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My final statement regarding Varg and Paganism / Atheism.
After reading a majority of his works and watching his videos, Varg's theories can be summarized like this.
To him, Odin is your Id or "soul" consciousness.
This is just your genetic memory from your ancestors, and together is like a Folk Soul.
The Gods are just metaphors of your ancestors and the rituals and runes and stories of the Gods and depictions and dances and songs are all just ways to revive your ancestral memory and become the Gods. You have kids to pass them on to the next set, and the Gods live on thorough your DNA and are basically just your DNA. The placenta is Yggdrasil, where life is born, thereby Odin your genetic memory and DNA and ancestors go to your children and reincarnate through this tree or placenta.
I actually don't mind some of this because I believed in metagenetics...the issue is these metaphors are should be a way of understanding things that have even deeper meanings and the Gods should also be real both something you can tap into and become as well as their own high spiritual existence that is separate and beyond you.
He doesn't have that, there is no other depth, the Gods don't exist to him at all, runes, rituals, the Gods, symbols, ect, are all just metaphors to make you remember life and death and basically have genetic memory...and Odin isn't real but just the process itself.
There is no theology, Cosmogony, Cosmology, there is no way to become like the Gods or have apotheosis except by having babies. By his writings and expressed views, Heavens, Asgard, Valhalla, and Hell aren't real. They are all just metaphors for your life going on.
This is a humanistic atheist point of view. Acting as if all the Gods are is a natural phenomenon and metaphors is doing exactly what the atheist anthropologist and evolutionary scientists, that even Varg claims to dislike, do.
He will always strawman about how no one really believes in 8 legged horses and goats (which is a trap because of course those are metaphors), and how dumb and Christian like you are for believing the Gods exist on any level and are beings separated from or higher than you in any way. And as soon as you ask how that isn't atheism, he either shuts you down or his horde of fanboys come after you.
This is from my having watched a lot of his videos and owning many of his books (one of which is semi decent to a degree).
I don't mean him any ill will.
He is a good artist and family man.
He had a rough life.
But his views of religion, Paganism, and faith don't match up to anything historical or spiritual.
And many of his views with the Placenta reek of feminism and humanism and to be honest they are very much similar to the works his wife put forth in her thesis and current writings which makes me think he arrived at these conclusions after marrying her as his views of Paganism seemed to have changed over time.
She seems to be a splendid lady and good mother, so I mean her no ill either.
However, don't agree with either of their takes regarding Paganism.
Tbh I explained it here too well and did him too much justice he doesn't even present his work this concisely.
Most of his books are a small amount of pages in large print that say placenta placenta placenta or the Gods are just phenomenon or mental memories of the past locked in your mind and DNA...but don't exist.
Somehow, he and many of his fans will tell you this isn't atheism.
The thing is, I agree with him on these aspects to a degree... but those aspects are just a part of the greatness of the Gods and the cosmos..not the sum of it.
If he changes his mind or decides to produce a book that fully explains how he believes in the sentience and divinity of Odin and the Gods beyond just metaphors, placenta, and DNA, I will cease to calm him an atheist.
This isn't to start any flame wars or insult him or his family.
This is just to address the many comments people make regarding him or recommending his work.
BY Hammer and Vajra

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