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Ветохов С. В., Кормышева Э. Е., Лебедев М. А., Малых С. Е. Гиза. Восточный некрополь V. Гробницы Перинеджу и Неферсефехптаха. М.: ИВ РАН, 2021. - 420 с.
The fifth volume of the series “Giza. Eastern Necropolis” includes publication of the Old Kingdom tombs of Perinedju and Nefersefekhptah. It describes epigraphic, iconographic, and archaeological materials, including undisturbed and partly disturbed original burials. The tombs are located on the eastern edge of the Eastern Field of the Giza Necropolis, in the southern part of the Russian concession. The book presents a broad comparative analysis of epigraphic, iconographic, architectural, archaeological, and bioarchaeological data. Separate excurses are devoted to the themes of human head in the Pyramid Texts and inscriptions with Anubis and Osiris in the non-royal Giza tombs of the second half of Dynasty V – the beginning of Dynasty VI.
ENG VERSION: Giza. Eastern Necropolis V. Tombs of Perinedju and Nefersefekhptah
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