or worse than, pagan mushriks, Christians, and Jews.

To the Wahhabi, all these groups are similar because they all have flaws in tawhid.

But faith in Islam is not simply about tawhid. It is about affirming belief in the Muhammad ﷺ as Allah's Messenger.

Muslims with flawed tawhid are still far better than pagan mushriks, Christians, and Jews.

They still have so much more iman (faith) because of their belief in Muhammad ﷺ.

And this is one reason to be very cautious in matters of takfir. Takfir is only justified when individuals lack iman.

How can Wahhabis say that the Muslim who practices istighatha, and believes in Muhammad ﷺ has a type of iman comparable to (or worse than) the pagan mushrik idol-worshipper who rejects Muhammad ﷺ?

In seeking to make Islam exclusively about tawhid, Wahhabis turn Islam into a type of abstract deism - and no doubt many contemporary Wahhabis are inclined to this, owing to the influence of Enlightenment modernism.

The Wahhabi project to reduce Islam to tawhid, leads them to systematically downgrade and dismiss the importance of belief in the Prophet ﷺ, and the related attribute of love for the Prophet ﷺ. For whoever believes that Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger of Allah will love him for guiding us to salvation. Muhammad ﷺ is the only one who teaches us how to earn the pleasure of Allah and enter paradise and avoid hell.

Let the Wahhabi ponder on the following hadith from Sahih Bukhari.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said "None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind."

The Wahhabi does not understand belief and love of the Prophet ﷺ and for this reason claims that Abu Jahl -- someone who disbelieved and hated the Prophet ﷺ -- is comparable in faith to a Muslim who practices istighatha.

The Wahhabi should be brought to understand that the true Muslim is not an Enlightenment deist. Rather the true Muslim is the one who not only affirms the oneness of Allah, but also believes in the Prophet ﷺ and loves him.
We need khilafa
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Thought-provoking clip

The speaker comments on how Wahhabi doctrine centers on the unjustified takfir and tabdi' of all other Muslims.

In his view, Wahhabi doctrine has become the primary cause of fomenting conflict among Muslims today. It destroys cooperation and unity between Muslims, and thereby weakens them so that they are oppressed by others.
Other obligations from God:

Do not harass women.
Do not oppress women.
Do not rape women.

Yet men CHOOSE to follow or not.

Therefore not harassing, oppressing, and raping women is a CHOICE in Islam. If men are forced to not harass, oppress, and rape women, then it's not really sincere.

Why are are women acting like the haram police when it's between a man and his Creator?

See how stupid that sounds?
2025/02/04 17:24:22
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